

1021 Uppsatser om Zero flow - Sida 7 av 69

Utvärdering av tillgänglighet på Stora Ensos massabruk i Skutskär

Self-driving cars are soon to become a reality to the commercial market. A self-driving car does not have a human operator, which enables some interesting characteristics. The main benefits are considered to be:The number of accidents and traffic jams should be reduced.Enhanced comfort.Energy usage could be decreased while capacity could be increased.This study concerns the causes for improved energy efficiency. The reason for improved energy efficiency is mainly because of the variation in terms of acceleration, braking and distance holding are reduced. The vehicles are more intelligent and can work together as a unity.

Vilka motivationsfaktorer är det som ligger bakom toppsäljares framgång?

Denna kvalitativa motivationsstudie utfördes på åtta svenska toppsäljare och utgick i från Vallerands hierarkiska modell om inre och yttre motivation (1997) och även från Czikszentmihalyis teori om flow (1990). Syftet med studien var att ta reda på vilka motivationsfaktorer som förenar toppsäljare. Toppsäljarna intervjuades enskilt genom en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. En tematisk analys utfördes på utskrifterna från intervjuerna och analysen undersöktes utifrån tre huvudkategorier: inre motivation, yttre motivation, och flow. Resultatet visade att toppsäljarna hade en stark inre drivkraft att utvecklas, att nå egna mål och uppnå positiva känslotillstånd av själva utförandet.

Läsa och samtala : Vad betyder folkbibliotekets bokcirkel för användaren?

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to investigate the meaning the reading group of the public library has to a number of users. To fulfill the aim the following three questions have been formulated: 1) What do a number of users expect from the reading group of the public library? 2) Which approach/attitude or approaches/attitudes do a number of users have to reading and to talking about reading? 3) How do a number of users experience the ongoing reading group?The research is founded on qualitative interviews with five users that take part in three different reading groups in public libraries. The theories that are used is the theory of three so called strategies - the pragmatic, the traditionalistic, the emancipatory ? and the theory of flow.

Självkörande fordon : En analys av energianvändning och kapacitet

Self-driving cars are soon to become a reality to the commercial market. A self-driving car does not have a human operator, which enables some interesting characteristics. The main benefits are considered to be:The number of accidents and traffic jams should be reduced.Enhanced comfort.Energy usage could be decreased while capacity could be increased.This study concerns the causes for improved energy efficiency. The reason for improved energy efficiency is mainly because of the variation in terms of acceleration, braking and distance holding are reduced. The vehicles are more intelligent and can work together as a unity.

Simulering av översvämningar i Byälven

Severe floods caused by heavy autumn rains in year 2000 raised the question whether measures to reduce the damage from high water levels, in the area surrounding lake Glafsfjorden and along the river Byälven down to lake Vänern, are possible. One option is to reduce flow resistance along the river and thereby lower the maximum water level a given inflow would cause. Good knowledge of hydraulic and hydrological conditions is necessary in order to estimate the effect of such flow-reducing measures. In order to quantify such effect a 1-dimensional hydraulic flow model has been set up for the river Byälven using the software package MIKE 11. The model is more detailed, especially concerning topography and bathymetry, than earlier models used for studies of the river.

Synoptisk provtagning i vattendrag med eutrofieringsproblem : En studie för att identifiera områden för prioritering av åtgärder

In Halland, agriculture is the major source of eutrophication of water. In the study, synoptic sampling were performed in the three watercourses Nyrebäcken, Skintan and Vinån all located in the county of Halland. Sampling occurred during the period February to May on three occasions with different flow rates: high, low and base flow. Samples were taken in the mainstream and tributaries with intention to show how big the impact of eutrophication it is in the water and  to assess the impact of the tributariesThe results show that all watercourses are affected by eutrophication. Nyrebäcken has the highest concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in the mainstream, then Skintan and last Vinån.

Konsekvenser av ny teknik på en sjukhusmottagning

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

Val av teknik för hastighetsmätning i kallvalsverk

An often encountered problem when implementing a mass flow regulator in a rolling mill is the one with measurement of speed. The most widely used solution is to fit a pulse counter to a wheel that is in contact with the strip. Common problems with this design are for instance scratch marks on the strip and problems with the flatness measuring system.  One way of circumventing the aforementioned problems would be a non-contact measuring system. The market of today only offers systems based on the Doppler principle.This report evaluates three different systems for non-contact speed measurement. Important areas in the evaluation have been the ability to operate under normal rolling conditions, integration in existing control system and how well the sensor can be fitted to the rolling mill.

