

7542 Uppsatser om Health and health science - Sida 1 av 503

Möjligheter till utveckling av en hälsofrämjande skola

School can be an effective environment for achieving a more equal health among children and adolescents, since many individuals can be reached by the health promoting work in the school. In the year of 2000 a project in Skåne was started for the development of health promoting schools. The health promoting projects however, have shown to be of short duration. So, as an alternative, the integration of the health in school ought to be tried. The aim of this study is to give examples how health promoting schools can strengthen their profile.

Främjande av fysisk aktivitet på lokal nivå : En studie av en lokal hälsokampanj

Nilsson, P. (2014). Promoting physical activity at a local level, a study conducted at a local health campaign. Bachelor thesis in Public Health science. Department of work- and public health science.

Omorganisering som medicin - En uppsats om att organisera den svenska sjukvården

The health care is an important part of the welfare services in Sweden. Therefore it is of large interest that it is well performing. A part of this is related to how the health care is organized. This essay examines how the Swedish health care has been organized between 1960 and 1990 and what organizational changes that have been made to the health care. It shows that the Swedish health care has un-dergone many organizational changes the last decades.

Territoriell stigmatisering. En litteraturbaserad studie om möjligheten att använda begreppet ?territoriell stigmatisering? i förklaringsmodeller bakom ojämlikhet i hälsa.

Introduction: Public health is based on the determinants of health. They mutually influence each other. Structural factors and life conditions contribute to health inequality both within and between countries. Health inequality can be seen between different social groups, which can be the cause of differences in living conditions, health behavior and disease vulnerability. One of the consequences of this is segregation which means that certain groups live apart, where this distribution can be connected to economic resources and/or ethnicity.

Möjligheter till utveckling av en hälsofrämjande skola

School can be an effective environment for achieving a more equal health among children and adolescents, since many individuals can be reached by the health promoting work in the school. In the year of 2000 a project in Skåne was started for the development of health promoting schools. The health promoting projects however, have shown to be of short duration. So, as an alternative, the integration of the health in school ought to be tried. The aim of this study is to give examples how health promoting schools can strengthen their profile.

En studie av en hälsointervention mot stress, ohälsa och sjukfrånvaro bland kundtjänstanställda

The aim of this study was to investigate a health intervention at a Swedish telecom company, with regards to behavioral, cognitive and somatic stress, experienced health, and absence due to illness. A further aim was to investigate the employees' perceptions regarding the health intervention. Questionnaires were collected from 139 employees at the customer service departments.Results indicated that the health activity bowling to some extent could predict lower behavioral stress. However, the most important predictors of stress and perceived health were lack of meaningfulness and quantitative demands. Lack of meaningfulness was also a predictor of absence due to illness.

Vårdvalet - Val för alla? : Granskning av fördelningen av vårdcentraler före och efter vårdvalsreformen

This master thesis is an analysis of how the amount of health centers per inhabitant has changed since the Swedish government implemented a new health care reform in 2010. The reform implies a free choice of health centers in the Swedish regions and opens up the market for private firms. The purpose of the thesis is to study the effects of the different financing systems toward the health centers in the regions. The models are based on theories of the need of health care. Two of the independent variables which are studied are income and age.

Friluftslivets inverkan på hälsan : En intervjustudie med friluftsaktiva individer

Lot?s of reasons are showing that outdoor life has a positive influence on the general publics health and studies are confirming this theory. On the other hand there are a few amount of Swedish science project?s regarding outdoor life. The aim of this study was to examine how people feel that their health influences by outdoor life.

Hälsa på webben. Utvärdering av interaktiva svenska hälsosajter för allmänheten.

Health on the Internet is a growing subject and many different organisations and companies offer customers various kinds of medical functions on the web. A common service is to offer users to ask questions and get answers from doctors cooperating with the health sites. There is however little knowledge of how much the health sites actually are used, and by whom. Several authorities and organisations both in Sweden, Europe and in the USA are investigating whether it is necessary to bring forward a certificating authority with the right to judge and examine all the health sites on the web. WHO, the World Health Organisation, proposed a solution for this, which was refused.

Folkhälsopolitikens praktik - En studie av tre kommuners implementering av folkhälsopolitiken och dess syn på befintlig styrning

The purpose of this study is to analyse how the local governments have implanted the new public health policy, which Sweden adopted in April 2003. The new health policy stakes out a new direction for national public health policy. Instead of focusing on diseases the new public health policy focus in factors that determine health.Important factors to study are the role of central steering from the central government. The method used is a case study of three Swedish local governments. The main material used is interviews and different policy documents within the area of public health.The conclusion of the study shows that the local governments are fairly satisfied with the steering of public health policy by the central government.

Hälsoinspiratörer på arbetsplatsen - en undersökning om chefens inställning

    ABSTRACTWidfeldt, M. (2011). Health motivators in the workplace ? a study on the manager?s attitude. Public Health Science C: Theory and method with application and examination paper.

Hälsoinspiratören - en del av en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats

An individual´s health is an important quality and asset to the individual, as well as to organizations and communities. The health of a human being is affected by the whole life situation, where the work place forms a significant part. The work place is an arena that can contribute to creating ill-health. In the light of increasing work- related ill-health in our society, it is important today to work with health-promoting initiatives in order to improve the well-being of people. It is advisable that an appointed key person at the work place works with health-promoting efforts.

Hälso- och friskvårdsarbete på Swedbank Försäkring : En kvalitativ studie om hur Swedbank försäkrings hälsosyn präglar friskvårdsarbetet på företaget

The purpose of the study was to find out how Swedbank Insurance view of health characterizes wellness work at the company. It was a qualitative study in which five persons involved in their health and wellness work were interviewed. Their business plan was based generally on the basis of the biomedical approach, but the results proved otherwise. The four categories that were set up after the results were; Health is to feel good physically as well as psychologically, health is the absence of illness, wellness is to do things together in a healthy environment and wellness is to challenge their co-workers with different kinds of challenges..

Om vikten av kvalitet. En studie av förändring i svensk hälso- och sjukvård.

The public health care sector has come under increasing pressure to cut down costs, maximize productivity and satisfy patients' needs during the 1990s and onwards. As a way of "getting more for less" quality management has been introduced. Originating in the private manufacturing industry, quality management has a strong focus on productivity and efficiency, aspects which are measured in quantitative terms. However, there are strong concerns that quality management is a means of speeding up the marketization of public health care by introducing core values much different from the ethic and medical norms that traditionally underpin health care organizations.This essay focuses on how quality management has been introduced to, and transformed by, public health care. A theoretical framework based on new institutionalism is constructed, and translation theories are used as a way of illustrating how the medical institutional environment, in fact, changes the concept of quality management.

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