

8 Uppsatser om Isotoper - Sida 1 av 1

Proveniensbestämning av vikingatida hornmaterial : En studie utifrån stabila isotoper

The main aim was to investigate the provenance of Viking age antler material findings of moose and red deer from Sigtuna and from three sites on the island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. This was done by analysis of the stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen and sulphur. Thre were never any living population of these mammals on Gotland during the Viking age.?34S-values of sulphur from this study was compared with earlier research and by studying maps of the Swedish bedrock. The ?34S-values were more like the ?34S-value for bedrock other than European granite.

Nuklearmedicinsk diagnostik: ur ett farmaceutiskt perspektiv

Nuklearmedicinsk diagnostik omfattar en teknik där man med hjälp av radioaktiva Isotoper kan studera funktion, blodflöde, metabolism eller morfologi hos olika organ och vävnader i människokroppen. Radioaktiva Isotoper kan även användas i terapeutiskt syfte, s.k. radioterapi. Detta arbete utgår från en beställning av verksamhetsföreträdare inom hälso- och sjukvården. Arbetet belyser ett farmaceutiskt perspektiv eftersom gällande lagar föreskriver att en beredningsansvarig farmaceut måste vara utsedd för att verksamheten skall kunna bedrivas. De metoder som använts för arbetet är litteraturstudier, studiebesök, genomgång av gällande lagar och förordningar som styr verksamheten samt intervjuer med de olika personalkatagorier som är involverade i verksamheten. Därtill har en förfrågan skickats till samtliga nuklearmedicinska enheter i Sverige om hur organisationen ser ut vid respektive enhet. Arbetet ger en översikt över de vanligaste undersökningarna som utförs vid en nuklearmedicinsk avdelning på ett länssjukhus i Sverige och vilka radiofarmaka som används.

Fågel, Fisk och mitt i mellan- Osteologisk analys av materialet från mesolitiska-neolitiska boplatsen Sjöholmen.

This paper deals with the food economy in the Mesolithic ? Neolithic settlement Sjöholmenfrom excavation in 1961 lead by Ingeborg Tillander. This material has been compared withthe material from Ringsjöholm and Ageröd V since these places are situated near each other.The paper has three different parts there we go deeper in to birds, beaver and small vertebrae,fishes and carnivores. Another large part in the paper are taphonomic processes, faunal historyand previous research about Sjöholmen..

Diet och identitet : Analyser av kol- kväve- och svavelisotoper på indivier från det kristna senvikingatida gravfältet i Björned, Torsåkers socken, Ångermanland

This paper deals with the late Viking age/early medieval grave field in Björned, Torsåker parish, Ångermanland County in northern Sweden. The grave field in Björned is rare because it has all the signs of being Christianized before the surroundings. This awakes questions such as if the people of Björned came from another place and brought the religion with them or if someone else did that for them. To find these answers I have analysed the stable isotope ratios [delta]13C, [delta]15N and [delta]34S in human bone collagen. Through these stable isotopes we can not only see what the people consumed but also where their food had its origin.

Something fishy in Christians : Dietrekonstruktioner genom analys av stabila isotoper på tidigmedeltida skelett från Rambodal, Styrstad Sn, Östergötland

Dietary patterns has varied throughout history, both due to resource and cultural limitations. In this thesis, a study was conducted to establish the dietary patterns of eight individuals from an early Midieaval gravesite in Rambodal, Östergötland, in order to explain why they were buried there. This was done through stable isotope analysis on collagen extracted from bone and tooth on the buried individuals. The analysis showed that these indviduals had a diet that was mainly based on freshwater fish. This suggests that these people may have been christians, due to the fact that fish was not regarded as meat and therefore you did not have to abstain from it during periods of fasting.

Dödsrikets livshistorier : Benkemiska isotopanalyser på artikulerade och disartikulerade individer i Frälsegårdens gånggrift

The aim in this thesis is to use carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotope analysis on teeth and bone to track diet and mobility of the population as well as the individual level from the articulated and disarticulated individuals from the passage grave Frälsegården, situated in Gökhem parish in the region of Falbygden, western Sweden.50 human samples were analyzed from tooth, mandibula and femur, together with 11 faunal samples from different bone elements of local wild and domestic animals.The results fall well in line with earlier stable isotope work done on passage grave individuals from Falbygden in stable isotopes: A homogenous group with a diet which was clearly terrestrial and lived on a pretty high trophic level. It also seems that the analyzed individuals deliberately focused their food intake to the cultural and natural, megalith and limestone landscape of Falbygden, and not to its surroundings, even if the passage grave is situated in the outermost areas of the region.A small study compares the sulfur results to with earlier work done on strontium isotopes. The results show that the different methods might provide a deeper understanding in the interpretation of the methods, and therefore suggesting that further work should be done to compare the methods..

Genus på menyn : Analyser av stabila kol- och kväveisotoper på skelettmaterial från Bjärbygravfältet från äldre romersk järnålder i Kastlösa på Öland

This paper deals with diet and gender in the early roman iron age in Sweden. Human bone and tooth material from the Iron Age cemetery at Bjärby in Kastlösa parish on the island of Öland have been analysed for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes. 21 individuals were sampled. Where possible 4 samples were taken from each individual, from the first, second and third molar respectively and from one compact bone. By doing so it is possible, at least in theory, to trace intra-individual diets throughout life.

Värmeflödet från jordens inre och dess användning som energikälla

Syftet med denna uppsats var att beräkna värmeflödet på Gotland, samt göra en uppskattning av tillgången till jordvärmeenergi i Sverige och möjligheterna till dess användning som del av energiförsörjningen. Uppskattningarna baseras på de värmeflöden och värmeproduktionsvärden samt på de geologiska förutsättningarna i Sverige. Förnyelsebara energikällor blir allt viktigare för den framtida energiförsörjningen. På längre sikt och med förbättrad teknik kan t.ex. jordvärme bli en värdefull energikälla.