

13 Uppsatser om Figurative - Sida 1 av 1

Vilsna tankar ? en studie i relationen mellan abstrakt och figurativ illustration

The reason for, and objective of, this project has been to research the relation between abstract and Figurative illustration and how, if at all possible, one can bring them together and make them act as a whole.As a starting point for this project I used fragments from texts I?ve written during the past years. The texts deal with the thoughts and emotions that describe the state of melancholy or mania, two psychological conditions that are widely spread in our society. By illustrating these text passages in pencil drawings I?ve been given the possibility to investigate how to combine Figurative illustration with the abstract alike.

Hans Hedbergs reliefer : mellan figuration och abstraktion

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to analyse and interpret artist Hans Hedberg?s monumental, ceramic reliefs in Sweden and France. Hedberg is internationally famous for his ceramic fruits and eggs in different glaces and formats. A mostly unknown side of his artistic production is that he produced about 50 ceramic reliefs during the 1950s and up to the 1970s in public buildings. Hedberg was one of very few foreign artists in France, who, during a long period of time, produced monumental, public reliefs for the French state.

Bildklassresa mellan konststilar och epoker : om bildlärares konstsyn och teknikval i grundskolans bildundervisning

The purpose of this study was to to examine what teachers think about visual art and how the learning process in this subject does look like. To answer these issues, I made interviews with five teachers of visual art from different schools, and I examined several examples of pupils? artworks. The stories of the teachers were analyzed in relation to governing documents and with assumptions from sociocultural theory, postmodernism and pedagogical - aesthetic research as theoretical point of view.By the qualitative interview method, the observations of the pupil?s artworks, and by the analysis of the interviews with the teachers, I have come to the conclusion that teachers think differently about art but they try to keep themselves in line with the national governing documents.

Flaskpost för frigörelse? : En studie om könsroller och emancipation i Alice Munros novell ?To Reach Japan"

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to analyse and interpret artist Hans Hedberg?s monumental, ceramic reliefs in Sweden and France. Hedberg is internationally famous for his ceramic fruits and eggs in different glaces and formats. A mostly unknown side of his artistic production is that he produced about 50 ceramic reliefs during the 1950s and up to the 1970s in public buildings. Hedberg was one of very few foreign artists in France, who, during a long period of time, produced monumental, public reliefs for the French state.

Hungrig som en gnu och snäll som en karamell : En korpusstudie över nutida liknelser i svenska bloggtexter

Studien kartlägger vanliga adjektivliknelser i svenska bloggtexter ur två aspekter, vilka adjektiv och substantiv som förekommer tillsammans i konstruktionen ADJEKTIV som en/ett SUBSTANTIV samt deras grad av konventionalisering. Tidigare forskning visar att liknelser är svårdefinierade, vilket tas upp i bakgrunden. Materialet är hämtat från fem korpusar med svensk bloggtext. Resultaten visar att de vanligaste adjektivliknelserna föredrar att knyta an till ett eller några substantiv. Däremot finns det visst utrymme för produktivitet.

Som en bla?nande borg i fo?rla?ngningen : En analys av den tyska o?versa?ttningen av Pa? fja?lltur: Sarek med fokus pa? termer och bildspra?k

Uppsatsen utgo?r en analys av utvalda delar av den tyska o?versa?ttningen av guideboken Pa? fja?lltur: Sarek av Claes Grundsten. Fokus i analysen ligger pa? o?versa?ttningen av termer och bildspra?k. Syftet med analysen var att underso?ka hur o?versa?ttaren pa? tyska har a?tergett naturbeskrivningarna som speglas i termerna och bildspra?ket, och hur denna a?tergivning pa?verkar la?sarens uppfattning av boken.

Språk som maktutövningsmedel En studie om försök att rättfärdiga Operation Iraqi Freedom

The purpose of this study is to investigate the way George W. Bush used the language as a means to exercise power in an attempt to justify Operation Iraqi Freedom. The theories used to answer the purpose are discourse analysis and three different moral metaphors that are applied on the data.The collected material for the metaphors is constituted of cognitive linguistic books from prominent linguists, such as George Lakoff, Alan Cruse and William Croft, and the material for the discourse analysis is also collected from prominent discourse analysts such as Michél Foucault and Norman Fairclough. The official White House website provides the material for my data. The scientific method used in this study has been qualitative text analysis where the hermeneutic approach has been an essential part of it.The main question: In what way did George W.

