

422 Uppsatser om Category - Sida 1 av 29

Vitamin C? som i Choklad?: En studie av inkongruenta varumärkesutvidgningars inverkan på produktkategorin

The purpose of the study is to explain whether the introduction of a new and different brand by means of a brand extension affects consumers? perceptions of the product Category that the brand is launched in. An experiment was carried out to study the following aspects: associations and constellations of associations to the product Category, interest, perceived variation, and the perceived similarity with the Category from which the brands were extended. In the study, brand breadth in the original product Category was used as moderating variable. Aspects found to be affected by the brand extensions were associations to the product Category, the constellations of these associations and the perceived similarity with the Category from which the brands were extended.

Varumärkessamarbeten mellan LVM och EVM vid kategoriutvidgningar: En Fungerande Strategi?

This thesis examines the possible beneficial effects of a temporary cooperation between a national brand and a private brand. The main hypothesis suggests that if a national brand wants to make a Category extension to a remote product Category, it should be able to decrease its risk by affiliating itself with a private brand. The national brand should through such a brand alliance be able to borrow some of the flexible characteristics that a private brand possesses to increase its associations with the new Category. The survey consisted of 800 questionnaires with different cooperations between a private brand (ICA) and two national brands (Tropicana and Bravo). These were handed out to students in the universities of Stockholm.

Singel eller Tillsammans?: En kvantitativ studie om effekterna av att göra reklam för flera produkter inom en produktkategori tillsammans

This paper quantitatively examines the effects of marketing brands within the same product Category and the same brand portfolio jointly. We have chosen to call this type of marketing Category advertising. The results of the study show that Category advertising leads to increased brand awareness within the Category, which is particularly important for brands within less salient subcategories. For strong brands however, Category advertising leads to lower purchase intentions, an effect which could potentially be moderated by focusing the advertisement on the complementary nature of the products combined with promotional elements. The study also shows that there is no difference between advertising products jointly and separately when it comes to brand attitude, Category attitude, typicality, brand purchase intention for weak brands and Category purchase intention.

Hur påverkar en lansering av EMV det ekonomiska resultatet i en kategori -En kvantitativ studie om EMV lanseringar i sällanköpshandeln-

Private label introductions have been increasing in recent years. The main reason for this is that private labels increase the retailer's profits in the Category. The purpose of this study is to examine how a private label introduction affects the Category's performance. This study was conducted by studying the Category's performance before and after the introduction, two categories are examined. Data have been collected at a Swedish retailer and consists of 38 stores, all located in Sweden and within the same store profile..

Våga ta steget!: En studie om de attraktiva produktkategorierna

This paper studies patterns of consumption within a product Category. Using make-up as a base for the study, we applied the Mokken Scale to examine if consumers follow a hierarchical pattern when buying items within the product Category. Based on a survey of 250 female respondents, we establish a hierarchic scale for consumption. Assuming generally accepted attributes for determining physical attractiveness, the results of the Mokken Scale study were cross referenced with a survey among 200 male and female respondents. Students were asked to evaluate pictures of a model using different combinations of make-up, i.e.

Category Mangement: Framtiden för Dagligvarubranschen?

Syfte: Syftet med vår magisteruppsats är att utreda hur involverade parter idag inom dagligvarubranschen i Sverige upplever Category Management. Syftet är även att belysa implikationer samt potentialer inom ramen för Category Management inom den svenska dagligvarubranschen. Metod: Vi har arbetat utifrån kvalitativ metod och genomfört både personliga intervjuer samt telefonintervjuer. Vårt empiriska material har därefter varit underlag vid den teoretiska kopplingen. Empiri: Vi har utfört personliga intervjuer med involverade aktörer inom den svenska dagligvarubranschen.

Survival of the fittest?: Effekten av en varumärkeskris på konkurrerande svaga och starka varumärken inom en produktkategori

Almost every day newspapers cover companies and brands in crisis. This should worry companies as negative publicity has been shown to have a great influence on consumer perceptions on brands. In addition, brand crises have been shown to be contagious, meaning that they also affect consumers? views on other similar brands. This study aims to investigate spill-over effects of one brand crisis to another within a product Category.

Att smöra för EMV kan smälta kategorin

Private labels have been increasing a lot during the last 30 years. The reason is great margins and it also works as an aid to build a store's brand. The problem is that private labels take market shares from national brands. Retailers need to have a good mix between these products and adopting Category management without being influenced by opportunism, which can lower the profitability of a Category. The purpose of this study is to examine and describe how private labels are prioritized in the Category edible fat.

Specialexponering av EMV - En pusselbit, till en mer lönsam butik

There is a tough competition in food-stores these days. Storeowners have been forced to try something new to attract customers. One way to accomplish that is to add private labels to the assortment. There are several benefits with these labels; its higher margins for this type of brand and the brand can also strengthen the stores image in the customers mind. When private labels first entered the market, the customer had a relatively low attitude towards the brands.

Neutrala verktyg för ovinklade fakta eller onda, partiska profitörer? En undersökning och jämförelse av tre webbsöktjänsters träfflistor.

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate three web-based search engines and compare the 10 first retrieved documents. We used the search engines Google, Yahoo! and Exalead. The evaluation is based upon 20 topics with strong polarized opinions and these have been derived from Swedish media and every day life. From these topics we have constructed the 20 queries used for searching. The 10 first documents are each placed in four different categories, For, Against, Neutral or Irrelevant.

Varumärkesindelning - en uppsats om klädföretags varumärken

With this essay we want to enlighten the problems to match the brand image an enterprise has with their determination of prices. The purpose with this study is to examine how customers apprehend when cloth enterprises extend their brand in the same Category. Further we want do identify how this kind of brand extension can affect the position on the market the enterprise has. Thereby we want from incumbent relevant theories develop factors which enterprises ought to take into consideration at the time of a brand extension in the same Category..

RELATIONSMARKNADSFÖRING : Att skapa relationer över Internet

Schizophrenia can cause symptoms such as auditory hallucinations, delusions, emotional blunting, apathy and lack of motivation. These result in a diminished ability to participate in daily activities and bring the client group into the domain of occupational therapists. The purpose of this literature review is to compile the latest findings in occupational therapy interventions for individuals with schizophrenia. Furthermore guidance regarding the utility of the interventions will be given based on the author?s assessment of the evidence in the 22 articles included.

Mosslikens vara eller inte vara : Om mosslikens relevans som en egen fyndkategori och forskares sätt att skapa en sådan.

Is it relevant to treat bog bodies as its own Category within the archaeological research? This paper examines how scholars and researchers, through their publications and depictions of the preserved prehistoric individuals, are helping to create such a Category. What has changed in the way scholars look at and describe these astounding finds? Also examines the various theories researchers provide regarding bog bodies and how they are deposited..

Internationella studenter och referensarbete: En fenomenografisk studie av högskolebibliotekariers uppfattningar av referensarbete gentemot internationella studenter

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate how academic librarians experience reference work aimed at international students. International students are a growing usergroup in Swedish academic libraries. The study?s main research question is:- How do academic librarians experience reference work aimed at international students?The study was performed with a phenomenographic methodological approach where seven qualitative interviews with academic librarians were conducted.

Följsamhet till basala hygienrutiner på en vårdavdelning

The purpose of this work was to investigate the adherence to basic hygiene routines among staff and to investigate if there is any difference between the adherences in diverse professions. The purpose was also to study how staff rates their own adherence to current guidelines. Data for the study were collected through observations and questionnaires. Altogether 35 people were observed and 15 answered the questionnaire. Maximum adherence was found in the Category of "hand disinfection after patient contact" with a score of 96%.

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