

829 Uppsatser om Anxiety symptoms - Sida 6 av 56

Psykosociala problem vid hepatit C

Vissa sjukdomar för konsekvenser med sig utöver den somatiska bördan. Hepatit C är en av dessa. Detta virus påverkar den drabbades liv på ett sätt som står över den patologiska beskrivningen. Varje år anmäls 2000 fall av hepatit C i Sverige. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att få kunskap om omfattningen av psykosociala problem hos hepatit C-smittade.

Symptom patienter upplever efter dagkirurgi till följd av anestesi

Ambulatory surgery is common and develops alongside surgery and anesthetic methods. Time admitted is short and aftercare takes place in the home environment.Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate which symptoms patients experience after ambulatory surgery related to anesthesia. Furthermore how strongly symptoms affect the patient. Symptoms appear as a result of anesthesia and surgery and can therefore be interpreted as nursing induced suffering.Method: Participants were recruited at ambulatory clinics at a Swedish university hospital spring, 2015.  Prior to the study permission was granted from the clinic managers. The study is a quantitative descriptive longitudinal study.  Data collection forms were administered and data collection was performed by phone.

Atopisk dermatit hos hund :

This student report is about canine atopic dermatitis It includes a description of the immunologic mechanisms and how the reaction affects the body. The symptoms are various, most common is pruritus, erythema and alopecia and directly associated with the immunologic reaction. The diagnostic process includes symptoms, physical findings, differential diagnosis, intradermal test and serological test. The options of treatment are several and vary for each patient. The report includes hyposensitization, medical treatment such as corticosteroids, antihistamin and cyclosporine, topical treatment, fatty acid supplements and environmental treatment. The prognosis is individual for each patient due to their different response to the treatment. It may take a while to find the right combination of treatments to achieve satisfactory control of the disease..

Nipahvirus : patologi hos en nyupptäckt zoonos

Nipahvirus is most likely spread from bats to other species and causes lethal encephalitis in humans and respiratory illness in pigs. Different species are affected with varying severity but it seems to have an unprecedented zoonotic capacity and the humans affected either die or receive permanent brain damage. Full recovery is possible but very uncommon. Pigs that live and are bread in the areas that these bats frequent are constantly in danger of contracting pneumonias and meningitis and they can spread the virus further on to the people who work with the pigs and process their carcasses. These workers could then infect other humans in their immediate surroundings, their families for instance.

Kropp och själ bakom stängda dörrar : En kvalitativ studie om fysisk aktivitet hos kvinnor i skyddat boende

AimsThe aim of this study was to conclude whether women living and staff working in a women´s shelter feel experience a need of physical activity in the shelter and also what thoughts women living and staff working in the shelter have regarding possible access to physical activity. Following questions were adressed: Does women living and staff working in the shelter experience that there is a need of physical activity in the shelter? What does women living, and staff working, in the shelter think about the physical activity conducted in the shelter? Why does the women living in the shelter choose to participate in the physical activity? Are there any connections between symptoms which battered women can suffer from and symptoms which scientific studies say can be reduced by physical activity?MethodsThe study is based on five interviews in order to understand and illustrate how women living in a shelter relate to physical activity. The answers from the interviews has been correlated to scientific results and other literature in the area. Literature studies have also derived background information as well as a deeper knowledge regarding in what way violence against women affect the abused woman.ResultsThe results show a need for physical activity at the women?s shelter where this study was conducted.

Musik som omvårdnadsåtgärd i pre-, peri- och postoperativ vård

The purpose of this study was to illustrate the effects of music in pre-, peri-, and postoperative care. This study is a systematic literature study based on 22 scientific articles with quantitative methods. Music is an alternative treatment used in nursing care. Nurses could as a complement to routine pre-, peri-, and postoperative nursing have music interventions in mind, because an operation involves anxiety, fear and pain for many patients. The result of the study shows that music can reduce patients? anxiety, pain and improving their wellbeing and recovery.

Self-efficacy inom individuell idrott och lagidrott

Syftet med studien var att undersöka skillnader mellan individuella- och lagidrottares upplevda self-efficacy samt skillnader mellan män och kvinnors self-efficacy. I studien undersöktes även samband mellan socialt stöd, anxiety, motivation, prestation och self-efficacy. Totalt deltog 117 stycken olika idrottare, 53 stycken individuella idrottare och 64 stycken lagidrottare samt varav 53 var kvinnor och 64 stycken var män, i åldrarna 19-52. Metoden som användes var kvantitativ och bestod av flera sammansatta enkäter (TEOSQ, GSE, SCAT och MSPSS) till en hel. Tillsamman med enkäterna följde även fem frågor rörande typ av idrott, ålder, kön, prestation på träning och prestation på tävling.

Att ge beröring i omvårdnad : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Touching exists in different forms and can be experienced through the skin. By touching oxytocin is released like a relaxing hormone which counteracts anxiety and depression. Therapeutic contact and healing touch are methods nurses? uses to give positive feeling of serenity, warmth and wellbeing for the patients. Touching can be a method for communication and happiness when word is not enough.

