
Crowdsourcing för en ökad medborgardialog. En studie om en ökad medborgardialog för Västra Götalandsregionens kollektivtrafiknämnd

Today, companies can take advantage of mass intelligence by making use out ofcrowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is a business model that uses the power of the collective bythe offer of a problem by means of competitions in various social media. The benefit ofcrowdsourcing is that the company gets more creative and creative solutions to the sameproblem, which would not have been possible if the company solved the problem internally.The larger mass gains an insight into the company, which in return also releases power tothe company's development. The study aims to examine the way in which citizens can beattracted to participate in the development of public transport using crowdsourcing. The studyis based on both qualitative and quantitative approach since the study has a qualitative pilotstudy. The pilot study was based on an interview with Maria Larsson from public transportcommittee and a focus group that discussed the topic at large and shaped three themes ofthe study was to build on. These three themes are motivation, media tools and conditions.Along this has a quantitative focus applied in the form of a questionnaire addressed to thelarger mass. The results from the survey are then compiled in Excel and presented in tables.The result shows that if public transport want to use crowdsourcing as a model to attractparticipating from the citizen they needs to give individuals an insight into the company, beclear about what information they want to get out and pick out their group and lure them withthe right incentives. This essay is written in Swedish. Key words: Crowdsourcing, Collective intelligence, Motivation, Commitment, Prerequisites,Dialogue with citizens, public transport



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IT-universitetet i Göteborg/Tillämpad informationsteknologi


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