

72 Uppsatser om Modes - Sida 1 av 5

Hur marknaden bedömer europeiska företagstillkännagivanden vid etablering i BRIC länder

The aim of this study is to examine how European companies? stock price is affected by an announcement about foreign direct investment in one of the BRIC countries. Another aim for the study is to examine if the market reacts differently to the three Modes of entry methods in a given BRIC country and to examine if the market reacts differently to different European countries. The study also set out to answer if there were any effects of the three Modes of entry that was visible a short time after the announcement. To answer and examine this, the authors used the event study approach. The study was conducted with a sample of 47 companies from France, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Germany.

Specifikation för ett visualiseringsverktyg för consumption modes i aktiva databaser.

Syftet med denna rapport är att ta fram en specifikation för ett datorverktyg som visualiserar händelseupptäckt i aktiva databaser.Konventionella databashanteringssystem (DBHS) är passiva i den mening att data är skapad, hämtad, modifierad och raderad endast när en användare eller ett applikationsprogram explicit angivit detta. Många applikationer, såsom process control och power generation/distribution networks, kräver en snabb respons i kritiska situationer, och därför räcker inte ett passivt DBHS till. För dessa applikationer måste man kunna definiera villkor som övervakas av databasen. När dessa villkor sedan uppfylls utförs specificerade åtgärder/handlingar.Consumption Modes är ett svårt och komplext område inom aktiva databaser. Som ett resultat av detta finns ett intresse i att använda visualisering för att lättare förstå de olika consumption Modes som finns.En prototyp utformades för att fungera som underlag vid de intervjuer som senare genomfördes.

Entry Mode Strategies for ire in to the Polish Market : A Case Study of ire Möbel AB

Background: In today?s business environment it is important to find new customers. An action that has been widely used is to enter foreignmarkets. Most firms are always seeking to maximize their profits,which can be achieved if an entry into a foreign market is performed.Due the European Union (EU), new economies open theirborders for international trade and foreign investments. In 2004 Poland received membership.

Alternativa metoder för att kontrollera ett användargränsnitt i en browser för teknisk dokumentation

When searching for better and more practical interfaces between users and their computers, additional or alternative Modes of communication between the two parties would be of great use. This thesis handles the possibilities of using eye and head movements as well as voice input as these alternative Modes of communication. One part of this project is devoted to find possible interaction techniques when navigating in a computer interface with movements of the eye or the head. The result of this part is four different controls of an interface, adapted to suit this kind of navigation, combined together in a demo application. Another part of the project is devoted to the development of an application, with voice control as primary input method.

I rörelse - ett trafikprogram för Nacka

In motion ?a traffic program for Nacka is the result of a survey of the traffic system and transportation situation in Nacka and suggests possible development opportunities. A new traffic strategy will be developed in the municipality of Nacka the coming years, which is the reason for this study: to map the current situation, identify strengths and weaknesses, needs and opportunities. This program suggests possible development opportunities and gives an historical overview of the transportation system, the current situation and an analysis of different transportation Modes. A mapping of other municipalities? traffic strategies or programs have been done and included into the program as well as a prognosis for the coming years in the municipality.

Referenssamtalet med barn : förhållningssätt och bemötande. Fem intervjuer med barnbibliotekarier

The aim of this study was to examine the social relationships between children and librarians during reference interviews. Using qualitative interviews with five children's librarians I illustrate attitudes and behaviours during a reference situation which take place in psychological, social and even in pedagogical contexts. The literature review comprises studies of the reference interview with children and youth, a description of interpersonal communication and finally social interaction and dialog between teachers and pupils. The main result of this study was the demonstration of a dichotomy in Modes of interpersonal communication. In one mode, the social frame is emphasized.

Analys av verkningsgrad för en industriell DC-DC omvandlare

This thesis is performed in collaboration with Kraftpowercon AB in Surte, Sweden. Focus has been on to identify the powerlosses in one of Kraftpowercons halfbridge DC-DC converters. First theoretical calculations are made, the calculations is verified with measurements of six different operation Modes. In a later stage, methods like soft switching and synchronous rectifying are proposed to increase the efficiency for the converter. To achieve softswitching for the halfbridge, the LLC resonant converter topologies are implemented and examined.

The SMEs’ Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs’ internationalization strategy—Foreign Market Entry Modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study. The primary information sources are the interviews with key-persons in internationalization process of SMEs Methodology: The literature review in this study concerns areas of SMEs’ motives for internationalization, foreign market entry mode approaches and influence of internal & external factors.

