

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 13 av 48

Svåra samtal? Hur sköterskor på barnavårdscentraler samtalar med föräldrar till överviktiga barn : En intervjustudie

AbstractThis degree project is about having meetings in The Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which is awide organisation. This work will concentrate on one of the projects going on within theorganisation which is travel-free meetings, where they are building a video meeting system thatallows the employees in the organisation to be able to meet with each other through the use ofvideoconferencing instead of physical meetings.In this work we will show how Kaikaku (radical system changes) along with Kaizen (continuouschange) can support an organisation to become more efficient and reduce wastage. We have donethis work in an organisation that is present in over one hundred locations in Sweden.The Social Insurance Agency has over 13 000 employees at over one hundred locations inSweden.The organisation has to be close to their customers and provide the best service aspossible. To be able to work in a uniform way, the employees get together and have meetings.Some meetings are just progress meetings and takes perhaps no more than two hours to complete.However, if seven employees from seven different locations need to have meetings, in the worstcase, they all have to meet in a common place.This is expensive for the organisation in travel costs, time and absence from work, but thetravelling also contributes to environmental pollution if the employees are travelling by a fuelpoweredvehicle.A whole day could go lost for having a meeting in about two hours if all sevenemployees went from their own cities to e.g. Stockholm for the meeting.Muda (wastage) of travel created several different types of Muda, namely:? Wastage with anticipation when the employees had to wait for e.g.

Nu ska jag berätta en saga : En studie om hur berättarteknik kan främja läsvärde och läsbarhet i ett informationsmaterial

In this study I have examined how narrative techniques can be used to promote the reading value and readability in information. My focus has been on the communication-Agency Mandoly?s information-brochure which function is to inform other companies about their own potential for development in collaboration with Mandoly. The purpose with this study is to examine how it is possible to increase the reading value in order to engage the target group. In my study I have used four methods: analysis of Mandoly?s old information-brochure, literature studies, a qualitative interview, and an user test.

Visuella representationstekniker för dramarelaterad forskning : Från en etnografisk undersökning till en multimodal

Studiens syfte är att undersöka representation och kommunikation runt och i tre utvärderingar. De övergripande syftet är att undersöka olika visuella tekniker för representation av empiri i dramarelaterad forskning. Utvärderingarna är gjorda på en estetisk linje med inriktning teater på en gymnasieskola i Halmstad. De som har utvärderat är samtliga elever i utbildningens tre årskurser.Undersökningen har en hermeneutisk ansats med inspiration från performance-, kritisk- och visuell etnografi. De etnografiska teorierna och tillvägagångssätten har använts för en rad överväganden gällande representation och hur olika former av estetisk gestaltning kan användas i forskningssammanhang.

Kommunikation från organisation till målgrupp : En undersökning om en NGOs kommunikationsarbete i Tanzania

In this study I have examined how narrative techniques can be used to promote the reading value and readability in information. My focus has been on the communication-Agency Mandoly?s information-brochure which function is to inform other companies about their own potential for development in collaboration with Mandoly. The purpose with this study is to examine how it is possible to increase the reading value in order to engage the target group. In my study I have used four methods: analysis of Mandoly?s old information-brochure, literature studies, a qualitative interview, and an user test.

Grafisk profilering och identitetsskapande

This degree project has been done in parallel to the advertising Agency Hera in Uppsala, and containsthe creating of a logotype and graphic profile for Aircall, a new big chain of shops dealing with telecommunication.Aircall was found 1 February 2004, when three smaller companies became one. Thisnew company were in need of a common brand and a uniform profile. The created graphic profile hasbeen applied to visiting cards, letterhead, envelopes, letter cards, bags, cars and advertisement. Thegraphic profile has also been used when designing the shop interior end exterior. Research has beendone on competitors graphic profiles and advertisement.

Uttag av kvalitetsvirke a björk - potential och problem

The purpose of this report is to illustrate potentials and problems with withdrawal of quality timber of birch. The purpose is also to describe possible ways to increase available quantities of quality timber. Former research is reviewed as introduction. The study begins with a prognosis of future volumes of birch timber based on consequence analyze by Swedish Forestry Agency. To illustrate the importance of active maintenance, two stands are estimated and simulated in the Heureka module StandWise.

Alla ska med : En fallstudie om sociala medier i den interna kommunikationen

This thesis concerns the subject of social media in the internal communication, how it can function to improve the communication among the coworkers. Good Old has been the web Agency of our case study, through them we have gained understanding of the phenomenon. Media and communication theories and interviews have given us the foundation of the thesis.Our conclusion shows that it is beneficial to use social media internally in the type of company that Good Old is. Furthermore, the result shows that it can improve the communication, increase organizational learning and unity among coworkers. Finally social media can make organizations more effective..

