
Fågel, Fisk och mitt i mellan- Osteologisk analys av materialet från mesolitiska-neolitiska boplatsen Sjöholmen.

This paper deals with the food economy in the Mesolithic ? Neolithic settlement Sjöholmenfrom excavation in 1961 lead by Ingeborg Tillander. This material has been compared withthe material from Ringsjöholm and Ageröd V since these places are situated near each other.The paper has three different parts there we go deeper in to birds, beaver and small vertebrae,fishes and carnivores. Another large part in the paper are taphonomic processes, faunal historyand previous research about Sjöholmen.


Pernilla Brännborn Johanna Jardfelt Anna Karlsson

Lärosäte och institution

Lunds universitet/Historisk osteologi


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