

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 59 av 108

"Det får jag se när jag blir vuxen!" (Greta, 5 år) : 4-6-åringar berättar om karriär

Studie- och yrkesvägledning i lägre åldrar har blivit ett allt mer aktuellt ämne på senare tid. Ämnet utgör grunden för denna studie, som syftar till att visa små barns egna perspektiv när det gäller deras upplevelse av karriär. Studien består av tio intervjuer med barn i 4-6 års ålder och resultatet visar att barnen har stor medvetenhet när det gäller karriär. Barnen kan berätta om vad ett arbete är, hur man får ett jobb, vilka som arbetar m.m., vilket analyseras utifrån begreppen self-concept, circumscription och images of occupations samt utifrån tidigare forskning. Några slutsatser som dras är att barnen till övervägande del kopplar arbete till föräldrarna, att de inte ser några begränsningar vad gäller könsroller samt att alla barnen anger realistiska yrkesaspirationer..

Marknadsföring av ungdomsverksamhet på folkbibliotek

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the methods public libraries can use in order to market youth services. It is also a chance to evaluate an untested marketing model adapted to public libraries. Young people are one of the most difficult groups to attract to the library and thus librarians need adequate methods to deal with this problem. We have interviewed librarians, carried out observations and examined documents in accordance to the triangulation method. Before one can begin marketing the libraries one ought to know of how marketing is done and the principles behind it, therefore we have given a simple explanation of marketing and marketing theory.

Ledpatologin hos 10 ungsuggor som uppvisat hälta och/eller förlamning

On average half of the sows in Swedish piglet producing herds are culledannually. A significant portion of the sows are euthanized because of lameness orparalysis. Young sows and gilts are overrepresented in the category of animals,culled due to injuries in the musculoskeletal system. These injuries cause pain tothe animals. Early culling of sows/gilts also have economical consequences forthe producers.

På egna ben? En kvalitativ studie om gymnasieelevers framtidssyn.

AbstractThe purpose of this essay was to examine how Young people who are about to graduate from high school define and value their future. We also wanted to se which emotions they associate with their future and what or who influences them in their choices in life.The questions for our study were:What does it mean for these youths to become an adult?What images do they have of future education, profession and unemployment?What or who influences the picture they have of their future?What kind of attitude do they have towards the future?We approached the research with a qualitative method and interviewed ten youths in high school. Our conclusion was that the youths had an ambivalent attitude towards becoming adults; it was scary and yet exciting. The youths had the impression that education was important in order get a good job and to avoid unemployment.

Ungdomars upplevelser av gemenskap och utanförskap

The point of this study is to present how youths today experience fellowship and deviancy in relation to the different themes that have been chosen to interpret the results. I have treated questions about family, friends, experience of fellowship and deviancy. I have chosen to interview five Young adult women and men in order to be able to understand their experiences of fellowship and deviancy. The study has a qualitative approach.In order to be able to interpret the result I have used theories about symbolic interaction, normality and meaning of fellowship. The results show that family is an important part of fellowship and that fellowship means much to form a conception about oneself.

Musik och Livsstil : En studie om ungdomar och hårdrock

In the following study I probe the social world of hard-rock music. By conducting interviews with four Young male enthusiasts of this music I try to develop a general picture of this social world, as well as of the basic elements on which this particular subculture is constructed. The identity of a hard-rocker is based upon a number of factors beyond just a preference for that music. Throughout the interviews I encountered many implicit norms that one must followed in order to be able to see oneself as a true hard-rocker. I also found that from the respondents? perspective, the mainstream culture has, throughout the history of metal music, used various ways to counter the spreading of this genre.

Avhopp bland ishockeyungdomar : En intervjustudie om hur ischokeyföreningar arbetar för att motverka avhopp i ungdomsishockey i Ångermanland

Ångermanland has at the last five years lost 420 hockey players. This is a qualitative study that focus on investigating the main problems of dropouts among Young hockey players and how ice hockey associations in Ångermanland act to find solutions to the problem. The main questions of the study are: How can the dropout problems in Ångermanland be understood or explained in terms of youth operators' perspective and what are the potential strategies that the ice hockey associations are using to deal with the dropout problem and what approaches to youth hockey is reflected in the youth operators' statements? The study was based on semi-structure interviews with 6 different ice hockey sports clubs in Ångermanland. The results showed that the leadership programs ought to be more educational, and more oriented toward understanding the children instead of mainly technical learning objectives about how to shoot, dribble, and skate.

Ung och arbetslös : Fem ungdomars röster om vägen ur arbetslösheten

Studien vill belysa hur de undersökta ungdomarna ser på sina möjligheter att ta sig ur arbetslösheten. Gentemot teorier, publicerad litteratur och forskning har studiens syfte varit att synliggöra vad respondenterna anser sig själva kunna göra för att ta sig ur arbetslösheten, vilket stöd den anser sig behöva och hur de tänker kring sin framtid i förhållande till arbete och studier. En kvalitativ undersökningsmetod har genomförts, det har utförts intervjuer med fem arbetslösa ungdomar. I studien framkom att respondenternas tilltro till den egna förmågan påverkar deras agerande och bedömningar av sina möjligheter gällande studier och yrken. Resultatet visar att utbildning ses som en väg ur arbetslösheten och att ungdomarna utöver det se få saker de kan göra för att påverka sin situation.