Typ av demens relaterad till övriga sjukdomar och tidigare genomgången anestesi/kirurgi : En retrospektiv pilotstudie

This retrospective study reviews and investigates type of dementia, related to co morbidity, symptoms of dementia, previus anaesthesia/surgery, intraoperative events and postoperative cognitive symptoms. The patient co morbidity was compared to occurrence in an age-matched population of 1095 individuals. Fifty-two patients with different types of dementia participated. Data was collected from patient journals.Compared to population, heredity for dementia, heart insufficiency, hypertension, depression and B12- deficiency was more frequent in the patients. B12- deficiency was common in vascular dementias and "burn-out syndrome" in early-onset AD.

Livskvalitet hos kvinnor med fibromyalgi : En litteraturstudie

The purpose of this study was to describe how women with fibromyalgia experienced their quality of life. The method used was a literature study with a descriptive design. The search for scientific articles was done by the databases Academic Search Elite, CINAHL, Medline via PubMed and Cohrane Library. The articles were quality-tested and the content studied, resulting in four categories as follows. Research involving the physical aspects of the quality of life showed that sleeplessness, tiredness and pain was commonly occurring symptoms in women?s daily life which affected their life-situation.

Vegetarisk kost - ett möjligt behandlingskomplement för symtomlindring vid reumatoid artrit?

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: A vegetarian diet, a possible treatment complement for relief of symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis? A systematic review.Author: Alexandra Ahlsén and Caroline ForsbergSupervisor: Mette AxelsenExaminer: Anna WinkvistProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22, 2012Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic remitting polyarthritis that is relapsing.Symptoms are inflammation of the joints with pain, stiffness and degradation of joint tissue.In some cases, also other parts of the body are involved. The treatment consists ofmedications to reduce pain, inflammation and degradation of joint tissue. Today, the offerednutritional treatment is primarily focused on meeting energy requirements and nutrient needs.The diet has also been discussed as symptomatic treatment, and one of the factors believed toinfluence the symptoms is meat.Objective: To assess the evidence as to whether a vegetarian diet affects the symptoms ofrheumatoid arthritis, and if so, to suggest how it can be implemented in practical dieteticswork.Search strategy The databases used in the literature search was PubMed, Scopus, and AMED.The search words used were: "rheumatiod arthritis", "vegetarian", "vegan", "diet", "meat" and"animal protein".Selection criteria: Studies investigating a vegetarian diet on the symptoms of RA wereincluded. Only RCT, clinical trial, controlled clinical trial, human studies and original articlesin English or Swedish were included.

Upplevelser som påverkar livskvaliteten hos patienter som väntar organtransplantation : En litteraturöversikt

Each year, 800 people wait for an organ transplant in Sweden. The development of drugs for organ rejection has evolved over the past 60 years, which has increased the survival of patients who have undergone organ transplantation. The most common organ transplanted is the kidney, liver, lung and heart. There are more studies done on quality of life after an organ transplant, but very few studies on quality of life before organ transplantation.The aim of the study was to describe the experiences of quality of life among patients waiting for an organ transplant.A literature overview of eight articles was analyzed in both similarities and differences. The articles were published between 2002 and 2012.The result is presented in four themes, hope of life, living in uncertainty, the body fails and need for support.

Library anxiety: en undersökning av psykologiska aspekter kring studenters upplevelser av sitt universitetsbibliotek

This essay investigates the psychological aspects in students' experiences of their university library and the information seeking process. Focus of the investigation is library anxiety, a kind of fear towards the university library with cognitive, affective and behavioural aspects. Twenty students at Uppsala university, who was about to conclude or recently have concluded an academic essay, were interviewed about their experiences of the university library, Carolina Rediviva. Five respondents stated experiences of fear, anxiety and apprehension in the library and it is on these informants that the greater part of the analysis and discussion draws. The essay suggests a model of library anxiety where outer environmental aspects of the library, such as the library environment, roles and routines of the library and library staff, interacts with inner personal aspects of the individual such as personal experiences, intellectual capacity and sensitivity to stress and anxiety.

Kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med ADHD: En kvalitativ studie

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to analyze the experience of being a woman diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Another aim was to analyze how the women think itwould have influenced them, if they had been diagnosed during childhood.In the study, with a qualitatively approach, three women diagnosed with ADHD were interviewed. The data was analyzed with qualitative content analysis.The result shows that the women perceived affirmation when they received their diagnosis but they also pointed out that they had wished to receive the diagnose during childhood to avoid unnecessary suffering.The conclusion of the study was that it is essential to, as early as possible, follow up deviances in children and adolescents. Therefore, there is a need for more knowledge of how symptoms of ADHD in girls present itself.It is reasonable to believe that if healthcare and school have increased knowledge of symptoms of ADHD in girls, then these girls would be diagnosed at an earlier time.Keywords:ADHD,women,girls,treatment,self?esteem.

Tollarsjuka hos Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever : en sjukdomsbeskrivning

In the dog breed Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (NSDTR) several dogs suffer from joint pain and possibly pain from the muscles. This diffuse disease is called Immune-mediated Non- Erosive Arthritis in Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever. The disease is most likely of autoimmune nature where the etiology still is unknown. The musculoskeletal symptoms of stiffness and shifting lameness are intermittently seen. Some dogs also have dermatological changes and some dogs suffer from pain when opening their mouth. The study included 20 diseased and 20 healthy NSDTR. The purpose was to describe immune-mediated arthritis in NSDTR based on symptoms, results of analysis and effect of treatment. Among the diseased dogs 65% had serum positive for antinuclear antibodies by indirect immunofluorescense (IIF) ANA-test.

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