

1612 Uppsatser om Young - Sida 57 av 108

The Beat Generation: Diskursanalys av identitetskonstruktionen bakom begreppet Beatnik i sex amerikanska tidskrifter 1957-1961

This masters thesis looks at the reception of the beat generation in six given American magazines spanning through the years 1957-1961. The study is basically one of literaty reception. The aim is to see how and if the institution of literature handed the beat generation an identity to go along with their arts. With the use of discourse analysis we have pointed out certain characteristics in the six articles that have been a part of building up an image of the beat generation as a whole. By dividing the result into the two categories social and literary practice we can clearer see what significants were used to create the beat generation.

Platsutveckling genom kultur på landsbygden : En fallstudie av verksamheten Gula Huset i Uddebo

Urbanization and the flight of the creative class drains the countryside when it comes to creativity and talent. Especially the Young leave sleepy societies. Richard Florida claims that the city attracts the creative class and enables for economic growth to flourish. Robert Putnam adds to the picture by saying social capital might be equally effective as nourishment for growth. In Uddebo, a rural village in the south of Sweden one combines the two creating a vivid society where creativity flies high and ideas fertilize each other?s.

Ordförrådet och textboken : En analys av läromedlet Good Stuff för skolår 4-6

Syftet med detta arbete är att åskådliggöra variationen i det ordförråd som presenteras i läromedelsserien Good Stuff för skolår 4?6. Mer precist har följande forskningsfrågor behandlats: (i) Vilka ord är mest frekventa i böckernas texter? (ii) I vilken utsträckning förekommer och på vilket sätter sker återanvändning av orden? (iii) Vilka seman­tiska domäner finns representerade i det ordförråd som presenteras i de tre böckerna? För att besvara dessa frågor har en korpus av alla texterna i de tre böckerna skapats. Analysen  visar att läromedlet till viss del stöttar ordinlärning (t.ex.

Domänanalys av elektroakustisk musik. Undersökning av en konstnärlig domäns litteratur

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of Young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Från text till insikt. En studie av biblioterapi i Finland

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of Young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Bokslukaren 2006/07. En utvärdering av ett läsfrämjande projekt i Gävles grundskolor

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of Young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

"Nu jävlar bibliotekarien". Bibliotekariers attityder kring en litterär kanon

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of Young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Från konstverk till dokument. Artists books och bibliotek

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of Young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Annonsering och produktplacering i sociala medier : En studie i hur annons- och produktplaceringsmarknaden fungerar i bloggvärlden

Today it is very common to use different kinds of social media to connect with each other and get the latest updates on things. Some people today also feel that they want to share their lives by writing a public blog. The blog-market has exploited the last few years and today blogging is about a lot more than just getting attention by writing about your day. Many Young bloggers make money by having advertisements and by doing product placements on their blogs. This study investigates the relationship between companies and bloggers.

Elektronisk mobbning : En kvantitativ studie om elektronisk mobbning med fokus på genus, anonymitet och konsekvenser

Abstract:Today many adolescents have access to computers and mobile phones.  They prefer to socialize through these means which has led to a new kind of bullying, the electronic bullying. The purpose of this study has been to examine the electronic bullying from the perspective of gender, anonymity and the consequences that it may lead to. We have chosen a quantitative approach by using a questionnaire survey targeting Young people between the ages of 15-16 years in Kalmar county. 163 respondents took part in the survey, 78 girls and 85 boys. The gathered material is presented by means of contingency tables and has been interpreted by gender socialization, deindividuation and dehumanization.

Ett sta?ndigt pausat krig? : En studie om attityder i Nordirland av den fo?rsta generationen efter ?the Troubles?

Ireland had, by the year of 1998, been an island of war and conflict to some extent for almost 1000 years. The northeast part of the island, called Northern Ireland, had been under British domination for over 25 years when ?the Troubles? ended by the year of 1998. This essay aims towards explaining how the first generation after ?the Troubles? has been shaped in terms of political and religious beliefs and attitudes in the society of Belfast.

Läslust eller litterär kanon? En attitydundersökning genomförd i den estniska skolan

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of Young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Folkbibliotekens roll i rysk patriotisk fostran. En närläsning av tidskriften Biblioteka

The purpose of the study was from the perspective of Young people that has completed a stay at HVB-home. The respondents are between 15-21 years both boys and girls. The basic questions were: How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service process? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service contents? How do the respondents look upon this HVB-homes service regarding available information and how the staff is available? What positive and negative experience do they have from their stay at the HVB-home? We also wish to get a picture of what is important to change to improve the quality on this HVB-home. To receive answers to those questions we formed a questionnaire.

Att röra sig i staden som HBTQ-person

The purpose of this study is to search and analyze different logics that operators use in the work of helping juvenile delinquents to break their criminal behavior. New institutional theory is used in this study to analyze the results. The study was conducted through qualitative interviews of six professionals in two municipalities which work with juvenile delinquency. There are two questions that we want to address in this study. The first one is what methods the social workers are using in two middle large municipalities to help youth to brake there criminal behavior.

Göteborgs gåtfulla madonna - Maria med Jesusbarnet och Johannes Döparen på Göteborgs konstmuseum. Ikonografi, tolkning och stilanalys

This essay presents an examination of some aspects of an anonymous Italian fifteenth centurypainting, the Madonna in Adoration of the Christ Child with the Young John the Baptist, in theGothenborg Art Museum. My first aim is to understand its symbolic and religious content, and theother is to make an attempt at an attribution, or at least put the work in a likely environment,temporally and geographically. To the first end I analyse the image using Panofsky?s three stagemethod, and then make an iterpretation using the ?period eye? concept of Baxandall, especially froma religious viewpoit. Secondly, I try to define the style of the work mainly by analysing selectedparameters from a large number of fifteenth century Italian pictures found in the photo archive ofthe Federico Zeri Foundation website on the internet.

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