

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 60 av 108

Vems är makten? : En analys av hur makten i barnlitteraturen förändrats på 35 år

Each year a significant number of children?s books, with a wide range of themes, are being published. The relation between children and adults is a common theme. In this study I have analyzed ten children?s books, five from the 1970?s and five from the 2010?s.

Kan gullstånds hålla stånd?- återinventering av Senecio paludosus i Kristianstad Vattenrike 2012

Botanist Kjell-Arne Olsson inventoried the plant fen ragwort Senecio paludosus 1983 in Scania andfound a big number of locations within Biosphere Reserve Kristianstad Vattenrike. In 2012, a reinventoryof the 1983 survey was carried out to study whether there has been any change in the fenragwort population in Kristianstad Vattenrike since the last inventory. The results show that therehas been no overall change in the number of fen ragwort in Kristianstad Vattenrike, on certainpremises they have increased in number while in others they have fallen. However, the inventoryshows that almost half of the locations with fen ragwort have disappeared during the same period.The main reason for this is that fen ragwort did not manage to competitive with other vegetation,taking in consideration this has been smaller premises with Young plants. In addition to competitionother factors such as prolonged high water, grazing and caterpillars from Tyria jacobaeaecontributed to the decrease.

Datorn som komplement i undervisningen : En studie om datorer som ett led i läs- och skrivinlärningen

The school is a place of work where teachers, with different tools, are supposed to teach their students for the future. In the study the teachers? opinions will be lifted when it comes to use of computers as a tool to teach the students how to read and write. The interpretation is that the use of computers is reflecting the development of society and the intention is to find out if computers will be used in a didactic purpose in teaching. We focused on getting knowledge about which different opinions there are among teachers in grade 1-3 when it comes to the use of computers as a tool in teaching how to read and write.

Who's that girl? : Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn

ABSTRACTErik Ageberg: Who's that girl? ? Skivbolagskultur och dess påverkan på Robyn. Uppsala Universitet: Institutionen för Musikvetenskap. C-uppsats, 2006.Robyn has been one of the most successful Swedish pop stars during the last decade. She has during these ten last years gone from being a Young star to being the owner of her own record label, Konichiwa Records.

Vilka attityder unga män och kvinnor på gym har till dopning och kosttillskott : En enkätundersökning i Gästrikland

The aim of this study was to investigate which attitudes Young men and women at gym have to doping and supplements in Gästrikland. Method: This study is based on a cross sectional study design where a quantitative approach was used by 60 questionnaires which were distributed at different gyms in Gästrikland. Result: It was found that the majority had a relative negative attitude to doping, those who used supplements had a slightly more positive attitude to some of the statements compared with those who did not use supplements. Overall, the results showed a positive attitude to supplements. Compared with previous studies, it was found in the study that a smaller proportion didn?t agree that it is up to each one to use doping substances.

Annonser och nyhetskonsumtion : En kvantitativ studie om hur unga vuxna irriteras av annonser på nyhetssidor på PC och iPad

In this paper we have studied how Young adults read news on the internet. The purpose was to seehow the consumers of news were irritated by the adverts on news sites depending on whichplatform they used, a computer or an portable reading device of the brand Apple iPad. Observationsand surveys were conducted on ten people. The news sites we used for this study were www.SvD.seand www.expressen.se. The result show that a majority experienced that their news consumptionwere irritated by advertising, mostly on Expressen's news site because it wasn't perceived asforeseeable..

Expressivt skrivande hos högstadieungdomar: en kvalitativ textanalys av relationsbeskrivningar och känslouttryck

This study aims to investigate expressive writing in Young adolescents, based on the model constructed by J.W. Pennebaker. Qualitative analysis of written essays has been conducted, the main purpose being exploring descriptions of relationships and expressions of emotions. Further-more, the intention has also been to study eventual gender differences and their forms of expressions in the essays. The participants were seventh- and eightgraders, gathered from two schools in Sweden.

Vem blir programledare i Sverige? En studie med syftet att hitta den föredragna svenska programledartypen

Authors: Nanna Isaksson and Fredrik ÖstbergTitle: Who is the typical TV-host on Swedish television?Level: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 57TV-hosts have a pivotal role in television. They are the link between the content of the show and its viewers. We didn?t find any relevant studies about TV-hosts inSweden and decided to carry out a study that would tell us more about them as a group.

