

713 Uppsatser om Agency - Sida 14 av 48

Information is the key : Att skapa strukturen till ett användarvänligt informationsverktyg

This report presents the preliminary study and work for the development of a site structure for the upcoming reengineering of inter-tool Infopunkt. The report describes how I have conducted a study regarding the current inter-tool information center and its development potential. Thereafter compiling the information to develop a comprehensive design approach to create a sitemap. The sitemap illustrates a new updated page structure for Infopunkt and was the primary goal of the thesis. The sitemap I have developed will form the basis for the Agency that will later on develop the new updated version of Infopunkt..

Barnen - ett gemensamt ansvar En kvalitativ studie om familjehemsföräldrars motivation och upplevelser av socialt stöd i Paraguay

This qualitative study is about motivation and experience of support among non-kinship fosterparents in a child welfare Agency (NGO), in Paraguay. The empirical data where collectedthrough out six semi-structured qualitative interviews, with totally eight foster parentsparticipating. The aim of the study was to describe and analyze what motivates foster parentsand how they experience support from their formal and informal network. Further theobjective was to investigate how support (may) affect motivation and enable good foster care.Theoretical concepts such as solidarity, intrinsic and extrinsic motivations as well as socialsupport where used to analyze the data.The results show that there are many different motives and motivations (intrinsic andextrinsic) that correlate in the decision to become and continue to be a foster parent. Amongthem social involvement, the wish to make a difference in a child?s life, have something tooffer as a family and personal satisfaction seems to be the most frequent reasons.

Bonus för VD: bonusens koppling till prestation och tillämpning av bonustak

Syftet med uppsatsen är att utveckla förståelse för VD-bonus kopplad till prestation och användningen av bonustak. Undersökningens intention är att hitta forskningsproblem för en djupare studie. För att skapa förståelse kring detta valde vi att göra en kvantitativ studie av de 33 mest omsatta bolagen på Stockholmsbörsen. Vi genomförde telefonintervjuer med nio av dessa där vi ställde frågor kring hur företagens bonusutformning såg ut, vilka mål och mått bonusen baseras på, hur bonustaket var utformat samt orsak till bonus, mål och tak. Det teoretiska fundament som vi bygger våra diskussioner på är agent- och stewardshipteorin.

Bostadsspekulantens köpbeslut : En kvantitativ studie över bostadsspekulantens beslutspåverkan

Bakgrunden för denna studie är problematiken kring beslutsfattande. Tidigare forskning visar att en individ dagligen fattar en mängd medvetna och omedvetna beslut. Dessa beslut faller sig olika utefter vilka erfarenheter, preferenser och känslor individen har och hur detta påverkar individen vid köp av dyra sällanköpsvaror. Syftet med studien är att identifiera faktorer och personlighetstyper som influerar köparens beslut gällande dyra sällanköpsvaror..

"Niggas ain't sticking unless they lick the kitten" : En intersektionell analys av cunnilingus i kvinnlig rap

Uppsatsen ämnar utföra en intersektionell analys av hur kvinnliga rappare diskuterar cunnilingus i sina texter. Utförandet av en intersektionell analys innebär att undersöka, beskriva och tolka någonting utifrån ett sociologiskt perspektiv som tar hänsyn till hur samverkan av olika sociala maktstrukturer skapar förtryck för olika samhällsgrupper. För denna analys innebär det att se på hur cunnilingus diskuteras av kvinnliga rappare i relation till deras kön, klass och etnicitet, för att se hur diskussionen påverkas av dessa sociala faktorer..

Ökad användning av biodrivmedel i vägtransportsektorn : en styrmedelsanalys

The Swedish road transport sector relies almost completely on fossil fuels. In 2007, as much as 96 percent of the total sales of fuels was made up of petrol and diesel, while at the same time the share of total emissions of greenhouse gases in Sweden that came from road transports amounted to close to 30 per cent. Sweden is by no means worse off than any other European country in these respects. In order to address the questions of high oil dependence and CO2 emissions the European Commission has proposed a reinforcement of the legislative framework, with a 10 percent minimum for the market share of biofuels in 2020. Furthermore, the proposed target is binding for the member states, unlike the current voluntary target of 5.75 percent by 2010. More than doubling the usage of biofuels in only a bit more than a decade will most likely not be possible without policy interventions.

Reklam för Responsiva Webbplatser : En studie i hur reklam bör utformas för internet

Advertising in responsive websites is a quite new phenomenon and has therefore, previously not been a target for any mayor research. Todays society, where new technological innovations persistantly supersede others must be seen as a possible changer for how companies advertise to this society. This paper sheds light on many of the difficulties connected with advertising for responsive websites, but also possibilities and advices for the future. Through a litterature review and a focus group with respondents from a large communication Agency in Umea?, insights, implications, solutions and thoughts both connected to specific websites but also around advertising for the future as a whole is presented.

