

1367 Uppsatser om Xbox Live Indie Games - Sida 24 av 92

Ingen är utanför alla är inne : en studie om hur skolungdomar i ett segregerat område kan uppleva villkoren för sin utveckling av en självbild.

This study aims to describe the conditions, of which some youths who live in a segregated area in Sweden, see as important for their development of an identity. The study have been conducted in a manner where we put the youths own words in focus. The youths are in charge of deciding what they regard as important for their own development of their own identity. In this study we assume certain contexts, of which we base the study. These contexts include the society, the urban districts, the school, the family, and the language.

Bibeln och interaktivitet : Om arbetet att skriva manus till spelet Testament

Testament är ett actionrollspel baserat på Bibelns Gamla Testament. Spelet utvecklas tillsammans med Svenska kyrkan i syfte att användas i konfirmandutbildningar.Denna uppsats är en reflekterande rapport som behandlar verket Manus till spelet Testament - Spelmoment, dialoger och mellansekvenser. Verket och denna uppsats är en produkt av ett examensarbete i medier och innehåller en beskrivning av arbetsprocessen att skriva manus till fyra av sex segment i spelet Testament. Rapporten innehåller även analyser och diskussioner om arbetsprocessen och det slutgiltiga resultatet. Verket innefattar detaljerade översikter över spelets interaktiva spelmoment såväl som de texter som representerar spelets dialoger och mellansekvenser.Genom detta arbete undersöks området speladaptation närmare för att ta reda på hur litteratur kan omvandlas till spel och hur interaktiva spelmoment identifieras och utvecklas från en text.Under arbetet har en metod skapats för att identifiera och utveckla interaktiva spelmoment ur Bibelns texter och för att skriva mellansekvenser och dialoger till spelet Testament.

?Jag är en vampyr? Om unga kvinnors identitetsskapande i det senmoderna samhället

The purpose of this Master?s thesis is to investigate if there might be a possiblecorrelation between young women´s fascination with the vampire narrative andtheir search for identity in the late modern age. With the help of contemporarysociological studies in the field of the late modern man and today?s youth culture,I?ve chosen to do qualitative interviews with eight young women in order to examinehow today?s society affects their process of identification. Lately we?ve been ableto see an enormous interest for books that deal with the vampire saga, and while thereaders are mostly young females, it brought me to ask the question why the combinationof teenage drama and vampires seems to be such a winning concept.We live in a time where most young females experience a lot of pressure trying to addup to the demands of society, and as the media keep producing images of youngwomen being thin and looking like supermodels, most teenagers feel a lot of pressureand anxiety trying to live up to such unnatural ideals that in the long run might lead tovarious health issues and eating disorders.As a result of this thesis I?ve found that the vampire narrative answers to some ofthe existential needs we have as members of a late modern society.

Hur livshistoriekaraktärer hos Europeisk abborre (Perca fluviatilis L.) påverkas av cykliska förändringar i populationsstrukturen

This report deals with life-history variation for Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis L.), with special emphasis on age and size at maturity in females, in perch populations that have changed in size distribution. The collection of fish samples was made with multimesh gill nets year 2011. The perch?s length, height, weight, status of gonads has been analyzed, and by observing the opercular bone the age has been determined. In two lakes close to Umeå in northern Sweden, Fisksjön and Ängersjön, the live-history traits of perch have been studied.

Ungdomar och datorn : Vilken roll spelar datorn i ungdomars liv?

How does the computer influence teenagers' lives. I interviewed five young people, and gave a questionnaire to another 47, about this.What I found was that they were aware of and handled well the risks with the Internet and the computer, but had problems with the computer taking too much of their time. They wanted more time for their families and outdoor activities. It was mainly the Internet that seemed to have an influence on the teenagers, not the computer as a machine. They told me that there was a rough climate on the Internet, partly because of the possibility of being anonymous.

Ett studentbostadshus för att skapa integration mellan studenter i ett trivsamt boende med större gemenskap

The aim has been to create a new student housing where there should be more togetherness between people who live in the residents. The house will have more common areas for the integration of students for a pleasant stay in Växjö. We have concentrated on finding and solving the interior design of the joint surfaces. The proposal consists of CAD- drawings.The student area is intended to be placed on the Brände udde, which is part of Campusvision 2005..

En jämförelse mellan ljus baserat i naturalism och pictorialism : En studie om ljussättning i spel

In this study, we investigate various lighting applications in a virtual environment, where we compare between light based in naturalism (natural light) and pictorialism (artistic light). The purpose of this study is to gain further knowledge in lighting, which is increasingly important for game graphics. Theory are examined to gather information and recommendations on how to use various light settings that convey different emotions. We then use this information to illuminate the environment that we have built. The environment is presented in Unreal 4 for respondents who are allowed to move around freely in the environment.

