

21 Uppsatser om Brandteknik - Sida 1 av 2

Militärt stöd till samhället

This report covers a description of the military support attainable to society and made available by the Swedish Armed Forces, in the event of a crisis. The main focal point is the needs of the rescue services..

Riskanalys av järnvägen genom centrala Halmstad

The purpose of this risk analysis is to investigate if the transport of dangerous gods through Halmstad is a threat to the surrounding area. The report shall serve as a component in the making of pre-plans and the planning of exercises..

Utrymning av folkmassor - simulering och verklighet

The report contains a comparison between computer based modeling of evacuation and evacuation experiments with large crowds. Crowd movement, behavior and management is examined, as well as the evacuation time. The conclusions in this report are based on observations made during the evacuation of a football ground (Swedish)..

Simulering av kabelbränder i sekundära säkerhetssystem med CFD-koden SMAFS

This report contains CFD-simulations of cable tray fires in nuclear power plant applications with the CFD-code SMAFS. Furthermore the report evaluates the use of CFD-codes within this kind of problems. The assessment of this report is that there is a tendency towards the good use of CFD-codes but before using it solely more research has to be done on the subject..

Säkerhetsarbete inom ungdomsvård - ett underlag till förbättring av samverkan

The aim of this project is to study the work that has been done by the youth welfare to prevent accidents and to increase the preparedness in case of fire. Further the aim is to develop a basis to improve the interaction between the fire services and the youth welfare. The conclusions that were made during the project can be used to increase the safety of the environment that estates by the youth welfare..

Riskanalys av farligtgodsled i Kalmar - Rekommendationer med avseende på detaljplan Södra vägen

This report contains a risk analysis of transportation of dangerous goods in Kalmar. The analysis is based on quantitative data and an evaluation of the risks based on both the probability of occurring accidents as well as the consequences of those. The risks are presented as both individual and societal risks..

Integration av systematiskt brandskyddsarbete med ISO 14001

As a result of the Civil Protection Act, there is an imperative for Systematic Fire Preventive Measures, SFPM. SFPM can be divided in two parts: organisational preventive measures, and documentation of fire preventive measures. The manner in which SFPM is to be conducted is similar to that of the environmental management system ISO 14001. This report provides suggestions how to integrate SFPM with ISO 14001..

Kommunal samverkan mellan räddningscentral och POSOM - En fallstudie av Tsunamikatastrofen

This report is an evaluation of the cooperation between the rescue command centre and the POSOM-groups (?Psychological and social support?) after the Tsunami catastrophe in December, 2004. The report describes the interaction between these two municipal administrations, what services the rescue command centre provided and how they gathered information. Finally the author suggests different solutions to how the collaboration within these different municipal administrations can be increased and improved in future times of crisis..

Bestämning av lägsta luminans för utrymningsskyltar

This report is based upon an experimental study of exit sign luminescence in different environments. The purpose is to evaluate the lowest luminescence of an exit sign, based upon Swedish regulations. Scientific experiments have been conducted in a controlled environment, where exit sign luminescence was graded by an evaluation group. The results of these have been verified by similar experiments that took place in two department stores. The final result of the study is guidelines for appropriate exit sign luminescence in different environments..

Den militära flygplatsräddningstjänstens taktik - En studie, analys och rekommendationer

This report describes the tactics used by the Swedish Air Force rescue services against crashed military aeroplanes and helicopters. The aim of the report is to study and analyze the tactics used by the different Air Force bases, standards, regulations and equipment. The report also discusses the different work environment problems and hazards around military ARFF. Much of the information gathered for the report comes from interviews with personnel working in and with the military rescue services. The overall conclusion is that the basic conditions for a good ARFF tactic are there, but a lot needs to be improved and optimized..

Tillförlitlighet för automatiska sprinkleranläggningar - en analys av befintlig statistik

In this report statistics concerning the reliability of sprinkler systems from seven countries has been analysed. The objective of the report has been to determine the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden and to present suggestions on measures to increase the reliability. The main conclusion that has been drawn is that the reliability of sprinkler systems in Sweden is 92 percent according to the analysis of Swedish statistics, and that this figure finds support in statistics from other countries. Further results are that the quality of design, installation, maintenance and inspection of sprinkler has to be improved and that the Swedish incident report has to be revised..

Systematiskt brandskyddsarbete med Hallsta pappersbruk som tillämpningsexempel

The aim of this report is to improve the fire safety at Hallsta Paper Mill in Hallstavik, Sweden. In order to do so large parts of a fire-protection management system for the paper mill has been created. The report begins with giving a general description of management structures and fire-protection management systems. An account is given for how management structures are designed, and how they should be implemented, maintained and updated. Thereafter follows a description of what routines and instructions should be included in a fire-protection management system..

Osäkerheter vid brandteknisk dimensionering av ventilationssystem

This masters thesis deals with smoke spread via ventilation systems. One aim of the thesis is to investigate and explain the differences in efforts to prevent smoke spread via ventilation systems in different countries. A second aim of this thesis is to investigate how frequently occurring smoke spread via ventilation systems in Swedish buildings are. A third aim is to investigate how uncertainties in input variables to smoke spread calculations will affect the result of calculation. To be able to do this the most important input variables are identified and analysed.

Styr- och beräkningsprogram för kalibrering av värmestrålningsmätare

Då det köptes in ny utrustning för kalibrering av värmestrålningsmätare till SP, Brandteknik, fanns det ett önskemål om att effektivisera proceduren vid kalibreringen. Vid kalibrering med den befintliga hård- och mjukvaran finns många manuella moment som skulle kunna reduceras.I detta projekt har ett styrprogram utvecklats i programmeringsspråket LabVIEW. Programmet använder ett seriellt kommunikationsprotokoll för att styra den kontroller som reglerar temperaturen i kalibreringsugnen. Programmet ställer in de temperaturnivåer som ska ingå i kalibreringen, upp till tio stycken, och kontrollerar när temperaturen har stabiliserat sig. När den gjort det tas ett antal mätpunkter ut och sparas till en resultatfil.

Analytisk dimensionering av räddningstjänsten i Skåne Nordväst

This report is a part of the process of enhanced cooperation between fire rescue services in the region of North West Scania. The aim of the report is to study and analyze how the fire rescue service should be structured, in terms of rescue units and personnel, if no account is to be taking to the current organization. Two types of accident are considered in the report, traffic accidents and building fires. These are more affected by decreased response time than other accidents. Several suggested organizations are presented and they are evaluated with the computer program REP.

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