

1246 Uppsatser om Acceptance and Commitment therapy - Sida 66 av 84

Tillit eller politiska åsikter : Vad som styr kommunala chefstjänstemäns beteenden, prestation och engagemang på arbetet

Syftet med föreliggande uppsats är att undersöka om kommunala chefstjänstemän som delar politisk åsikt med kommunens styrande politiker i högre utsträckning än andra chefer också ?gör det lilla extra? på arbetet. Syftet är även att se om det är tillit till de styrande politikerna snarare än politiska åsikter som är viktigast för att förklara benägenheten att göra det lilla extra på arbetet. Detta undersöks genom att studera beteenden, prestation och engagemang på arbetet. Urvalet bestod av chefen för utbildningsförvaltningen (eller motsvarande) i Sveriges samtliga kommuner och undersökningen baserades på data insamlat med hjälp av webenkäter under hösten 2014.

Teater som forum för elevers sociala och konstnärliga utveckling : Ett relationellt perspektiv, en inkluderande verksamhet och interaktiva processer i teater på gymnasienivå

AbstractMaterial collected or created through observations, discussions and interviews with a group of students studying theatre in the fist year of upper secondary school formed the base for this paper. The students that took part in the observations showed a variety of motivations for the studies in theatre, but the major aim was to obtain qualifications for further studies at university. Special focus was put on a student with dyslexia attending the course in theatre from the perspective to strengthen general learning abilities. The training and teaching in acting skills as performed in the theatre studio provided the arena for the observations. The aim was to investigate if an interactive process as defined by Lev Vygotskij and the acting method created by Constantin Stanislavski would create social and artistic development among the students in the study.

E-förvaltningens roll i främjandet av demokrati. En fallstudie om offentlig förvaltnings relation till demokrati med stöd av IT

Information technology (IT) with its enormous capacity involves more and more in our daily activities and public sector is using IT to make their activities more efficient. The government goal with electronic government (e-government) among other things is increasing the availability and service to the public as well as improving the democratic process. Democracy can be strengthened by involving citizens in public decision making process but this goal has not been achieved yet and the development of e-government has mostly been focused on improving efficiency within administration and electronic services (e-services). Promoting the democratic process has been postponed in the development of e-government because of the lack of political commitment and decision. Digital divide is also preventing public sector to promote democracy with the support of IT.

Tro, hopp och gatuterapi : En kvalitativ studie om hjälpsökandes upplevelser av gatuterapi

Studiens syfte har varit att undersöka vilka motiv som ligger bakom besökarnas val av gatuterapi och vilka erfarenheter de har av kontakt med offentliga myndigheter. Syftet var också att undersöka vilka upplevelser besökarna hade av gatuterapin samt studera vad som sker i mötet mellan gatuterapeuten och besökarna. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvalitativ metodansats och bygger på intervjuer och observationer med 15 personer som besökt gatuterapin. För analysen har teorin om interaktionsritualer, teorin om transaktionella behov, stämplingsteorin, stigmatisering samt skam använts. Resultatet visar att motiven bakom valet av gatuterapi är att gatuterapeuten har erfarenhet av missbruksproblem samt att han har tystnadsplikt och heller ingen anmälningsskyldighet. Erfarenheterna av offentliga myndigheter är både positiva och negativa.

Utvärdering av kirurgisk behandling vid organiska stämbandsförändringar hos barn

In Sweden surgical treatment of vocal fold lesions in children is fairly uncommon. At Falun hospital they have adapted a more generous attitude towards phonosurgery of children?s vocal folds. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate surgical treatment of organic vocal fold lesions in children and to assess the phonosurgical patient utility. The study was carried out at the Ear-, Nose- and Throat clinic, Falun hospital, Sweden.

Arbetsterapeuters användning av Basal Kroppskännedom TM för att stärka patienters aktivitetsutförande

Aktivitet som terapeutiskt medium har varit centralt för att utveckla arbetsterapiprofessionen genom att använda aktivitet som mål och medel. Arbetsterapi är grundat på att engagemang i aktivitet är nödvändigt för hälsa och välmående. Trots detta har mycket av professionsutvecklingen lett till interventioner som inte är aktivitetsbaserade. Basal Kroppskännedom? (BK) och arbetsterapi har flera gemensamma grundantaganden.

Kommunikation med musik och tecken : en experimentell studie med vuxna om inlärning av Tecken som AKK med stöd av musik

Denna studie underso?ker, via ett experiment, om musik sto?djer inla?rning av Teck- en som Alternativ och/eller Kompletterande Kommunikation. Ma?nniskor kom- municerar pa? olika sa?tt och musik kan vara motivation fo?r la?rande. I Fo?renta Nat- ionernas Konvention om ra?ttigheter fo?r ma?nniskor med funktionsnedsa?ttning sta?r det om ra?tten till kommunikation.

Pedagogers föreställningar om krigsdrabbade flyktingbarn

According to the immigration service forecasts Sweden faces large refugee influxes in the coming years. This means that educators in the kindergarten, preschool and school, will meat children from the war torn countries. In this study, the purpose is to find out the educators different conceptions of war-affected refugee children, because my theory is that their beliefs influence their actions. I wanted to get answers to their beliefs about the difficulties or challengers that children and educators may be faced with. Furthermore, I wanted to know what educators envisioned about their own role?s importance to the war affected refugee children and their perceptions of the Swedish culture, environment, language and school.

