

38 Uppsatser om Sponsor - Sida 1 av 3

"Utan If, ingen podcast" : En analys av sponsring i svenska podcasts

Internet and convergence culture has changed the terms of the media landscape. When old media converge and new ones take form, questions about how these should be classified arise, which is accompanied by new challenges in terms of ethics and regulations. One of these newfound mediums is podcasting; an expanding auditive pull-medium available through streaming or downloading on the Internet.This study, which was conducted as a quantitative content analysis, examines the use of Sponsorship in four of the most popular Swedish podcasts. This was done as an attempt to understand how producers of a new and unregulated medium choose to go about presenting their Sponsor, without having any ethical guidelines to follow. Traditional media is already regulated and have ethical guidelines, that for example regulate how to address a Sponsor, but in the new and expanding world of podcasting there are no ethical rules and guidelines.Our study shows that the placements of the Sponsorship messages tend to vary and that there is very little consensus regarding how these podcasts choose to present their Sponsor.

Reklam i kostym : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ undersökning av de köpta debatterna på Newsmill.se

The aim of this thesis was to explore and analyze the Sponsored debates on Newsmill, so called seminars. How does the Sponsor use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes? Who is allowed to write in Newsmills seminars?To answer these questions we used both a quantitative survey and a qualitative survey.To examine how the Sponsors use Newsmills seminars for marketing purposes we conducted a qualitative analysis which included three of the eleven seminars - a total of 26 articles. We examined how the Sponsors conveyed the picture of themselves and if the written content in Newsmills seminars contained any hidden marketing. We could see that the Sponsor has a great deal of influence on the seminars and also used them to market their brand with hybrid messages.

Folkbibliotekssponsring : en undersökning av alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter för svenska folkbibliotek

As public libraries in Sweden receive the bulk of their budget from local government funding, which has stayed static or, at best, seen small increases, libraries have been faced with inadequate resources with which to satisfy increasing expectations from users. As few libraries are over-funded in the first place, ways may have to be found to combat this situation. The aim of this Masters thesis is to examine alternative sources of funding for Swedish public libraries, and my main focus of interest is that of Sponsorship. The method used is a literature study combined with an empirical study, in which interviews were conducted with five persons each with long experience of working with public libraries. The literary study deals with the concept of Sponsorship, and the motivations for companies to Sponsor are also examined.

Den ideella organisationens utmaning : att värva nya och behålla befintliga donatorer

Purpose: The purpose of the essay is to result in recommendations for how non-profit organizations work with signing new and keeping existing donors can be improved.Methology: The thesis has a hermeneutic view. It does not have the intention to lead to generalizations, although the result could lead to new knowledge, increased  understanding and deepened insight based on well thought-out interpretations. Furthermore, the thesis has a deductive approach. The research method is qualitative and the objectivity has been sustained by not enter personal values and views until the discussion section. It is a case study and semi-structured interviews have been done with two non-profit organizations, two individual donors and three donating/Sponsoring companies.Theoretical perspective: The essay proceed from theories in development, fundraising, communication and customer relations.

Allsvensk fotbollssponsring

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance, validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today (2013). Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face interviews with companies that Sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium. Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and associations..

Allsvensk fotbollssponsring

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance, validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today (2013). Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face interviews with companies that Sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium. Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and associations..

Modern sponsring i svenska idrottsföreningar : En kvalitativ studie om hur effektivt sponsringsarbete organiseras

Syfte och frågeställningarSyftet med studien var att undersöka hur man kan arbeta effektivt med sponsring i en idrottsorganisation. Det centrala i vår studie är att hitta nyckelfaktorer för hur idrottsorganisationer kan organisera sitt arbete med sponsring.? Hur organiserar man en idrottsförening för att kunna arbeta effektivt med sponsring?? Vilken arbetsform är bäst lämpad för sponsring i svenska idrottsföreningar?? Vilka kunskaper krävs för att maximera nyttan av sponsring inom svenska idrottsföreningar?? Vilken sponsringsform är bäst lämpad för svenska idrottsföreningar?? Hur går man tillväga för att skapa och upprätthålla en framgångsrik kontakt mellan Sponsor och idrottsförening?MetodVi har i vår studie använt oss av en metoden Grundad Teori, som är lämplig för att finna ny kunskap. Vår studie är av kvalitativ art. Vi har baserat studien på intervjuer med sju personer som arbetar med sponsring på företag och inom idrottsvärlden.

Hur stärks ett företags varumärke genom sponsring? : Rosa Bandet kampanjen

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att analysera och undersöka hur ett företags varumärke stärks genom sponsring samt på vilket sätt. Vi kommer även att göra en jämförelse mellan huvudSponsorer och mindre Sponsorer.Metod: Vi har använt oss av en kvalitativ metod, det vill säga intervjuer. Vi har intervjuat en Sponsoransvarig från de tre Sponsorerna vi har valt samt en representant från Rosa Bandet kampanjen.Resultat och slutsats:Ett företags varumärke stärks genom sponsring beroende på vilka förutsättningar företagen har. Med det menas alltså samarbetets styrka mellan Sponsorgivare och Sponsortagare. Ju mer en Sponsor bidrar med, desto mer utrymme får den hos Sponsortagaren och därmed stärks varumärket mer.

