
Kjoltyg och magiska skönhetsunder

en jämförande diskursanalys av hur journalisterna på Slitz och Veckorevyn representerar kvinnan

The purpose of this study is to compare how the male journalists of the Slitz magazine and the female journalists of Veckorevyn represent the female sex. Slitz is dominated by sensual, sexy pictures of women. The texts describe the women on the basis of the journalists opinions. The women themselves do not get the same opportunities as the journalists to tell the readers who they are. Slitz magazine objectify women, they seem to be aware of it and do not hide their purpose. The ideology that they are being a part of does not mask the objectified picture of women that they give the male readers. It?s natural for them to objectify women and they do not see anything wrong with it. The Veckorevyn magazine wants all women to feel good about themselves and sometimes allow a feministic perspective in the articles which stands against the dominant ideology (the male norm). Unfortunately the dominant ideology is stronger than the feministic even in Veckorevyn and they also reproduce the stereotype picture of how a woman should be and look like. In other words: the magazines reproduce the same view of how women should be, act and look like. It does not make any differences whether the journalists and/or the readers are female or male.


Annelie Klint Nilsson Rebecca Linder

Lärosäte och institution



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