
Det norska energideklarationssystemets konsekvenser för äldre byggnaders karaktärsbärande värden

Roughly 130 000 dwellings have been officially registered since Norway as of summer 2009 passed their bill ?Energimerkeforskriften? on energy performance certificates in buildings. The main objective is to decrease the total amount of national energy consumption by producing a methodology of calculation of the integrated energy performance of buildings as well as proposing cost effective measures to lower each building?s energy consumption. As the measures should not contravene nor be incompatible with the intended quality and character of the building, the ?Energimerkeforskriften? exempts buildings that due to their historical and cultural values are protected cultural heritage legislation. The current system offers a couple of professional certification alternatives, but when two online semi-automatic methods developed specifically for non-professionals are by far the most used, and since the methods of calculation primarily have focused on modern building materials and construction, the rest of the historical building stock stands literally unprotected by incorrect performance certificates and high-risk energy efficient measures. The objective of this thesis is to identify if the current Norwegian energy certificate system poses a threat to older buildings. It also tries to pinpoint relevant additions in order to minimize those potential risks in a near future by relating potential impact to what is determined as the main character-defining values of a building. The results show that the system clearly has its flaws, mainly regarding the estimation of energy consumption, and that the automatically recommended energy efficient measures would pose a serious potential threat to the historical building stock of Norway if they were to be implemented.


Fredrik Berg

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Konstvetenskapliga institutionen


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