Utvärdering av Vissberga lakvattenbehandling

In connection with the admittance of the EC-directive (99/31/EC) in Swedish politic, through the constitution of waste depositing (2001:512) at year 2001, the rules about management the landfills and leachates tightened. At the landfill Vissberga in the municipality of Hallsberg, a leachate treatment plant was constructed just a year thereafter. This treatment plant consisted of an aerated pond with a following land treatment and a willow cultivation to replace the land treatment during the summer. In this case the parameters, which were estimated as the most important to reduce, were iron and nitrogen. The iron would react with the oxygen-rich water in the aerated pond and precipitate to ferric-hydroxide and than settle in a calm zone of the pond.

Nya medier - nya användare

This essay shows how administrators in two different organizations are experiencing freedom of action in their work situation. The essay is made based on a qualitative method and interviews were used to implement the study. People chosen for this study are four administrators at a governmentAgency - the Social Insurance Agency, and four municipal officers from different Social service offices in southern Sweden. The theoretical framework consists of Weber's theory of bureaucracy, and his discussion of the legal authority. The analysis is designed as adiscussion of the parts that were especially prominent during the interviews.

Att läsa texter tillsammans är bra : En studie om läsförståelseundervisning i särskolan med hjälp av strukturerade textsamtal.

International reading comprehension studies, like PIRLS and PISA, state that the reading comprehension of Swedish students has decreased significantly since 2000. As a consequence, the National Agency of Education has made reading comprehension teaching a prioritised field in terms of further education for teachers. There has also been a change in Lgr 11, the national curriculum for compulsory school, where it is stated that teaching in reading strategies shall be a part of the central content throughout compulsory school. When the pupils reach upper secondary school level, reading comprehension education is no longer a part of the curriculum. Today, students at upper secondary school for individuals with learning disabilities currently share the same curriculum as the ordinary upper secondary school.

Göra plats - Om trängbodda barns vardagspraktiker

The essay examines through semi-structured interviews the experiences of overcrowded housing, as they are portrayed through the eyes of children aged 8 ? 14. Overcrowded housing has an effect on children?s school performance, general health and is often linked to less capacity for normal social consumption. Yet there seems to be little done in terms of interrogating children about how they perceive their situation here and now.

Marknadsundersökning av Claas Lexion tröskor : kapacitet och kundnöjdhet

LEXION is the name of the largest series of combines made by the CLAAS factory in Germany. LEXION was introduced on the Swedish market 1996 and was for sale in Sweden from 1997. LMB have sold over 400 LEXION-combines in Sweden. In cooperation with the Swedish general Agency we decided to make a market research on the Swedish LEXION-market. The questionnaire was supposed to give answers about capacity and technical equipment. Before I made the questionnaire I studied manuals and combines. I got 81 answers of about 325 questionnaires. That makes 25 % reply frequency.

Sammanställning och utvärdering av små avloppsanläggningar utifrån tillförlitligheten hos angivna reningsgrader

The private sewage systems in Sweden releases around 600 tons of phosphorus per year, compared to about 350 tons from municipal sewage treatment plants, and they account for approximately 21% of the total anthropogenic discharge of phosphorus into Swedish waters. About 40% of Sweden's nearly 1 million private sewage systems are inferior with respect to emissions to surface and groundwater. The technology of small sewage plants is under development and knowledge of treatment effects for different solutions is poorly consolidated. Municipal authorities lack resources to keep up with the technologic development and assess the reliability of the treatment performances that suppliers report for their products. The thesis aims to conduct a market review and evaluation of wholly or partially prefabricated small sewage plants, to make it easier for municipalities and property owners to assess different technical solutions. The goal is a compilation of the products on the market, evaluated on the basis of the reliability of specified degrees of reduction.Information on sampling procedures and test results were collected through a questionnaire to all active suppliers and the responses were then used to classify the products.

Miljöinformation från teori till praktik.

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the process of transferring information from science to "the field" of environmental protection in Sweden. I have studied four Swedish environmental organizations, Greenpeace Nordic, WWF Sweden, the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation and Friends of the Earth Sweden to see how they search/get information. I have also studied the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and its role as sender of information, since it is the authority which is responsible for environmental information in Sweden. I have used information and communication theories as a help to analyse my results. While working on this paper I realized that my methods were not the best.

Barns eget perspektiv på ?bra? mat : en kvalitativ studie med elever i årskurs tre

This exam is about student?s perception of food and dietary advice. I illustrate food and eating from the youth's own perspective. The aim is to investigate how students perceive as "good" diet. It also reveals that students at the surveyed schools have poor knowledge of what is plate model.

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