Jakten på det perfekta ledarskapet

What do we really mean when we are talking about the perfect leadership? Does a leadership like that really exist in the world we live in today? Being perfect is something that many people are longing for, but that is hard to achieve. In school, in families and at work: the longing for perfectionism is everywhere. Being a leader is a tough goal to master, being the perfect leader is something impossible. Many managers in Sweden today all want to be successful and perfect at what they do, many of them don?t have the time to reflect over how the perfect leadership should be characterized.

Bonusföräldraskapets många ansikten : en kvalitativ studie av roller och rollskapandet bland bonusföräldrar

The aim of our study is to examine stepparents´experiences of their role in the new family, we also want to examine if the role as stepparent is affected to the role as a biological parent. Our study is based on six semi-structured interviews, with three stepmothers and three stepfathers.By using role theory and symbolic interactionism our results indicate the requirement of constant negotiation as well as acknowledging the need to consider the other familymembers, those you may not have chosen to live with.We can see that the division of responsibility is governed by what is best for the family - to make life as easy as possible. It is clear that many stepparent lack guidance in what is expected of them in their new role; howeverr, they have been able to grow into it.  .

Gamification av digitalt lärande : En studie av attityder om spelelement i lärplattformar

Society today is characterized by the transforming effect IT has had, the majority of the activities we perform on a daily basis involves one way or another digital technology. One area which has not yet seen the positive effects of IT is education. Despite the progress of technology, the school education has barely changed since it first saw the light of day. Our goal with this study is to investigate the possibility of implementing Gamification elements in educational environments and examine whether it could increase our young students learning motivation. We believe that this kind of implementation will have a positive effect for these young people since they have been interacting with games since they were small and are familiar with the driving force of a reward system.With this study we want to examine the opportunities and challenges that Gamification implementation brings out in a learning environment and therefore encourage and motivate our young ones to study even harder..

Pokerspel och dess skatterättsliga följder

Ingen som läser tidningar, surfar på Internet eller tittar på TV kan undgå att lägga märke till pokerns lavinartade expansion. Poker på Internet och live på TV, i s.k. pokerklubbar och privat, har blivit allt mer accepterad och därmed mer synlig. Spelmarknad på Internet såväl i Sverige som internationellt expanderar varje dag. Utvecklingen har lett till en kraftig ökning av antalet webbsidor där i princip alla, som är över 18 år, har ett kontokort och tillgång till dator med Internetuppkoppling, kan prova lyckan i poker.

Spelimmersion & död : En undersökning av hur spelupplevelse och immersion påverkas av döden i nätbaserade multiplayerspel

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

RAM-minnets kontaminering vid tillämpning av forensiska verktyg

Denna rapport behandlar ett specifikt område inom IT-forensik och informationssäkerhet. Då en berörd part behöver agera i ett skarpt läge, kan kunskaperna om volatilt minne vara avgörande. I takt med att IT-brott har ökat dramatiskt, har det också bidragit till en enorm utveckling inom de forensiska ramarna. IT-forensikerns handlingar är av avgörande karaktär då minnet förändras kontinuerligt, därför eftersträvas minimala förändringar på systemet.Ett datorsystem är utrustat med ett fysiskt minne vars syfte är att temporärt lagra information då det är aktivt. Detta minne kan vara en rik informationskälla ur ett forensiskt perspektiv.

?MMORPG? - en studie av dataspelsberoende

En problematik kring dataspelsberoende växer fram allt mer i media och i denna uppsats utforskas fenomenet MMORPG (massive-multiplayer-online-roleplaying-games). Syftet är att undersöka MMORPG i förhållande till beroende. Den empiriska datan utgörs av intervjuer med fyra personer som själva anser sig vara beroende av MMORPG. Resultatet visade att MMORPG är utformade både i spelmekanik och i spelkultur till att bidra till en ökad konsumtion, dvs. ett ökat spelande.

Ungdomars berättelser om Hovsjö : En kvalitativ studie om hur sex ungdomar i åldrarna 21-26 ser på sitt bostadsområde

Background and problems: All that is stated in social media might not always sometimes be right, which has consequences for the individual's view of the described phenomena. The individual interprets and takes in mass media messages, which can lead to that the wrong information makes believed to be is correct one. The news media?s photo illustrations might pictures result in bad images of the suburbs. Hovsjö, residential area in the city of Södertälje, occurs in the media depicted as is a bad place to live due to the high rate of crime there.Purpose and Issues: My main research question is: How do young people view their residential area Hovsjö in comparison with the image they believe consider is given in that the news media gives the area? Further questions of the study are: How do the young people of the district describe their residential area? How do the youth's react to the news media images of Hovsjö? Has the neighborhood helped to form their identity?Method: In my data collection I have chosen a qualitative approach with observation and semistructured interviews.

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