
Studie av sambandet mellan räddningstjänstens förebyggande insatser och anlagda skolbränder

analys av behovet av stöd och vägledning

The purpose of this report is to study the relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. An objective of the project is also to investi-gate the need of developing national methods for fire prevention. The results are based on a questionnaire study among 35 fire departments and further interviews with five of them. The results indicate that there is a relationship between the rescue service fire prevention activities and the number of arson fires in schools. The relationship is positive in the sense that arson fires in schools decrease with increasing prevention activities. The outcome shows furthermore, that the need of national methods for fire prevention activities in this area is significant. In those cases that there is a need for improvements of fire prevention measures recommendations are given.


Johan Szymanski Malin Pettersson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Brandingenjörsprogrammet


"Kandidatuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete ) om minst 15 högskolepoäng utfört för att erhålla kandidatexamen.

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