

829 Uppsatser om Anxiety symptoms - Sida 4 av 56

Statistikångest och gemenskapskänslor hos beteendevetarstudenter : En jämförande studie av distans- och campusstudenter

Ångest inför statistikämnet (Statistics anxiety) försämrar prestationerna och kan få studenter att undvika statistikstudier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ifall studenter som upplevde ett stödjande klassrumsklimat (Sense of Community) hade mindre statistikångest. Syftet var också att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i upplevd Statistics anxiety och Sense of Community mellan campus- och distansstudenter. En webbenkät besvarades av 13 campusstudenter och 28 distansstudenter i åldrarna 20-51 år (M=29,4). Statistiska analyser visade inget samband mellan de båda begreppen i analys med samtliga studenter, däremot fanns ett positivt samband för studenter i årskurs två.

Information overload? En kritisk begreppsanalys

Information overload is by no means a new concept, but has come to prominence the last decade. A generally accepted definition of the phenomenon does not exist. The main question in this master thesis is how to define information overload in order to create a connotative concept for information science. This thesis reviews the nature and causes of information overload, and considers possible solutions, both individual and technical, and their relevance to the information professional. The review of the results shows that researchers seldom or never give a legible definition of what the concept information holds.

Höjdsättning av mark : faktorer som påverkar processen i markprojektering

The parasite Neospora caninum is an intracellular protozoa discovered in the late 1980s. N. caninum has an indirect lifecycle which means it needs a definitive host and an intermediate host. The confirmed definitive host for N. caninum is dog and the intermediate hosts are among others dog and cattle.

Sjukdomssymptom hos hundar infekterade med Neospora caninum

The parasite Neospora caninum is an intracellular protozoa discovered in the late 1980s. N. caninum has an indirect lifecycle which means it needs a definitive host and an intermediate host. The confirmed definitive host for N. caninum is dog and the intermediate hosts are among others dog and cattle.

Statistikångest och gemenskapskänslor hos beteendevetarstudenter - En jämförande studie av distans- och campusstudenter

Ångest inför statistikämnet (Statistics anxiety) försämrar prestationerna och kan få studenter att undvika statistikstudier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka ifall studenter som upplevde ett stödjande klassrumsklimat (Sense of Community) hade mindre statistikångest. Syftet var också att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i upplevd Statistics anxiety och Sense of Community mellan campus- och distansstudenter. En webbenkät besvarades av 13 campusstudenter och 28 distansstudenter i åldrarna 20-51 år (M=29,4). Statistiska analyser visade inget samband mellan de båda begreppen i analys med samtliga studenter, däremot fanns ett positivt samband för studenter i årskurs två.

Coping och upplevd stress hos framtida poliser : en jämförande studie av stress bland studenter på polishögskolan och studenter på universitetet

The purpose of the following study is to examine whether or not differences can be found between a group of aspiring police students (N=59) and a student group (N=20). Comparisons were made between the following variables: general illhealth, subjective experienced stress, trait anxiety and the three coping strategies, which are emotion focused coping, problem focused coping and seeking social support. In addition the results were compared with former research on the general illhealth and trait anxiety of the police students with that of a group police officers with several years of experience (N=69).The result of this showed that the police students had a significantly better level of general than the studentgroup. Several positive relations between the variables were found, among others between illhealth and trait anxiety, subjective experienced stress and trait anxiety and also between different types of coping strategies and subjective experienced stress..

"där jag skulle liksom hitta ..allting..."; mötet mellan privatforskare och Kungliga Biblioteket

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyse the private researchers encounter with the Royal Library, national library of Sweden. The main focus is on answering the two questions: who is the private researcher and what is his/her impression of the Royal Library? These questions are answered from the vantage point of the following theoretical perspectives: library anxiety, Bourdieu, library architecture, gender studies and service management. The methods used are qualitative interviews, and textual analysis using the printout of these taped interviews along with notes and an earlier user study as material. The conclusions are that barriers with staff is the most frequent factor of library anxiety in the private researcher at the Royal Library, and mechanical barriers the least frequent.

