
Kyrkans tradition och den nutida människans längtan

empirisk studie av utmaningarna i en landsbygdsförsamling i Svenska kyrkan på 2000-talet

In this essay there will be four text books from grade 1 studied, the first one are from the year 1976 and it will be going forward to the year 2012. The aim of this study is to see how the genders are depicted and represented, as well as what roles the genders are given. I do also want to see if there is a notable change in this over time. I will be doing a study based on the quantity of the contents, and I will also be doing a critical discourse analysis.The result of the study showed that there were more gender-based constructions that referred to women in all of the four books, which indicates that women are represented more often in these reading books. It is most common to portray the genders in their stereotypical roles, which again are present in society, but sometimes these roles are depart from what?s present in society. My study did not show any noticeable differences over time. My study is also too small to be able to give me any results that can be view as general. My study in comparison to earlier reports on genus in text books , sexes in child books as well as genus in a progressive text book does not point at any obvious similarities to these aforementioned reports. This may have a direct result in the fact that my study is too small and does not depict the general results that is shown in the early research that has been conducted.


Helena Lennstring

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Kyrko- och missionsstudier


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