The SMEs? Internationalization Strategy --Foreign Market Entry Modes Selection

The SMEs? internationalization strategy?Foreign Market Entry Modes selection Title: 1st of June 2006 Date of the Seminar: Bus 809. Master thesis in international marketing Course: Han xiao Author: Ulf Elg, Associate professor, Lund University, Sweden Advisors: Ying Bin, Associate professor, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China. Guest researcher, Lund University, Sweden Internationalization, entry mode, SMEs, foreign market Keywords: The purpose of this study is to understand the internationalization process of the SMEs, and try to define the motives and internal factors impact their foreign market entry mode selection. Thesis purpose: This thesis is based on qualitative method using case study.

Pendla med cykel - en aktuell planeringsfråga : En kvalitativ studie om Västerås Kommuns trafikplanering

ABSTRACTDuring the last decades, environmental impacts have increased significantly, much due to the great traffic flows within cities. Therefore, to reduce these impacts and encourage a healthy way of living, it has in recent years become vital to generate safer and more sustainable and flexible Modes of transportation. In order to do so, authorities and physical planners must work together to find viable solutions to incorporate in the infrastructure and offer alternative transport Modes ? such as walking, cycling and public transportation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the development of the cycling infrastructure in the city of Västerås and whether it is possible to expand bicycle commuting alongside public transportation. The thesis consequently aims to study how different physical planners within Västerås municipality work with traffic related questions.

Fenomenet Poppe, mellan scen och skratt : En studie av Nils Poppes komiska skådespeleri utifrån en fenomenologisk utgångspunkt

Scholarly research on comical popular theatre is rare in the Swedish context even though the genre has attracted large audiences throughout the 20th century. Nils Poppe is one of the greatest Swedish actors in the comical genre and he is famous for his playful acting style. With my Master?s dissertation I aim to shed some light on both the genre and this great actor. Another aim of this Master?s dissertation is to gain understanding of what causes the audience?s laughter experiencing Nils Poppe?s comical acting.

Islastens inverkan på brottsannolikheten för glidning och stjälpning av betongdammar

There are many old dams in Sweden and, since few dams are constructed today, the main task in risk assessment on the existing dams is often to reduce the risk of failure. RIDAS (Swedish Guidelines on Dam Safety) is used when designing new dams and assess the existing ones. The guidelines include stability requirements for different failure Modes, e.g. overturning and sliding, which imply that the load effect from e.g. uplift and ice load need to be less than the resisting loads or moments.

När ett företag ska kommunicera : En explorativ fallstudie kring hur en kravspecifikation tas fram i syfte att välja ett internkommunikationssystem

The importance of internal communication within companies has increased in recent years. However, there are still a number of companies that are not adapted to the modern world and the new Modes of communication the Internet provides. This study evaluates the internal communication of a medium sized company by holding semistructured interviews with the employees. The goal of the interviews was to develop a requirement specification. This requirement specification was later used as the basis to analyze possible aids for the internal communication of the company.

Kvinnliga småföretagares vardag : ett livsformsperspektiv på balans mellan arbete och fritid

SAMMANFATTNINGVi lever i en tid av ständiga och snabba förändringar. Detta sägs även gälla i arbetslivet. Framförallt kvinnornas roll i arbetet är i förändring, de tar allt större plats inom företagsmarknaden. Det blir allt vanligare att kvinnor startar och driver företag, många av dessa är små.Vårt gemensamma intresse för den realistiska livsformsanalysen och kvinnligt företagande blev grunden för detta arbete. Det var av intresse för oss att söka finna svar på hur kvinnliga småföretagare upplever sin situation gällande balans mellan fritid och arbete.

Visualisering av händelsedetektering i aktiva databassystem

Målet med detta arbete är att undersöka hur händelsedetektering i aktiva databassystem kan visualiseras samt identifiera vilka faktorer som har en central roll vid denna visualisering.Arbetet jämför olika tekniker som kan användas för att visualisera händelsedetektering med hänseende till några olika faktorer. Dessa faktorer har identifierats ur litteratur om dels händelsedetektering och dels visualisering av regler.Resultatet visar vilka faktorer som har stor påverkan vid visualisering av händelsedetektering samt hur de olika teknikerna uppfyller dessa faktorer. Vidare ges ett förslag på hur olika tekniker kan användas tillsammans för att skapa ett gränssnitt till ett program som förklarar consumption Modes..

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