

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 8 av 69

Leanorienterad flödesutveckling : av kärntillverkningen på Affärsenhet Cylinder ASSA AB

Business unit Cylinder at ASSA AB in Eskilstuna are having problem with frictions in their production process. Changes are occurring and older products along with machineries are phased out and transferred to low-cost countries. This opens up possibilities to at a larger extend customize physical flows after production flows. The authors where given the task to analyze the production and find problem areas to improve and to give suggestion on how Business unit Cylinder can work to optimize their production flow.The aim of the thesis work is to come up with suggestions on how to reduce the lead time in production and how the tied up capital can be reduced. In more detail the task included to find problem areas that are counteracting an effective flow, give solutions on new flows for the production of the cylinder core, give suggestions for new stock points for the production and how the production shall be managed and controlled.During the last twelve months ASSA AB has sold over 700 different types of cylinder cores, and the product range is very wide.

Upplevelse genom navigation : Hur användarens förväntningar påverkar upplevelsen

Navigation är ett centralt begrepp i spelanvändning, trots att det ofta ses som ett nödvändigt ont. Det här arbetet intresserar sig för upplevelsen av navigation i två typer av programvara ? spel och nyttoprogram. Detta arbete går ut på att granska hur upplevelsen av navigation i programvara är beroende på användarnas förväntningar ? om användarna tror sig använda programvara för nytta eller för nöje.

Testing and optimization of Unicorn Fluid-Structure Interaction solver for simulating an industrial problem

In industry applications, such as power supply plants, the issue of interaction between fluid and structure is always presented. More precisely, the fluid flow affects the structure by applying force(s) on it and vice versa. As a result, the structure can move (vibrate) or deform. A good understanding of this problem can help to design the system in term of safety, stability and efficiency.This project aims to optimize and test the Unicorn FSI solver from the FEniCS project [1] to simulate the interaction of fluid and structure in an experiment, which was carried out at Vattenfall Research and Development. The target is to improve the Unicorn FSI solver to cope with a real industrial problem.

Digitala kvitton och dess framtida tillämpningar

Consumers today leave a fragment of information when they pay with their debit and credit cards. The aim of our work is to investigate ways to design a concept of a system in which digitally stored information that today is fragmented among several different holders, can be assembled into a system and made available to consumers. In our study of how a system for financial flow of information should be designed, we intend to study the present situation and the attempts made to alter it into a more informative reality. We intend to investigate the flow of information when a consumer pays by card, and the possible solutions regarding the design and transportation of digital receipts. A majority of the information of our digital consumption is today handled digitally.

Information Audit en informationsgranskning vid Borås Stads äldre- och handikappomsorg inom kommundel Centrum.

An information audit identifies, among other things, organizations information resources, the information flow and the needs of the information users. The purpose of this masters thesis was to describe the management of information within a local unit of Borås municipality by putting an information audit-method in practice. The focus was on three issues: What information needs could be seen in the organization? How does the information flow through the organization? How does Sugan Henczels seven-stage model serve as a tool to map the management of information within the local unit? The study only described the situation at a certain time at the chosen organization. The seven-stage information audit model was revised and adjusted to the studied organization by only carrying out four of the seven steps: Planning, Data collection, Data analysis and Data evaluation.

Unga idrottares upplevelser i en topprestation

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka unga idrottares upplevelser i en topprestation.Studiens frågeställningar var:·        Vilka upplevelser har unga idrottare i en topprestation?·        Upplever unga idrottare flow i en topprestation?·        Vilka faktorer ligger bakom en topprestation hos unga idrottare? Utifrån syfte och frågeställningar valdes mätinstrumentet Flow State Scale-2 (FSS-2). FSS-2 består av ett påståendeformulär som mäter den totala upplevelsen av flow samt var och en av de nio dimensionerna av flow.Kontakt togs via telefon och mail med ansvariga tränare vid idrottsgymnasier för att finna unga idrottare med ett tydligt minne av en topprestation. Undersökningsgruppen blev 51 stycken unga idrottare, män och kvinnor i åldrarna16-20 år som utövat fotboll, ishockey eller orientering på elitnivå.Litteratursökning gjordes i bibliotekskatalogen tillhörande Umeå Universitet. Den funna relevanta litteraturen och artiklarna har legat till grund för denna studies bakgrundsdel. Påståendeformuläret FSS-2 visar att undersökningspersonerna, i sin topprestation, hade en stark upplevelse av inre tillfredsställelse, tydliga mål, koncentration på uppgiften, känsla av kontroll och balans mellan skicklighet och utmaning.

Findus Sverige AB:s distribution av frysta ärtor via cross-docking : Kartläggning och utvärdering av säsong 2008

Findus Sverige AB, referred to asFindus from now on, harvests peas during a period ofaround 50 days during the summer. The harvest generates about 30 000 tonnes of peas which gives around 40 000 pallets to distribute to the warehouses which Findus uses for final storage. Three hours after the peas are picked in the fields, they have to be frozen to keep their good taste and quality. Because of this the pallets are marked with a preliminary label with quality classification of the content. The Findus quality department then has one day to determine the correct quality of each pallet.

