

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 12 av 48

En studie av olika ekonomiska modeller för mångbruk baserad på vindkraft

Today produces the wind power 2,5 TWh (TWh = terawatt hours) of Sweden?s total energy input of around 620 TWh. The Parliament has adopted a national planning objective where the wind-based electricity production will increase to 30 TWh in 2020. This requires that landowners will leas there land for wind power to wind energy companies. Such land leasing means that the landowner's business is considered to be a multiple-use.

Bonusregn över svenska storbanker : En studie om belöningssystemens utformande för legitimitet

The current financial crisis has left its mark. It has even hit the major Swedish banks who have shown large losses. The media has not been slow to take note of this, and the constant political debate about the bonus culture has been reinvigorated. Our aim is to find out how the major Swedish banks relate to the publicity and describe how and why senior executives are rewarded, and what strategies banks are using in the design of their reward system to maintain a legitimate behavior, and thus the confidence of its stakeholders.As a starting point to answer our purpose we have used the Agency theory that describes our view of how various problems occurs and how incentives can be established in order to get senior executives to act for their owners' interests. Modern theories of reward systems are taken from a variety of authors, these theories give us an insight into how reward systems can be designed in banks.

Uppfattningar om den omvända skattskyldigheten och dess konsekvenser

Örebro UniversityDepartment of Social SciencesSociology and social psychology, Continuation course, 61-90 p.Essay 15 p, Spring -08.Title: ?Youth (work)seekers?Author: Karolina LindellAbstractThis essay focuses on young people?s social background when they apply for their first job. I have interviewed four young people from a small town in Sweden, to see how social background and identity affects their vital conditions in general. I?m interested understanding the relationship between structure and Agency.

Den internationella redovisningens framtida roll i Sverige - IFRS på bolagsnivå?

Throughout many years there have been discussions within the European Union (EU) regarding harmonization and improvement of accounting rules for companies with listed shares or other securities. The ambition exists to adopt, the within the union applied accounting standards, to those applied globally. These discussions lead the year 2002 to adoption by the council and parliament of international accounting standards (IFRS). The ordinance meant that all listed European companies have to adopt international accounting standards, accepted for application within the EU, for their consolidated accounts.During July 2003 the Swedish Government Official Reports issued a report (SOU 2003:71) stating, among other things, the differences and oppositions of implementing IFRS on a corporate level in Sweden, since corporate disclosure is regulated in Swedish law by Bokföringslagen (BFL) and Årsredovisningslagen (ÅRL). One of the main obstacles for the full implementation of IFRS is that a company?s annual report underlies the governmental taxation and an implementation of IFRS would affect this balance.

Reklam för Reklam : En studie av reklambyråers marknadsföring

Vårt syfte med denna studie är att genom en undersökning av reklambyråer få en förståelse för hur de går tillväga med sin egen marknadsföring riktad till marknaden av reklamköpare. Vi vill därmed se om tillgänglig teori kan tillämpas på en reklambyrås externa kommunikation. Det ingår även i vårt syfte att genom denna studie kunna förse Stigges Reklam med förslag till deras marknadsföring..

Revisorsyrket i förändring

Changes in the society engender changes in the practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.

Kapitalstrukturens effekt på lönsamhet : En studie av svenska företag

In this paper the effect of capital structure on profitability has been investigated among Swedish companies. The essay intends to examine how the relationship between debt and profitability appear among Swedish companies and if the relationship differs between industries. The purpose is to find out how debt affects the profitability of Swedish companies.A quantitative approach has been applied. The selection was made among companies listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm, which resulted in a sample of 207 companies. Several regression analyzes has been formed, based on the independent variable debt-ratio and the dependent variables profit margin, pre-tax profit margin, operating margin, return on assets and return on equity.

Revisorsyrket i förändring

Changes in the society engender changes in the practice of the auditor profession. Stricter laws, more detailed recommendations, and demands from the auditor?s clients have increased. The auditor constitutes a profession and therefore it is important that there is a trust since the auditor is the one that certifies the quality of the company?s economical information.

