

1367 Uppsatser om Xbox Live Indie Games - Sida 23 av 92

Genus och etnicitet bland ungdomar och personal på boenden för ensamkommande asylsökande ungdomar : En kvalitativ studie om riktlinjer kontra praktik

Studies show that 10-15 percent of Sweden's population, 65 years or older are estimated to have depression or depression symptoms. The symptoms of depression among elderly people are less than symptoms of young people. This could cause that elderly people with depression are not always discovered. Studies show that elderly people who live in residential homes show more signs of depression than elderly people living at home. If elderly people live in a supporting environment, can it prevent that a depression developed.The prevention of depression among elderly people is a topic that is not discussed among previously research.

Samhällsansvar i konkurrens : En jämförande studie om den reglerade och oreglerade spelmarknaden

Background Svenska Spel is a regulated company run by the state and government, where CSR, community and social responsibility is in focus. The highly regulated Swedish gaming market has in recent years become more exposed to competition by foreign unregulated betting companies thru Internet.Problem discussion There are two views regarding CSR and how they are affecting competitive advantage and profitability. On one hand, it suggests that companies foremost shall focus profits and act in the best interest of the shareholders. On the other hand, it connects CSR to be a contributor to competitive advantage that increases the company?s profitability.Problem formulation Svenska Spel is competing with other betting companies who doesn´t act under the same conditions, betting companies that don´t have a responsibility to the state.

Det energiproducerande huset

We are heading towards a huge switch of how energy is produced with fossil fuels being replaced by renewable energy sources. It is not difficult to replace the energy you use in the house and there is no need for futuristic technology. There are already many established products on the market such as high efficiency vacuum solar collectors, heat pumps & small wind power stations that can supply the energy being used in a house. The company Sol & Energiteknik SE AB in Huskvarna has many different products which can reduce the need for an outside energy distributor. An average house in Sweden uses 15 000 kWh for heating, 5000 kWh for tap water and 5000 kWh for electricity.

Låtskrivarsamarbeten inom popmusiken

My purpose with this thesis has been to find out how to choreograph a fight sequence in ananimated movie. With the help of professional stuntmen and dancers, I have tried to findmethods and techniques used on stage and in live-action film and apply those to animatedfilms. To successfully identify the techniques used, I conducted a number of interviews andanalyzed literature that deals with the subject of fight choreography. By the analysis of themethods provided by the choreographers and selected parts of the literature, I have compiled anumber of steps I recommend 3D animators should to take in their efforts to create their ownfight choreography..

Natur på skolgård : värdet av naturlika miljöer och deras utformning för barn

As a result of my fascination for nature I have chosen to study the possibilities to introduce natural environments on schoolyards. Too many schoolyards are lacking vegetation and many of them look like sterile asphalt deserts. The master thesis consists of two parts. The first part is based on literature studies and the second part in which findings from part one are put into practice. Five examples are presented; four schoolyards in Malmö; Kryddgårdsskolan, Kirsebergsskolan, Rörsjöskolan and Lindängeskolan and one in Kalmar; Åbyskolan. Malmö Naturskola has been working with the chosen areas on the schoolyards in Malmö.

Hantering av osäkerhet i strategiska investeringar : en kvalitativ undersökning på SME-företag i nordöstra Skåne 

De flesta företag strävar i huvudsak efter att maximera värdet av sitt företag och ett sätt att öka värdet av företaget kan vara att genomföra investeringar. En viktig faktor för att lyckas med sina investeringar är att skapa en strategi och att följa denna är avgörande för att nå dit man vill. Strategier kan utformas på olika sätt, men gemensamt för alla strategier är att de måste hantera osäkerhet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka vad små- och medelstora företag upplever som osäkerhet vid investeringar samt hur företagen hanterar dessa. Valet av små- och medelstora företag grundar sig på att den största delen av tidigare forskning inom detta ämne är gjord på stora företag.