Mjölk, gluten och ADHD : En litteraturundersökning om mjölk och glutens påverkan hos barn med ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is becoming a more common diagnosis of younger children. In recent years the perception that some ingredients in our food may have a negative effect regarding the symptoms in children with ADHD has grown stronger. Children with ADHD often suffer from irritated bowel syndromes which affect their ability to digest food. This may result in malnutrition as well as a release of substances that are harmful.The purpose of this report is to compile and illustrate the knowledge of how special food, particular milk protein and gluten, may affect the symptoms of children with ADHD. Also, the report aims to evaluate if there should be changes made in Kindergarten to increase the well-being of these children.

Studenters hälsa vid Växjö universitet : ? en studie med KASAM, symtom och krav-kontroll-socialt stöd som utgångspunkt

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between gender and self reported symptoms (physiological and psychological) and sense of coherence (SOC) and Job Demand-Control-Social support (JDCS). The sample consisted of 360 respondents (nfemale= 261, nmale= 99), in the ages between 19-53 (M=25,57, SD=5,77), all students from Växjö University. A quantitative work method was used in the study; data was collected using questionnaires that consisted of self-reported questions, based on three parts: A modified symptom checklist, SOC 13 and a modified JDCS questionnaire. The result of our study showed that both SOC and JDCS had an effect on self-reported symptoms but there were no interaction between SOC and JDCS. No significant gender differences were found regarding the level of SOC.

Upplevelser av skam och avvisande hos deprimerade unga vuxna

Depression in young adults is a serious condition causing serious suffering for the victim. By finding risk factors for depression the opportunity for early preventive action is increased, which, in turn, may prevent a negative course. Two risk factors which have been shown to be related to depression are shame and rejection. Therefore this study examined the relationship between shameproneness, rejection sensitivity, shame-related events and depressive symptoms. The self-report questionnaires used were TOSCA, RSQ, Shaming index and BDI-II.

Problemhundar : En studie inriktad på hundar med grava aggressions- och rädsleproblem

Dogs with behavioral problemsThis study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today?s society regarding dogs showing for example excessive aggression and/or anxiety. The main questions in this study was "is there a problem today" and "if there is a problem, what can we do to prevent it". To investigate these questions interviews were made with six different professions concerning the dog domain. The result of the study shows that three of the interviewed considered it to be a problem, one did not have an opinion on the matter and two choose not to call it a dog related problem because it mostly depends on the owner.

Stress och genusspecifika mönster bland ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie utifrån professionella aktörers upplevelser och erfarenheter av ungdomars stress

The aim of the study was to understand professionals? perceptions and experiences of adolescent stress. In the study I interested myself further if you can identify gender-specific patterns in the professional stories about young people's stress and stress related illness. Five interviews were conducted with professionals in psychiatry and social work. The thesis took its incipience in social constructionism.

Ryttares prestationsänglsan i samband med prestation

Hästars och människors har olika sätt att kommunicera. Hästen är mycket känslig för icke-verbal kommunikation medan människan gärna uttrycker sig verbalt. Människan måste därför lära sig att kommunicera på hästens vis, men vid stor prestationsängslan är det svårare att kontrollera kroppen. Detta kan orsaka problem i kommunikation mellan häst och ryttare. Prestationsängslan är ett fenomen som tidigare undersökts mycket inom andra idrotter och även lite inom utländsk ridsport, men det har aldrig tidigare gjorts en studie inom svensk ridsport.

Kör så det ryker! - En studie om prestationsångest i samband med ensembleundervisning

Title: Go for it! - A study of anxiety in relation to students performing in ensemble class.This study discusses anxiety in relation to students in ensemble performance. The expectations on musicians are extremely high and demanding. They are expected to perform to the maximum of their ability despite both physical and mental pressure. I present in this study the result of the interviews I have performed with three students at Swedish Academies of Music. The study shows that all of the students included are in one way or the other suffering from anxiety in relation to performance.

Idiopatisk cystit hos katt : en retrospektiv studie

Lower urinary tract diseases are a common problem in cats all over the world. The symptoms are for example dysuria, pollakuria, stranguria, periuria and hematuria. In approximately two thirds of these cats the underlying cause is not known and the disease is therefore called feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC). We need to know more about the disease to get a consistently effective treatment and prevention. A retrospective study was performed in 50 cats with symptoms of FIC and where other causes of inflammation were ruled out. Data like breed, age, sex, body weight, feeding, therapy and therapeutic results were collected, also if it was an indoor or outdoor cat, duration of the symptoms, if there was any stress and if the cat was living with another cat.

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