Smarta telefoner -ett digitalt koppel? : En fallstudie om Information Overload i organisationer

In the digitized world many organizations experience a large flow of information. To sort and manage all the information can be difficult. Individuals may experience a phenomenon called ?Information Overload?, due to the fact that the information flow is too extensive. There are various reasons why individuals are affected by this phenomenon.

Intern marknadsföring, hur påverkar den samarbetet med kunderna : En fallstudie på Flow Systems AB

This essay is a case study carried out at Flow Systems Ltd that foremost aims to treat the internal marketing at the company. The aim with the essay is to analyze and evaluate Flows internal marketing in connection with a process of change and how this reflects the external marketing in relation to customers.The method that has been used is qualitative in the form of depth interviews carried out with management, employees and customers. This type of data was chosen since it is a good way of gathering more specific information regarding the informants preferences about the company. Among other things the results of the interviews showed internal marketing deficiencies, but that has not influenced the customers in a negative way. The conclusion was that the inferior internal marketing does not affect the cooperation and the communication between the company and its customers, however it has a big effect on the employees..

Layoutförbättring på KSL Trading AB:s lager för skivmaterial

KSL Trading Inc is a trading company in the Jönkoping area that distributesmaterial for the furniture and interior design industry.The purpose of this report is to analyze the existing material flow andwarehouse layout as well as to identify the issues there are today at KSL?swarehouse for board material. When we identified what kind of problems thatexisted we were able to design a new plan for the material flow and storagepossibilities. The problems we found where:? There is no well-organised warehouse layout? There are no routines to keep the warehouse clean and in order? There is no formed plan how to handle materialTo solve these problems we have used different methods like interviews,observations, calculations and literature studies.

Betong - Förvånansvärt lättflytande!

Concrete is a very common construction material. It´s characteristics are strength, durability and formablility. Superplasticizer is a common admixture, which changes the properties of concrete. Today (spring 2007) there are no certian mathematical methods to calculate the required percentage of this admixture needed to give the necessary set slump flow in the overall concrete recipe. Concrete batching companies must therefor experiment with different amount of superplasticizer in order to meet the specified slump and strength. The purpose og this report is to investigate if any mathematical relation can be established between the amount of superplasticizer used and the slump flow achieved. After carrying out some practical experiments using four different superplasticizers a direct relationship can be establish between the percentage of admixture used and the slump/flowability achieved. Unfortunatly at present due to the numerous variables, the calculation of mathematical formula can not be achieved..

Bottensubstrat och dess inverkan på reducering av BOD5, COD och TKN i lakvatten genom konstruerade rotzonsanläggningar : En pilotstudie vid Univates, Lajeado ? RS Brasilien

Treatment wetlands been showed efficient for reducing pollutant in waste water. In Lajeado ? RS, Brazil the landfill has poor leachate water treatment. It is necessary to supplement the treatment plant because they need to reduce BOD, COD and nitrate of the water going to recipient. A subsurface flow wetland (SSF) can be a good choice.  In order to be able to design an efficient SSF it is important to understand how the grain sizes of a substrate affect the reducing of pollutants in waste water.

Boven i det interna samspelet : En uppsats om kommunikationen mellan sälj- och logistikavdelning på industriföretags påverkan på det interna materialflödet

We have left the industrial society, and instead, we live in a post-industrial knowledge and information society. It is often said that industrial production has disappeared or that it has changed greatly. This means that fewer are employed in the manufacturing sector while the service sector is increasing, resulting in that the boundaries between production and administration decreases. The production goes from mass production to more flexible and specialized solutions. This puts greater demands on the logistics chain that continually need to work to meet customer requirements.

Utvärdering av tillverkningsmetoder för svarvbommar

On today?s competitive market, it is difficult to achieve profitability trough high prices on manufactured products. Profitability must be obtained through low manufacturing costs, high quality and short lead times. One of the companies on the market is Sandvik Coromant, manufacturer of tools and chips for metal cutting. This master thesis investigates the methods of manufacturing for boring bars at the manufacturing unit GVH4 at Sandvik Coromant in Gimo, Sweden.

Produktivitetsanalys ur ett LEAN-perspektiv : En studie hos OPPC, AstraZeneca

The objective of this thesis is to map the resources and methods used at the department OPPC, at AstraZeneca, and derived from that give suggestions on possible solutions that will increase their productivity.Mapping of the product flow, as well as gathering of process data, has mainly been done using observations, but consultation with the process technicians has also played a great role. Further have theoretical methods been used, based on literature studies, within the areas of Lean production and statistics.The work has incrementally gone forward since the steps taken has been restricted by the irregularity of production which led to the need of creating a fictive production flow. This has affected the lead-time calculations in the way that they are meant to give an indication, rather than an absolute truth, on how different methods described shall be used.The current state analysis showed multiple areas of improvement when defining capacity as value adding time in relation to total throughput time. Using the "standard scenario" as a basis showed that the actual production flow only constituted 50% of the total project time. Further it showed that the workflow contained more non-value adding activities than value adding activities, which is a result of how the work is distributed within the department as well as in the different projects.

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