När pojkar betraktas som män : en kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om åldersgräns för tonårspojkar på Sveriges kvinnojourer

This paper aimed to investigate to what extent there is an age cut-off for teenage boys in the women?s shelters of Sweden and how a possible cut-off is described and maintained. This occurrence has not been investigated earlier to a large extent, which emphasizes the importance of this paper. A mixed strategy was used to cover both the frequency as well as the explanations to the age cut-off. The quantitative survey was sent to all women?s shelters in Sweden and the result showed that 56 % of the shelters had an age cut-off for teenage boys from 12 years of age and above.

Hur marknadsför sig biblioteket PUNKTmedis? Lyckas biblioteket nå sin målgrupp?

The object of this paper is to examine the marketing of PUNKTmedis, a youth library. In order to do so we have looked at two different perspectives; how the library has marketed itself towards its target group, and how Young people perceive what PUNKTmedis has to offer. The thesis? foundation is a case study. Since the question at hand concerns the library?s intentions with and execution of its marketing efforts, as well as the target group?s opinion of them, the empirical data is based partially on an interview with the head of marketing at PUNKTmedis, and partially on a target group questionnaire.

Ungerska modevarumärken på den svenska marknaden?

Executive summaryOn todays fashion market, no product will become successful without branding. The competition in the growing fashion market is tuff, which makes it hard to reach the target costumers. Competition makes it difficult to reach out with a message and it is crucial to differentiate the company in the consumer market.Differentiation of the brand requires knowledge of competitors who are on the market. Understanding competitors, as well as the customer, is the basis for a well functioning communication. Different markets have different conditions and today's global market is complex.

The experience of MS-related fatigue

Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease that mainly strikes Young people in working age, twice as many women than men falls ill. Approximately 85 % suffers from MS-related fatigue that divides itself from common fatigue in that way that it is persistent and does not disappear in spite of sleep. This fatigue is experienced of many as one of the most difficult symptoms, which has considerable impact on the everyday life. Aim: The aim with the study was to elucidate how MS-related fatigue was experienced by persons with MS. Method: The study has been implemented as a literature study through systematic review of scientific articles.

Internet - riskfaktor eller friskfaktor? En litteraturbaserad studie kring samband mellan internetbruk och psykisk hälsa bland ungdomar

The mental health has during the recent years decreased among Swedish adolescents while theinternet has become a common tool for communication between people. Aim: The overall aim is toidentify the relationship between internet use among adolescents and their mental health. Method:A literature based study within a defined research field. Result: The scientific hypotheses whichexist is based on whether social capital increase or decrease due to internet use. The healthoutcome is positively affected by internet communication, especially for boys and socially anxiousadolescents.

Eurytmi och lärande : Pedagoger och eurytmisters syn på relationen mellan eurytmi och lärande bland förskolebarn

This is a study on how eurythmists/educators describe the relationship between the practice of eurythmy and learning in Young children. I wanted to find out what concepts these eurythmists/educators use when speaking of learning in relation to eurythmy. In addition I would also like to explore what eurythmists and educators think that children learn when practicing eurythmy. The method of this study is interviews with two educated Waldorf teachers, as well as two educated and practicing eurythmists, in a fenomenological interview setting with open questions. The theories of Merleau-Ponty, on the phenomenological body, has been used when analyzing the interview material - that is; through the understanding of a physical learning in these theories on the phenomenological body I have tried to understand and analyze the interview material.

Noblesse Oblige: Ett rollspel : 1600-talets svenska adel, skyldigheter och plikter och skapandet av ett rollspel

Abstract ? Noblesse oblige: a roleplaying gameDuring the 17th-century the Swedish nobility was forced to deal with a number of new challenges. They reached the height of their power, but also began their downfall. How did the nobility?s ideal come to be in the face of this? Can we in these ideals find the duties and obligations of the nobility? And if we can, how can a roleplaying game be made out of the historical facts? A roleplaying game meant for educational means, well suited for the classroom and teachers, capable of stimulating the Young minds and offering them an in depth understanding of how the nobility?s minds moved.

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