

144 Uppsatser om Frames - Sida 1 av 10

Ur pressens synvinkel En deskriptiv innehållsanalys av två valrörelser - med en jämförande ansats

Capella and Jamiesons research of how the media describes politics has shown that it is very often case of one of two scenarios: game Frames; or issue Frames. The central idea of this framing theory is that when politicians are described within game Frames the disdain towards politicians is believed to increase. Capella and Jamieson have shown that, at least in the US, the use of game framing has increased. The Swedish Scholar Jesper Strömbäck has however, with his research, shown that, despite the earlier theory of Capella and Jamieson, in Sweden the tendency is not so clearly demarcated. In fact he says that if anything, the tendency looks to be the antithesis.

Bilden av EU : En studie av EU som opinionsbildare i Tyskland och Österrike

AbstractThe opinions about the European Union vary considerably between the member states. There are likely several reasons of this, the following study examines one that ought to play a major role. This study examines the idea that media affects the public opinion. According to the theory of Framing media can not only tell us what to think about, media also has the power to influence how we think about the matter. ?Framing: Toward Clarification of a fractured paradigm? by Robert M.

Demokratins tjänare eller medielogikens lakejer? : En studie av fyra tidningars gestaltning av politik i samband med riksdagsvalet 2014.

From a democratic viewpoint, the way in which the media Frames politics is essential. Should issue Frames be left out in favor of other types of Frames, it could result in voters struggling to make informed decisions come Election Day. What is more, research shows that game Frames may cause lack of confidence in politicians and declining political interest. Against this background, the present study aimed to find out how two broadsheets, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet, and two tabloids, Aftonbladet and Expressen, framed politics in connection with the 2014 Swedish parliamentary elections. The thesis also intended to identify possible differences between the two newspaper types and to make tentative comparisons with previous studies so as to be able to comment on framing developments.

Framingen av en budgetkris : Hur gestaltades USA:s budgetkris under oktober månad 2013 i svensk dagspress?

The U.S. came close to hit their debt ceiling and had some severe trouble getting a federal budget in order in the fall 2013, which raised a global news echo around the world. The purpose of this study is to look at of how the Swedish newspapers framed this specific event; we wanted to find the dominated similarities and differences in the different articles as well as see if our domestic perspective appeared in the Frames. In order to come to a conclusion we first read all the material published between the dates of the 2th to the 17th of October in our chosen newspapers, we then did a mapping schedule and sorted through the articles, two of our main sorting points were ?the dominating framing? and ?the dominating operator? in each and every article.

Den ideologiska spegeln - en studie kring hur ideologisk-diskursiva ramar skapas inom ramen för ett politiskt parti

AbstractOne aim of this thesis, has been to explore how discursive Frames are constructed, Frames to relate to, compare with, and therefore be part in shaping political subjects. The other aim has been connected with a more empirical platform, where I wanted to discover how these Frames are established and structured discursively within a political organization, among its members; in this case with a foucs on the Swedish social democracy and its former leader Olof Palme. The thesis starts with a theoretical presentation and discussion, where focus is on the concepts of ideology, discourse theory in the form of Laclau and Mouffe, and narrative theory. The concepts will be presented and discussed, and also related to the other concepts to see their theoretical potential, both ontologically and epistemologically. Finally the theoretical rudiment is linked and analyzed with the empirical material.

08/21/2013 : En framingstudie av nyhetsrapporteringen kring gasattacken i Syrien

Denna uppsats har underso?kt hur tre globala nyhetskanaler, Al Jazeera English, CNN international och Russia Today English rapporterar om den pa?sta?dda gasattacken i Syrien den 21:a augusti 2013. Syftet var att underso?ka och identifiera vilka Frames som respektive kanal anva?nder sig av samt hur de behandlar uppsatsens tre fra?gesta?llningar, A) Vad har ha?nt? B) Vem a?r ansvarig? och C) Hur bo?r man agera?. Studien har utga?tt ifra?n tidigare forskning och teorier om begreppet framing och dess olika variationer sa? som generic/issue specific, visual framing etc.

IVIK elevers skolintroduktion : Studie-och yrkesvägledares roll i skolintroduktionen för nyanlända invandrarungdomar i gymnasieåldern.

Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka studie- och yrkesvägledarens roll i skolintroduktionen för nyanlända invandrarungdomar i gymnasieåldern. Studie- och yrkesvägledare har intervjuats i fem kommuner i Stockholms län. Utifrån ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt vill vi undersöka studie- och yrkesväledarens roll i skolverksamheten och dess ramar. Resultatet visar att studie- yrkesvägledarna upplevde att samverkan och tidsaspekten var begränsande faktorer i introduktionsarbetet. Det framkom även hur de yttre och inre ramar påverkar kommuner och skolverksamheter, vilka ses som hinder.

Gamla nyheter : en studie av hur pensionärer ramas in och representeras i svensk press

Purpose/Aim: This essay explores the framing and representation of pensioners in Swedish press during the period of 2002-2008. The aim was to investigate what meaning news give elderly people on the manifest level, and also what meaning the media texts construct on the latent level.Material/Method: For this paper I have investigated framing of pensioners using quantitative analysis of 100 news articles, followed by a qualitative hermeneutic analysis applied on the most frequent Frames discovered in the quantitative study.Main results: Four Frames were identified concerning pensioners: crime victims, heroes in daily dues, economically advantaged and economically disadvantaged. The dualistic result in the economy frame was investigated in the qualitative research. The study revealed that pensioners as a group may have good economic standards, although there are individual differences. Three stereotypes were discovered in the articles: ?kind granny?, ?fragile and miserable? and ?look what I can do?..

