
Rengöring, desinfektion och förvaring avendoskop i djursjukvården

With a starting point in the legislation for organic production set up by the Swedishcertification organization KRAV, the reasons to why these regulations are important isexplained and how pigs are affected by these rules. The study also shows how well the pigscope in the organic environment considering the origin of the genetic material; from theconventional pig population. The conclusion is that pigs do function fairly well in the organicproduction environment and the traits affecting their functionality involve: motheringabilities, strong legs, good meat quality, good sow durability and longevity, capacity to eatmuch roughage and dark skin color. There are however still many ways of improving theorganic population of pigs to make them more adjusted to the organic environment; forexample different traits brought into the breeding goals and the choice of good parent animals.


Charlotte Forssén

Lärosäte och institution

SLU/Dept. of Animal Environment and Health


"Högskoleuppsats". Självständigt arbete (examensarbete) för att erhålla högskoleexamen

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