
Ungdomars upplevelser av sina konsumtionsmöjligheter

En enkätundersökning i en sjundeklass

The object of this essay was about youth's experiences of their possibility of consumption. We also wanted to analyze if their possibility of consumption had a connection with their experience of happiness. Another part of the object was to see if there where any differences between girls and boys concerning the questions above. One of the issues we had was if the youth's money was enough for their needs of consumption. The method we used were a questionnaire, which we asked a class of 22 pupils to fill in. The pupils were in the age of 12-13 years old and 14 of them were girls and 8 were boys.A distinct result of our essay was that the youths experienced that their money was enough for their needs of consumption. A large difference between girls and boys was that girls had needs as buying clothes and giving presents and boys had needs as renting movies and go to the cinema. And the differences occurring happiness were that girls experienced happiness when they could shop and be with their families and the boys felt happiness when they could go in school.


Carola Fröjdh Ulrika Lindersson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Socialhögskolan


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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