Korta relationer i nya medier

Podcasten är i Sverige ett nytt medium. Denna kanal särskiljer sig från andra mer etablerade medier i det avseende att korta relationer vanligtvis uppstår mellan podcasts och Sponsorer. Det som är uppseendeväckande med detta är att teorier gällande relationsutbyten förespråkar långsiktiga relationer. Attribut som är av betydelse för relationsutbytets utveckling är: relationens längd, förtroende, ömsesidigt beroende, normer, och anpassning. Intressant blir således att undersöka hur detta kan komma sig.

Drink! : En analys av The Coca-Cola Company's marknadsföringshistoria ur ett moderniseringsperspektiv

Drink! The Marketing History of The Coca-Cola Company: A Modernization Perspective examines the development of The Coca-Cola Company?s marketing history, from the founding of the company in 1886 until today. The Coca-Cola Company has been superior on the market for over a century. It has also developed along with the urbanisation of its society, which is interesting in a modernization perspective. The essay investigates the marketing strategies of the company, with focus on three themes: gender, Sponsorship and interactive culture phenomenon.

Ledarskap - En balanskonst?: En studie av föreställningar om ledarskap

The industry of management training programs is increasing rapidly. Every year numerous organizations Sponsor expensive management training programs for their managers, hoping that this will pay off and make the organizations more profitable. The companies that offer these management training programs could be seen as important conveyers of conceptions of leadership. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to identify similarities between a number of management training programs and see how they are related to different leadership theories , and based on this try to recognize the conceptions of leadership that are conveyed. The study is of qualitative nature and is based on interviews with representatives from five management training companies in Sweden along with a text analysis of written material presented by the companies.

Ericssons roll i Öresundsregionen

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga vilken roll Ericsson spelar och har spelat som innovationsgenerator i Öresundsregionen, samt ge en bild av det utbyte och skapande av kunskap som sker i relationerna mellan Ericsson, lokala myndigheter, universitet och företag i regionen. Metod: Intervjuer med olika aktörer i regionen, från både näringsliv, myndigheter och universitet, har legat till grund för det empiriska datainsamlandet. Intervjuerna har sedan kompletterats med telefonintervjuer med lokala företag inom IT och telekom. Slutsatser: Ericsson har en nyckelroll i den regionala utvecklingen inom telekom, både som kund för mindre företag och som samarbetspartner och Sponsor av forskning vid Lunds Tekniska Högskola (LTH). Nätverken mellan Ericsson, lokala företag, och LTH är väletablerade och fyller en viktig funktion som kunskapsspridare i regionen.

En studie i visuell sponsorkommunikation med fotboll som arena : Vilken typ av sponsorkommunikation är passande vid matchvärdskap och finns det utrymme för nytänkande?

Time changes, so also in sport. The small venues become larger and more modernized. As stadiums grows, so also does Sponsorship and its popularity, around them. Is it enough as a Sponsor only to expose yourself these days, or does the new times require more creativity to stand out from all the media?This work is done for Stadium AB in Norrköping, and treats questions such as; what type of sposnorcummunication that is proper to use around the soccer stadium, and if it is possible for new ideas in the future when Stadium is hosting a game? To answer these questions theory has been read about Sponsorship and data has been gathered through qualitative interviewswith soccer clubs and Sponsorship consultants.The work result shows that there are some general rules that the company should follow tosucceess when hosting a game.

Hur har den finansiella krisen påverkat Västerbottens läns främsta damfotbollsföreningar : - Avseende sponsring

 This study is made, on behalf of Västerbottens Fotbollsförbund, with the purpose to investigate how the 2008 financial crisis have affected the Sponsorship to the voluntary sports sector in the Västerbotten region, with focus on the womens elite football teams. The background of this study was to investigate the effect of the financial crisis to help the voluntary organizations in the future. The study was carried out with a qualitative approach as depth interviews with ten people representing both the voluntary organizations and the Sponsoring companies, which one was a previous Sponsor. To understand and interpret the result of the interviews we used models such as the stakeholder model, the A-ERIC model and a communication model for Sponsorship from literature such as Donaldson and Preston (1995), Mitchell et. al.

Bibliotek och sponsring ? en studie om sponsring vid sju bibliotek

This essay concerns Sponsorship of libraries within Sweden. It takes its starting-point in the libraries economical situation where resources are decreasing. The main purpose of the essay is to investigate how Sponsorship is used in public libraries. The main questions are:o Why are Sponsorships appealing to libraries? o What does the processes of Sponsoring look like? o What are the possible risks concerning Sponsor-ships ? could it endanger libraries democratic role? o How does library staff reflect on the role of libraries in contemporary society? In our study we chose to investigate the Sponsorship issue from the Sponsored libraries perspective.

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