Manipulation eller social kompetens? ? Rekryterares upplevelser av impression management i anställningsintervjuer

Introduction: A job interview is for both the candidate and the company involved, an importantsituation. It might be tempting for the candidate to adjust the answers to the job in question or what heor she thinks the recruiter wants to hear. This behaviour is a part of what socialpsychology would callimpression management. This term means that you try to control the impressions you send out andaccordingly adjust your behaviour for the current situation.Purpose: Candidates usage of impression management is a widely debated subject where theresearch mainly has focused on the candidates, their strategies and the efficiency of impressionmanagement. Our purpose with this thesis is therefore to see how recruiters experience candidatesimpression management in a job interview, how they handle it and what level of acceptance they havefor it.Theoretical perspectives: The theories and previous research used as models for explanation andbasis for discussion is mainly Erving Goffman´s (1974) dramaturgical perspective and thoughts aboutimpression management and Mark R Leary´s (1995) theories concerning impression managementtactics.

Stroke, bilkörning & arbetsterapi : En litteraturstudie över bedömningsinstrument för körförmåga

Mobilitet genom att köra egen bil ger en ökad livskvalitet. Förekomsten av stroke ökar och för att kunna tillfredställa individens behov av aktivitet och självständighet i transporter finns ett ökat behov av körkortsbedömningar. Restsymtomen efter en stroke kan variera. Därför krävs olika typer av bedömningar. Arbetsterapeuter som är vana att arbeta klientcentrerat och bedöma skilda färdigheter har mycket att tillföra i körkortsfrågor.

Tänka utanför boxen : Målkort och löneboxar som motivationsfaktorer

Titel: Thinking outside the box: Goals and Salary boxes as motivational factorsAuthors: Anna Ceder and  Karin Barwinger PlogareSeat of Learning: Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate if the imposition of salary boxes in Uppsala municipality has had any influence on the organisation?s employees? to improve their work motivation. The reason for the study was to look deeper into employees? motivational factors, this with a focus on salary as motivational factor in structures of salary boxes where it is possible for the employee to work towards goals which affect their salary. The primary purpose of the study was to look into if employees? ability to advance their performance had any connection to the impostion of salary boxes.Methodology: In order to collect as much data as possible for the measurements one of the largest occupational groups in Uppsala municipality was chosen, which represents the group of pre-school teachers.

Djurens olika roller i behandlingsarbete med unga brukare vid HVB-hem : En kvalitativ studie

The aim of this study is to understand which roles institutional personnel in HVB-homes (homes for care or living), that include animals ascribe the animals for the young clients in treatment. Using the termsrole, role-taking, primary socialisation and secondary socialisation within the perspective of symbolic interactionism, we intend to analyse the expericences from the institutional personnel of what roles the animals are ascribed in treatment of young clients. We also wanted to find out if the institutional personnel have certain expectations on the animals as tools in the treatment and whether the institutional personnel believes that the animals have important roles in the treatment of the young clients.To find the answers of our aim and approach to our problems, we have used a qualitative study where we have interviewed six institutional personnel distributed in three different HVB-homes that uses animals in treatment of young clients. Our empirical material shows that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals a variety of roles, which among others are: friendly and familiar, meaningful, safe, comforting and soothing. Other roles that the institutional personnel ascribe the animals for the young clients are: teaching in order to develop empathy and responsibility; helping in therapy situation and having an activating role.

Styrningsmentalitet i socialt arbete En kritisk diskursanalys av KBT

This study is based on the will to understand the importance of a specific theory within social work. From the concept of neo-liberal governmentality, the aim is to critically examine and discuss how governance and self-governance is manifested in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). This will be accomplished through an analysis of:? How governance (and self-governance) is manifested in text through the advocacy of CBT and methods based on CBT.? How (governance and) self-governance is manifested in text through the contents of CBT and methods based on CBT. The study has a deductive approach including the hypothesis that the discourses inherent in social work methods and interventions, exemplified by the theory of CBT and methods based on CBT, may be related to the West?s development of a neo-liberal concept of governance.

Överrapportering av patient från räddningstjänstpersonal till ambulanspersonal vid I Väntan På Ambulans (IVPA) larm : Patient Handover from local rescue services to paramedics

Introduction: Sleep is necessary for human survival. Difficulty sleeping occurs in about one in four adult person in Sweden, insomnia in every ten. There are several reasons for difficulty sleeping, where stress is one of the most common. The quality of life and health are affected negatively. Treatment with proven efficacy against insomnia is not only sleep medication, but also cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT.

Evaluation of RCM implementation process in Vattenfall
Service and Vattenfall, Hydropower organizations: a study and
analysis of its current status

Vattenfall AB is a large producer of electric energy where approximately half of the energy comes from hydropower. Vattenfall Hydropower has got almost a 100-year old history and the company has developed a lot since 1909. After that the number of power plants increased and the competition got more intense, there were higher demands on the reliability. One way to secure the reliability with a good satisfaction at the power plants is to implement a maintenance method named Reliability-Centred Maintenance. RCM is a result of the introduction of the complex aeroplane Boeing 747 in the 1960?s.

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