40-talister forever young

Syftet med den här uppsatsen var att undersöka hur 40-talisterna hanterar åldrandet. Våra frågeställningar lyder så här: att undersöka om den äldre generationen känner sig stigmatiserad från samhället. Är det ?inne? att vara ung? Vad är ungdom? Vem har skapat den här normen, och hur påverkar det de som ?inte är unga?? Det andra frågeställningen är att även undersöka om våra informanter utför olika åtgärder för att motverka den naturliga processen av fysiskt åldrande och om så är fallet, hur kommer dessa till uttryck? Använder de skönhetsprodukter? Klär de sig på ett visst sätt och i så fall, varför gör de det? Vi använde oss av kvalitativa intervjuer där 8 informanter blev intervjuade.För att kunna analysera vårt resultat har vi använt oss av teorier av Bauman, Skeggs, Goffman och Giddens. Det som framläggs i uppsatsen är att informanterna lever efter ungdomsidealet och att de använder olika åtgärder för att kunna passa in i normen.

Kontaktfamiljsinsatsen : Unga vuxnas upplevelser av insatsen kontaktfamilj som barn

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyse a group of Young adults? childhood experiences of the intervention "contact family". The used methods were qualitative interviews and a standardised formulary with life questions, to strengthen the interviews and to compare data. The theoretical frame was taken from Bronfenbrenner?s child development theory and Antonovsky?s salutogenic perspective, which we supplemented with Hilchen Sommerschild?s theory about the "conditions of control".

"Det är svårt att få dem att stanna längre än tre år" : måste rekryteringsprocessen förändras för att tillfredsställa unga medarbetares krav?

How does a corporation work during the recruitment phase to entice and motivate Younger members to work for their organization?The aim is to examine in which grade corporations and organizations? recruitment needs to adapt to encounter Generation Y on the labour market.The base in our method is abduction and our research is based on a qualitative method. We have fulfilled interviews with corporations such as Scania, Skatteverket, Swedbank and Appelqvist & Ottoson HR AB.Corporations need in a sense change their recruitment and emphasis their resources to sell the whole corporation and its image to the Young job applicant. The Younger members demand a total impression of the corporation to implement an interest and to get motivated to work there. Together with our respondents we have realized that Generation Y has higher demands on their workplace than earlier generations..

"Handla i övrigt som vid möte med spårvagnar." En studie av Körkortsbokens bild av bilföraren

Abstract (Engelska)The aim of this study is to investigate who is being emphasized, constructed and normalized as the addressee written for, in the text book ?Körkortsboken 2013?. Körkortsboken is used as the major textbook in the theoretical part of the education necessary to obtain a drivers? license in Sweden. Most people in Sweden obtain a drivers? license, sooner or later.

Så tyckte jag det var... en retrospektiv studie av åtta ungdomars upplevelser av att vara på Staple behandlingshem

The aim of this university paper was to understand how eight former clients at Staple reformatory had experienced their stay there. The clients at Staple are Young people between 13-20 years old, both boys and girls.The basic questions were: What picture do the clients have of the treatment they received?What has been, from their perspective, the most important during their stay? Do the clients think the time spent at Staple has helped them? And how do they describe their change, if there was any?We gathered the information from the Youngsters with qualitative interviews based on a manual divided into covering different themesWe found that the time at Staple had been very positive for all the former clients that we interviewed. They described the relations with the staff at Staple as central for their rehabilitation. The most important task for the people that work there is to set a good example for the client, and to be role models.

Postoperativ smärta hos yngre barn. En litteraturstudie om sjuksköterskans förmåga att tolka.

The purpose of this literature review was to demonstrate the results of recent studies of the nurses ability to interpret Younger childrens (0-6 years of age) experiences of pain in the postoperative stage. There is a lack of knowledge concerning Young childrens ability to express themselves verbally and the nurse has to rely upon the parents knowledge about the child. Consequently, the teamwork between the nurse and the parents is of great importance in the care of the Younger child. Therefore we intend to illuminate this aspect in this paper. This study aims to nurses of all categories, since patients with lack of verbal communication are frequently occurring.

Föräldraskap och föräldrastöd : när dessa begrepp möts i samtal till föräldratelefoner

In September of year 2006, a Young boy was brutally killed by a girl, age sixteen, in Örebro, Sweden. Girlgangs became a frequent subject in media. Professionals? working with adolescents claims that girlgangs notis an existing phenomena in Sweden as it is in for example in the United States. The aim of this thesis was to investigate if teenage girls in Sweden have a tendency to join gangs as they do in the United States.

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