Kan rational choice teorin och collective action frames förklara orsakerna till terrorism?

En förutsättning för att kunna förhindra att terrorattacker utförs är kunskap om de bakomliggande motiven och drivkrafterna. Om vi känner till de bakomliggande motiven och drivkrafterna finns det möjlighet att kunna påverka dessa faktorer och därigenom minska risken för nya terrorattacker. I den här studien undersöker jag omcollective action Frames och rational choice teorin var för sig eller tillsammans kan förklara orsakerna till terrorism. Fram till idag har den strategiska modellen varit den mest använda teorin för att förklara orsaker till terrorism. Modellen utgår från rational choice teorin men har avgränsats till att enbart hantera politiska faktorer, vilket har kritiserats.Kritikerna menar att människors känslor har en betydelse för deras handlingar.

En undersökning utifrån den ramfaktorteoretiska modellen av tre folkbiblioteks förutsättningar att vara en resurs för högskolestudenter.

The aim of this thesis is to study the conditions three public libraries have to be a resource for university students. The libraries are all situated at a distance from universities that allow the students to commute between the university and their homes. These students often make the same demands on the public library as they do on the university library. In order to conduct this study the frame factor theory has been used. This theory was developed by pedagogic scholars during the 1960s and focuses on how the framework surrounding the school affects the learning results.

Demokrati "inom ramarna"- Förskollärares tankar om barns inflytande och delaktighet på förskolan. Democracy ?Within The Frames? - Democracy Within "The Frames" - Preschool Teachers´ Thoughts of The Influence and Involvement of Children in Preschool

Syftet med uppsatsen/examensarbetet är att undersöka och beskriva hur pedagoger i förskolan tänker om och arbetar med läroplanens mål och riktlinjer gällande demokrati och barns inflytande. Frågeställningar: Hur förbereder förskollärare barn för de rättigheter och skyldigheter som gäller i ett demokratiskt samhälle? Finns det svårigheter/hinder när det gäller barns möjligheter till delaktighet och inflytande? I vilka sammanhang ges barn möjlighet till inflytande och delaktighet? Kan man se någon skillnad, gällande demokrati, mellan en förskola med profilering mot Reggio Emilia och förskolor med annan profilering? Metod: En kvalitativ undersökning med intervjuer på tre förskolor. Totalt har fem förskollärare medverkat. Resultat: Samtliga pedagoger poängterade att det var viktigt att man började med den demokratiska fostran i förskolan, det är där man formar barnen och lägger grunden för det livslånga lärandet. Vår undersökning visade att barnen till viss del hade möjlighet till inflytande och delaktighet när det gällde beslut inom de ramar som förskollärarna satt upp..

Medias gestaltning av Uppsala Reggaefestival : ett problemfyllt evenemang?

Purpose/Aim: This essay seeks to describe in what way different newspapers framed Uppsala Reggaefestival, which is a music festival in Uppsala, Sweden. Not only the local press, but also the framing by national press will be analyzed. Furthermore, it seeks to discuss what causes different Frames.Material/Method: The material consist of 96 articles from 4 different newspapers which are being analyzed through a quantitative content analysis method inspired by Melin and Lange, and their ideas of identifying the main message of a text. The media framing of Uppsala Reggaefestival are compared to another similar music festival in Sweden, Arvikafestivalen. By using theories about media framing and media logic the results can, if not explained, at least be discussed.Main results: The study shows that Uppsala Reggaefestival is framed in a way that is focused on the problems within the festival, for example drug abuse.

Ett undervisningsförsök att skapa meningsfullt lärande i frisörens grundläggande tekniker

This Independent work is about testing a method to create meaningful learning and a deeper comprehension in matter of basic hairdressing techniques. I got the idea for this method by reading literature related to my education to become a teacher for hairdressers, the new schoolreform and from my own experience of a teaching method that I saw an opportunity to develope. My teaching method was based on first teaching the pupils the basic techniques, and then give them an assignment were they were to find out their own final result by using a picture for inspiration. They were given an assignment description with certain Frames but with freedom of choice how to get to their own final result. By making a job description and a headdrawing to show how the work should be done, and during the process try different ways to achieve the best result, my idea was that a deeper understanding and a feeling of meaningfulness would appear.The result shows that the pupils by freedom within Frames experienced meaningful learning and thereby deeper understanding when it comes to basic hairdressing techniques.

Kunskapen, professionen och makten ? En kvalitativ studie om socionomens villkor och förutsättningar

My main purpose with this study is to investigate how the social worker relates to knowledge, power and profession. From this purpose has also the concept ?to be a social worker? emerged.The study is based on a qualitative study and consists of semi-structured interviews with seven social workers from different fields of expertise.The result of the study shows that the knowledge is dependent of different fields of expertise. But in the contact with the client, regardless of field of expertise, the knowledge is gathered through a reflective pattern. Through theoretical attempts and earlier experience from social workers, this is brought to life in this unique meeting.

Återanvändning som kommunikativ resurs : En samtalsanalytisk studie av kommunikation med PECS hos en pojke med diagnosen autism

Communicative recycling, to repeat utterances uttered by oneself or others, is a common phenomenon in all societies and languages. The talk of persons with autism often features recycling. The aim of this study was to identify different forms of recycling in communication involving a boy with autism and to describe its functions. Communication between the boy with autism, who used Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) to communicate, and his parents and teachers was videotaped. The conversations took place in familiar settings, in the boy?s home and at his pre-school.

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