Resefria möten : Ett projekt för att minska slöserier på arbetsplatsen

AbstractThis degree project is about having meetings in The Swedish Social Insurance Agency, which is awide organisation. This work will concentrate on one of the projects going on within theorganisation which is travel-free meetings, where they are building a video meeting system thatallows the employees in the organisation to be able to meet with each other through the use ofvideoconferencing instead of physical meetings.In this work we will show how Kaikaku (radical system changes) along with Kaizen (continuouschange) can support an organisation to become more efficient and reduce wastage. We have donethis work in an organisation that is present in over one hundred locations in Sweden.The Social Insurance Agency has over 13 000 employees at over one hundred locations inSweden.The organisation has to be close to their customers and provide the best service aspossible. To be able to work in a uniform way, the employees get together and have meetings.Some meetings are just progress meetings and takes perhaps no more than two hours to complete.However, if seven employees from seven different locations need to have meetings, in the worstcase, they all have to meet in a common place.This is expensive for the organisation in travel costs, time and absence from work, but thetravelling also contributes to environmental pollution if the employees are travelling by a fuelpoweredvehicle.A whole day could go lost for having a meeting in about two hours if all sevenemployees went from their own cities to e.g. Stockholm for the meeting.Muda (wastage) of travel created several different types of Muda, namely:? Wastage with anticipation when the employees had to wait for e.g.

Analys av bostadsrättspriset i Stockholms innerstad : En multipel linjär regression

In this study a multiple linear regression was carried out in the interest of analysing a number of variables effect on the final prices of apartments in Stockholm?s inner districts. The result may be employed to predict and observe percentage changes on the final price of apartments in Stockholm in the future. Five models were constructed after which they were analysed and compared. The construction of these models were supported by data from the real estate Agency Erik Olsson.

Lantbrukarens inställning till skuldsättning och val av kreditinstitut : en fallstudie av expansiva lantbruksföretag

The agricultural sector is characterized by larger crop farms and more extensive livestockproduction. The efficiency improvement is partly a result from a stronger competition in theglobal market. The agricultural products need to be produced at a lower cost than competitorsin order to survive as a farmer. The solution is larger firms that benefit from economies ofscale. This brings large investments that create a greater need for leverage and closer relationto the credit Agency.

Fullkontakt eller glappkontakt? : En jämförande studie om regelverket för revisorns oberoende

The independent audit function plays an important role in our modern society as it strengthens the credibility of information given out by firms. A fundamental condition for the maintenance of confidence towards the audit function is the auditor?s independence. This phenomenon has been acknowledged threw several well-known audit scandals during the last decade, including the classical Enronscandal. In the repercussions of these huge auditing scandals, governments all over the world were now founding more restrictive rules and laws about audit independence.

Konflikthantering i klassrummet

We have chosen to focus our study on conflicts and handling of conflicts in a classroom environment. We are addressing problems such as the teachers? roll in a conflict, the importance of solid leadership in the classroom, students? Agency, defense mechanisms in coping with conflicts and so on. In this paper there is a review of different perspectives on conflict and of understanding why conflicts occur the different reasons for the conflicts. Our observation study took place in a grade three classroom, in a mid-sized town, during a regular school day.

Homestaging : Fenomenet & avdragsrätten

Around year 2004, a new service was introduced on the Swedish housing market with the purpose of increasing the sell price, namely homestaging. Homestaging means that a home gets in order before a open house, for example by removing personal affections or the leasing of new furniture. The phenomenon originates from the United States, where it has existed for several decades.Most components, but not all, that is included in the homestaging concept is tax-deductible and this has lead to several questions around the law and foremost within tax law. To elucidate this complexity of problems around the right to deduction for homestaging, the Swedish tax Agency, Skatteverket, has formulated a letter stating the authority?s attitude towards the phenomenon.

Bilder av barndom : Hur makt och ålder framställs i sex nutida svenska bilderböcker

This essay examines how age, power and Agency is represented and reproduced in contemporary Swedish picture books.This is done through a combination of discourse analysis and literary analysis.It uses theoretical perspectives from sociology, and views childhood as a social construct. It sees discourse and language use as both representing and constructing social reality in the tradition of Norman Fairclough and critical discourse analysis. The main results is that the discourses of childhood in the material construct children as a separate group in society, and childhood as a special time in life. Children is portrayed as both social actors and in need of protection from adult themes and worries..

Det centrala innehållet i kursplanen för Konditori 1 : En undersökning om problematiken för lärare att följa kursplanen och tolka dess kunskapskrav

As a teacher in baking and patisserie courses there can be difficulties in following the curriculum for Patisserie 1. If this leads to an education that is not the same for all the schools in the country, it creates a problem that has to be solved. The results of this investigation show that teachers generally do not follow the curriculum but instead chooses their own solutions. Some conclusions that have come forth are that the National Agency for Education needs to make the curriculum clearer and give tangible examples of products, that can either be classified as easy or complicated, in the field of baking and pastry courses. I have chosen the standardized interview method.

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