Det övergivna monumentet : Aveburymonumentets och landskapets förändring från ca 3000 f. Kr till ca 1500 f. Kr.

This master essay deals with the changes in the use of and the abandonment of the Avebury monument and the change of the surrounding landscape during the late Neolitihic, about 3000 B.C, and into the Bronze age, about 1500 B.C. The change in the way people supported themselves, the development of agriculture, brought along many other changes as well. I am in this paper dealing with these issues, how and what lead up to these changes, the peoples own part in the development, and I am also looking into the fact that these changes might not have meant an end of old ideologies, but rather a development in the expression of beliefs where the monuments of the neolithic no longer had a place in society..

Avskaffandet av revisionsplikten : Vilka alternativ till revisionsplikten föredrar småföretagarna för att upprätthålla trovärdigheten?

Purpose: The purpose with this study is to see what the small limited companiesprefer of the alternatives to the statutory audit that has been created inthe others EU-countries. These alternatives can be current in Sweden tomaintain the credibility.Method: Quantitative procedure.Conclusions: By the result to judge from the small limited companies prefer the alternativeto the statutory audit where they do not need to hire further helpto complete the audit. That is probably why the bookkeeping Agency hasbeen chosen to give a guarantee for quality endorsement..

PresenteraMera : En rapport om skapandet av ett interaktiv presentationsverktyg

This report describes the background, approach, and the final results for the presentation tool PresenteraMera.PresenteraMera is an online-based, interactive presentation tool that is created to improve the quality of sales presentations and simplify the creation of presentations. The client for this project is Dempsey, a digital advertising Agency and production company with headquarters in Stockholm. PresenteraMera consists of several features that make it easier for businesses to create, edit and display their presentations. The tool also allows the user to always be sure that the presentations created with PresenteraMera follows a specific design, based on their graphic manual for example..

Ekonomi eller politiska beslut : Vad styr fristående gymnasieskolors lokalisering?

In the beginning of the 1990s the responsibility for the schools shifted from the government to the local authorities. This started an era with a freedom of choice for students where they themselves could choose which school to go to. The new system also opened up the possibility for independent private schools to exist side by side with local authority held schools. The overall aim of this study is to determine the factors that affect the location of these independent schools and the geographical pattern these independent schools create. The study in this paper is based on materials from statistics and interviews.

Simulering av indirekta val : en studie i att förbättra användbarhet

As a teacher in baking and patisserie courses there can be difficulties in following the curriculum for Patisserie 1. If this leads to an education that is not the same for all the schools in the country, it creates a problem that has to be solved. The results of this investigation show that teachers generally do not follow the curriculum but instead chooses their own solutions. Some conclusions that have come forth are that the National Agency for Education needs to make the curriculum clearer and give tangible examples of products, that can either be classified as easy or complicated, in the field of baking and pastry courses. I have chosen the standardized interview method.

Familjeföretag : En jämförande studie mellan familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag med avseende på prestation

Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på huruvida det föreligger en skillnad i företagsprestation mellan familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag. För att göra detta har en kvantitativ metod tillämpats. Undersökningsåren är 2003-2011 och företagen som har undersökts har varit små och medelstora företag på den svenska marknaden. Slutsatsen är att det inte föreligger någon prestationsskillnad mellan familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag..

Unga (arbets)sökande : En kvalitativ studie av arbetssökande ungdomar. Hur bakgrund och identitet påverkar ungas möjligheter och livsvillkor.

Örebro UniversityDepartment of Social SciencesSociology and social psychology, Continuation course, 61-90 p.Essay 15 p, Spring -08.Title: ?Youth (work)seekers?Author: Karolina LindellAbstractThis essay focuses on young people?s social background when they apply for their first job. I have interviewed four young people from a small town in Sweden, to see how social background and identity affects their vital conditions in general. I?m interested understanding the relationship between structure and Agency.

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