"...support must also sometimes include control!" A qualitative study regarding social service workers view of the secondary housing market

The aim of this study was to examine the view of social service workers on the secondary housing market based upon their work with social investigations regarding people with a difficult substance abuse. The foundation of this study rests upon a phenomenon, which according to other scholars, occurs in the secondary housing market in Sweden. The secondary housing market consists of a multitude of housing projects that social services provide for people who are homeless. The phenomenon is that the secondary housing market contains a number of demands aimed at the clients who live in these housing projects. If a client fails to live up to the demands it can sometimes lead to negative consequences which results in an exclusion from the housing projects.

Upprustning av miljonprogram : En undersökning om kommunala bostadsbolag

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

Budgetens roll innan och efter finanskrisen

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

"Jag ska också göra chokladbollar" : En undersökning om hur tillgången till konstruktionsmaterial påverkar barn i förskolan

The aim of this study was to investigate and compare the availability of construction materials affect children's constructions and play. Observations were made when the children were allowed to play and build with very little and much of the material play-doh dough in preschool. The study is aimed at children aged 3 ? 5 years. Interviews were also conducted with educators in departments where the children spent time to give support to this study.The result shows that the children create as many designs of any material amount.

Gamers and Game Design: Incorporating Users in the Design Process

This paper deals with the difficulties of applying user-centered design practices as an independent developer, based on the visualization of a game concept in the form of a prototype. The aim is to evaluate the usability of user-centered design practices, specifically in the field of games development. Throughout this paper, I will give an account of the methods used for testing, as well as a review of previous research done in this field of study. Finally, I will end with a discussion regarding the pros and cons of user-centered design, as well as some thoughts about its importance in similar projects..

Erfarenhetsrapportering vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB : Utvärdering av erfarenhetsåterföringsprocessen samt utveckling av ett systemstöd

Organisations constantly live under the potential threat of events and accidents that seriously could harm the organisation. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB, the company that this master thesis focus on, is in no aspect excepted from this threat. Through an early identification of near misses and the taking of corrective action in use, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB has managed to reduce the likelihood and the consequence of events and accidents. The purpose of this master thesis is to evalutate Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB?s operation experience process on the basis of IAEA?s and WANO?s requirements within the field of operation experience and to develop a usable system applicably within the field of operation experience.The thesis is divided into two parallel tracks, where one is the evaluation of the operation experience process and the other the design of a usable system, applicably within the field of operation experience.

Visuell Navigation : En studie om vägledande visuella element i spel

Visuella vägledande element kan höja eller sänka en spelupplevelse. Därför har vi gjort en studie kring hur man kan uppnå intuitiv visuell navigation med fyra beprövade visuella vägledande element, nämligen ljussättning, färgkulör, färgmättnad samt objektplacering. Dessa element har använts för att skapa ett visuellt språk i en bana som vi har låtit ett antal respondenter spela och simultant kommentera. Resultaten har varit som väntat, att ljussättning fungerar som det starkast vägledande elementet, samt att respondenterna reagerade på, samt vägleddes av, nämnda element..

Remburser och andra säkerhetsarrangmang vid internationell handel

AbstractWe live in a world today that is characterized by the Internet. We can get hold of people on the other side of the globe whenever we want and we can purchase what ever we want, from who ever we want, anytime we want. This development has made it important to find systems of dealing with the payment in a safe and secure way, both for a private person as well as for a company, when you do transactions with people far away, and those systems is the core of this essay. As a private person you sometimes need to transfer money to family members who live abroad and you can then use clean payments. This means that banks all over the world has systems which makes it easier when their customs wishes to transfer money abroad.

Med sikte på Counter-Strike : Om pro gamers val av gaming gear

Counter-Strike has established itself as one of the most popular computer gaming phenomenon the last decade with a major online community and loyal fan base. Within the world of e-sports it has also become one of the most lucrative games to compete in. In order to keep up with the competition it has always been important to use the best hardware available for the task. This thesis is about these tools that gamers use to play - gaming gear - and how pro gamers train to increase their chances of winning. We investigate various factors that might be important in their choice of gaming gear when they play, and how they train to use these artifacts more efficiently to get maximum performance.

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