
?Det a?r inte viktigt att jag ska vara absolut ba?st, men jag vill vara ba?ttre a?n de flesta?

En kvalitativ studie om juriststudenters subjektiva upplevelser av krav och stress

AbstractTitle: It is not necessary to be the best, but I don?t want to be average Author: Maja Benca & Emma Ender Tutor: Hedvig EkerwaldPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to identify the subjective experiences of stressors and demands of law students of Uppsala University. Beyond these problems, this thesis was also identifying if there was a balance or conflict between social life and studies from a social psychological perspective. This essay is based on five key questions: How does the subjective experience of stress and demands affect the interviewed law students? How do the interviewed law students handle the stress and demands in their studies and in everyday life? Do the interviewed law students consider there is a balance between social life and studies? How do the law students want to present themselves in front of classmates and teachers? What do the interviewed law students consider to be the main goal in life? Method/Material: The material used in this thesis consists of a total of ten interviews with law students of Uppsala University, five women and five men in the ages of 20 - 32. Main results: The thesis results showed that the stress and demands are experienced individually and differently from person to person depending on ability and how individuals manage their stress. A correlation could be found between the demands and stress in the informants' subjective stories, and how they are being affected. In addition to this, we could also find that there is an imbalance and conflict between social life and studies, as they have to give their studies first priority. How informants present themselves and what their goals are, is also explored in this bachelor thesis.Number of pages: 50 Course: Social psychology C, Institution of Sociology, Uppsala University Period: Spring 2014Keywords: Stress, demands, goal, impression, looking glass self, law students, master of laws, coping 


Maja Benca Emma Ender

Lärosäte och institution

Uppsala universitet/Sociologiska institutionen


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