Skapandet av ?Effect: A prototype for an Easy to use, Flexible, Figurative and Extendable Configuration Tool

Den här rapporten avhandlar framtagandet av en prototyp för en tjänst där abonnenter hos telekomoperatörer ska kunna beställa och konfigurera sina egna tjänster i betydligt större utsträckning än vad som är möjligt idag.Detta är möjligt och önskvärt tack vare att det pågår kontinuerlig modernisering av den teknik som idag används i telefonnät och telefonsystem.Projektet genomfördes på uppdrag av Tieto i Kalmar som är ett konsultföretag som arbetar mycket med telekomteknik och som har flera stora kunder som arbetar med modernisering av sin teknik.Resultatet har blivit en prototyp där användaren på ett flexibelt sätt kan skapa, redigera och radera sina egna tjänster, samt få en grafisk överblick över sina inställningar.Prototypen är också enkel för uppdragsgivaren att anpassa för demonstration för olika kunder. Den är dessutom anpassad så att det ska gå så enkelt som möjligt att utveckla den vidare med nya komponenter.Från början ingick en student från Rehabiliteringsprogrammet i projektet. Tanken var att kunna genomföra olika typer av användbarhetsanalyser och på så sätt göra prototypen så användarvänlig som möjligt. Då studenten av personliga skäl inte fullföljde projektet redovisas dessa delar av projektet inte i den här rapporten..

Examensarbete : examenskonsert & skiva : skriftlig reflektion inom självständigt, konstnärligt arbete

This thesis explores how art produced in the former GDR has been looked upon, handled and exhibited after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Swedish Art History has paid little attention to art in the GDR. The debate starting in the 50s between the spokesmen for abstract art and the defenders of figuration restrained for a long period the ability to look upon art from the GDR without prejudices. This led to a rejection of all Figurative art in the GDR and sweeping judgmental attitudes, like it´s all ?kitsch?.

Processkartläggning : - Att kartlägga ett snabbväxande mindre företag

Bactiguard is a Swedish company within the field of medichal technology. The company has been very prosperous since it was founded in 2005 and was electedÅrets MedTechföretag 2008 ?MedTech Company of the year 2008. According to a definition by NUTEK, Bactiguard is still considered a minor company ? despite high market value and international expansion.

Konst eller Kitsch? : Konst producerad i DDR speglad genom utställningar efter 1990

This thesis explores how art produced in the former GDR has been looked upon, handled and exhibited after the reunification of Germany in 1990. Swedish Art History has paid little attention to art in the GDR. The debate starting in the 50s between the spokesmen for abstract art and the defenders of figuration restrained for a long period the ability to look upon art from the GDR without prejudices. This led to a rejection of all Figurative art in the GDR and sweeping judgmental attitudes, like it´s all ?kitsch?.

Logistisk tillämpning idag : en historisk återblick

In the rate of changes condition of the market in shape of increasing competitiveness situation, local as global, this leads to that logistics has to be developed in the same rate. Logistics has been developed from the military and after the war, logistics was Figurative to the companies transport- and store problems. After this, logistics had been divided up into four different time phases (the seventies to the 21:th century). All these time phases have together develop the spectacle and focus of the logistics today. Afterward further developing of the logistics approach to Supply Chain Management (SCM) and afterward SCM, Demand Chain Management (DCM) was developed in aim to secure that the right products were manufactured on the basis of the end customers real requirement and wishes.This paper is taking the aim and problem formulation as a starting point.

Landskapsideal : hur uppväxtens landskap formar individen

The landscape can be something that you rest your eyes on, something that goes quickly past outside the windscreen or the place for the daily work. To me, landscape is everything around us ? the city, the field and the forest. But what is landscape for you? What does the idea of the landscape stand for? How does our view of the landscape become influenced of the place where we grow up? And the differences between peoples different views of the landscape ? what does they depend on? My point of the view for this paper is that the landscape ideals mostly depend on the landscape where you grow up and that it depends less on the differences between the individuals. As a landscape architect the idea of the landscape is the essential. The more we learn, the more we realize how complex it is, but deep down we always have our own experiences and memories and that shapes our personalities.