
FÖRTROENDE FÖR CHEFEN-En studie med enhetschefer inom två av Göteborgs stadsdelsförvaltningar

There is a relationship between confidence in management and personnel satisfaction. The personnel?s confidence in management can be seen as a fundamental tool which is needed to ensure the success of the organizations mandate. This study investigates how management works to create and maintain confidence. The conditions that management has for building confidence are explored, as well as the significance of leadership in the building of confidence. The study is based on qualitative research, consisting of face-to-face interviews with six high-ranking managers within two of Gothenburg?s municipal administrations. The findings of these interviews are analyzed in light of results from an annual survey in Gothenburg which measures city employees?satisfaction with working conditions. The aim of this paper is to ascertain if there are similarities and differences between the respondents? experiences and opinions of confidence in relation to the respondents? own context.The results of this study show that confidence is perceived to be a key element in whether a manager can lead successfully. The process by which confidence is created appears to be influenced by the contextual framework. The respondents are of the opinion that political decisions, budget considerations, and organizational culture affect their discretion. An optimal working relationship with superiors and politicians promotes confidence and a less than optimal relationship diminishes a manager?s possibilities to win the personnel?s confidence.Participation is an important factor in a relationship marked by confidence, according to the respondents. The manager promotes employee participation by offering dialogues and by creating an open climate. Confidence is created through interaction, which necessitates a leader being present and available. The organizations informal meetings are therefore an important forum for managers. The significance of communication and information is highlighted as a prerequisite in the creation of confidence. Lastly, the manager?s own personal maturity is emphasized as a crucial aspect in creating confidence. The manager?s self-knowledge and personal maturity based on experience in and outside of work, affects the quality of the interaction with employees. This, in turn, affects the employees? assessment of the manager?s benignancy and trustworthiness, which are cornerstones of a trustful relationship.


Jamileh Mobaser Mari-Ann Nikkilä

Lärosäte och institution

Göteborgs universitet/Institutionen för socialt arbete


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