Biochar as soil amendment in flow-through planters - for increased treatment of zinc roof runoff

In times of increased flooding, enhanced by climate change, polluted stormwater poses an increased threat to the environment through contaminated water entering waterways. Bioretention utilizes natural processes in soil and vegetation to treat pollutants and combat this threat. Biochar produced through pyrolysis, has a high cation exchange capacity (CEC) and could therefore increase treatment in bioretention systems. This research applies a literature review, interview, and a model to explore the benefits and disadvantages of biochar in order to specify a soil-mix through an understanding of the production process and preferred application rate. High purification through CEC, increased water holding capacity, and carbon sequestration being the benefits discussed.

Noble Operations: En studie av Stadshuskällarens processflöden

The aim of this thesis is to study Stadshuskällaren?s operational processe flow and identify their operational characteristics. The uniqueness of Stadshuskällaren is that they are breaking the law of trade-offs regarding volume/variety, much like Toyota managed to do ? which spawned the entire field of research of the ?Lean Philosophy?. In the thesis the characteristics we identify through analysis, which enables Stadshuskällaren to break the trade-off, are compared with the principles of Lean service theory, which ultimately stem from Toyota.

Grammatiken bakom den politiska retoriken : En syntaxstudie av före detta statssekreterare Lars Danielssons uttalanden angående sitt ansvar i regeringens hantering av tsunamikatastrofen 2004

In this thesis I based on Fowler?s method of syntax analysis construct a flow scheme which I then use to make a syntax analysis of former State Secretary Lars Danielsson?s statements, in his autobiography, regarding his responsibility in the Swedish government?s management of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami disaster. The focus of the flow scheme is how grammatical constructions can be used in the interest of rhetoric?s to on the syntax (non-explicit) level of the text indicate and place responsibility with or outside of involved individuals. The main conclusion of the syntax analysis performed is that Danielsson in his autobiography in fact does not use very many of the constructions described in the flow scheme, whereby it can be concluded that the syntax analysis in this case wasn?t so ?revealing?.

Evaluation of a Flow Cytometry Method for Identifying and Quantifying Fetal Red Blood Cells in Maternal Blood

Hemoglobin is an oxygen binding protein in erythrocytes. Hemoglobin is composed of four polypeptide chains. During the fetal stage the type of hemoglobin called fetal hemoglobin (HbF) dominates. After birth HbF is replaced by adult hemoglobin (HbA). HbF persists in concentrations less than 1%.

Headhunting : Rätt "man" på rätt plats?

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka unga idrottares upplevelser i en topprestation.Studiens frågeställningar var:·        Vilka upplevelser har unga idrottare i en topprestation?·        Upplever unga idrottare flow i en topprestation?·        Vilka faktorer ligger bakom en topprestation hos unga idrottare? Utifrån syfte och frågeställningar valdes mätinstrumentet Flow State Scale-2 (FSS-2). FSS-2 består av ett påståendeformulär som mäter den totala upplevelsen av flow samt var och en av de nio dimensionerna av flow.Kontakt togs via telefon och mail med ansvariga tränare vid idrottsgymnasier för att finna unga idrottare med ett tydligt minne av en topprestation. Undersökningsgruppen blev 51 stycken unga idrottare, män och kvinnor i åldrarna16-20 år som utövat fotboll, ishockey eller orientering på elitnivå.Litteratursökning gjordes i bibliotekskatalogen tillhörande Umeå Universitet. Den funna relevanta litteraturen och artiklarna har legat till grund för denna studies bakgrundsdel. Påståendeformuläret FSS-2 visar att undersökningspersonerna, i sin topprestation, hade en stark upplevelse av inre tillfredsställelse, tydliga mål, koncentration på uppgiften, känsla av kontroll och balans mellan skicklighet och utmaning.

Kategorisering av faktorer som påverkar flödeseffektivitet - En fallstudie på Capio St Görans Sjukhus

Swedish healthcare is in continuous need of cost savings and efficiency improvements in order to meet the increased demand for care. The theories of lean, developed from the industry, are applied more frequently on healthcare systems to increase effectiveness and reduce waiting times in patient processes. However, some processes seem to be more successful in their lean implementation than others. In this thesis, factors influencing flow efficiency in lean healthcare are examined. Through interviews with the top executive board at Capio St Göran's hospital, data is collected in order to analyze reasons for success.

Dokumenthantering i företag och organisationer: En fallstudie på Volvo Cars i Uddevalla

The aim of this thesis is to map the current internal information flow at Volvo Uddevalla, to detect obstacles in the flow and to find out how these obstacles can be avoided. The aim is also to describe how a corporation, in this particular case Volvo Uddevalla, creates knowledge and use information. The study is performed in order to create a base for the coming implementation of a new information standard. The method used is conducting an information audit investigating the current management of documentation according to the changes that have to be made to carry out the claims from the standard. The investigation is made by way of interviews with 16 of the employees at Volvo Uddevalla.

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