

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 11 av 47

Jag kan själv : Spelmanualer för mellanstadiebarn

Todays board game manuals have many shortcomings. One of them is that they are not always adapted to the game's target audience.Adapting the language and shape of a game manual for the the target group children, can save time for both parents and teachers, and give the children a chance to conquer the game by themselves. In addition, playing board games can lead to children developing other important properties such as problem solving and independence.This study found that the game manuals inconsistency, tone and the way they adress the reader makes it difficult for children to grasp the content. Many game manuals do not speak directly to the reader, and often describes gameplay in a passive way, which has been shown by this study.This study has resulted in 12 guidelines for Writing game manuals for children. In addition, they have been tested with a sample study.

Erfarenhet, föränderlighet och arv Gottfrid Adlerz. Om människans ursprung och striden om kulturvärdena

The purpose with this essay is to analyze Adlerz Writing within the context of the fiery debate in the 1880?s between the liberal so called ?cultural radical? members of the student organization called Verdandi, and the conservative, uniform oskarian culture named after the Swedish king of the period. I have applied a version of Quentin Skinner?s method, which focuses on the context of a specific Writing in order to find out the authors intention, the effect the author hoped to achieve. My questions regard certain themes I discovered in the text and, more importantly, the relationship between these themes and the surrounding debate.

Skriva för livet : en studie om lärares syn på skrivutveckling i skolår 4-6

Att eleverna får lära sig att skriva är ett av grundskolans viktigaste uppdrag. Under vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning under tiden på Lärarhögskolan har vi sett att mycket av undervisningen under de första åren i grundskolan ägnas åt att läsa, samtala och skriva. Det har fått oss att fundera kring hur lärare fortsätter att arbeta med skrivandet. Vårt syfte med den här studien är att fördjupa förståelsen för och utveckla kunskaper om hur lärare ser på den fortsatta skrivutvecklingen i skolår 4-6. Syftet är också att utveckla förståelse för vad lärare anser vara viktig kunskap i ämnet.

Fanfictionskrivande på engelska : Språkinlärning i en nätbaserad praxisgemenskap?

The purpose of this study was to investigate the English Writing activities of young Swedes on the site FanFiction.net to determine what type of differences were perceived between this activity and the Writing activities taking place in upper secondary English courses, what effects fan fiction had on their English skills as well as what possibilities were perceived in regards to using fan fiction as a tool of learning. Methods used include an interview study along with a textual analysis to determine changes in grammatical complexity, errors and mistakes. Results indicate that partaking in fan fiction-related communities of practice in English can potentially improve language skills. Results also showed that informants valued interaction and practical language use, largely perceiving the formal teaching of English as lacking in opportunities for practical, contextually relevant and creative language use. However, introducing fan fiction and its practices of peer-reviewing in a formal educational setting was also perceived as risky, at the same time as there existed a sense of optimism that the fan fiction format and its practices could both be used to facilitate learning..

Att komma hem : Coming home

In this essay I analyze the meaning of the concepts home and at home and the feeling of coming home. What is a home and what different interpretations are there regarding the concepts of home and being at home? What kinds of feelings are aroused by coming home? The world we live in offers great opportunities to travel, which in itself creates a perspective on the meanings of the concepts. The world we live in also forces people to move from their homes, families and countries due to various reasons, which creates various problems and a certain urgency concerning the concepts. I describe basic terms concerning the concepts, both regarding concrete definitions and more abstract notions, and then compare them with my own reflections.         Based on my Writing project Coming home I discuss these questions in various ways.

Om jag hade levt på medeltiden? : Historiemedvetandets utveckling genom högläsning av skönlitteratur, boksamtal och att skriva berättelser.

Abstract:According to the curriculum of the Swedish school the pupils should develop their historical consciousness. The aim of this study was to find out which pupils develop this consciousness by listing to an historical novel, talking about that book and Writing stories. The study went on for four weeks and the subject of the teaching was the Middle Ages. 28 pupils took part and a variety of methods were used: 1: questionnaire about the lives of the pupils, 2: Making observations of their attitude to the teaching and 3: story Writing. The results show that the social background does not influence the development of an historical consciousness.

Hur man genom kreativt arbetssätt kan gynna barn med läs- och skrivsvårigheter.

Abstract People who have problems with the written language will face serious difficulties in todays society. Our social structur is based on the criterium that every individual has to be able to read and write, and for this reason it is important that pupils with learning difficulties receive help. The purpose of my investigation is to examine how children with reading- and Writing difficulties can benefit throught creative methods. Children with reading- and Writing difficulties are in need of these creative methods that exist today. Amongst all of our public healht issues, dyslexia is one of the biggest problem we have today and children are therefor in need of these creative methods. Through  qualitative interviews with two educationalists there has been established thad the creative way of working benefits children in many ways if it is preformed correctly.

En annorlunda undervisningsform i religionsämnet : En studie om Abrahams Barns undervisningsmetod

This article is about Abrahams Children foundation and its teaching method called IE- method. It?s about how a teacher can use the IE- method in the religion lesson. There were some questions in this article that had to be answered and the questions are:- How is the form of the religion classes when a teacher uses the IE- method?- What happens in the class when you study the interaction and the communication?- Does the student?s participation increase when they work with the IE- method?- What are the advantage and the disadvantage with the IE- method?- Can the teacher use the IE- method in other classes?To get to the ?correct? answer I used many methods like, observation in the class, qualitative interview with the teacher (Lisa Andersson) and with four students (Kim, Erik, Amanda, Patrik) and I also used questionnaire.

Fler barn med på läs- och skrivtåget : En kvalitativ studie som belyser fem lärares erfarenheter och upplevelser av Arne Tragetons läs- och skrivmetod "Att skriva sig till läsning"

The purpose of this study is to investigate the teachers? described experiences of advantages as well as disadvantages of Arne Trageton?s write to read-method (?ASL?) in contrast to the code-oriented traditional way of teaching. The aim of this study is furthermore to depict the teachers? opinions on whether they experience that the ASL-method is unfavourable for students in general. This study will also investigate the teachers? standpoint regarding choice of reading and Writing method.

Hur påvekar författares föreställningsramar och arbetsmetoder det arkeologiska materialet och dess framställning? - En exemplifierande jämförelse av två författare

This essay is comparing two authors and the way they make use of and explain some of the archaeological methods and artifacts through their books.The first author is the Swedish archaeologist Stig Welinder, who has written Jordbrukets första femtusen år (The First Five Thousand Years of Agriculture). The second author is the American archaeologist and writer Adrian Praetzellis, who has written the book Death by Theory.These books are very different in some ways, but not in others. The main difference is that Death by Theory is belles-lettres while Jordbrukets första femtusen år is science.Both authors explain and in some way apply the use of the terms ?artifact? and ?ethnoarchaeology?, which is the two main subjects of comparison in this essay. The way they present these subjects, through their different styles of Writing, is compared and discussed.

Några lärares tankar kring IUP och elevers delaktighet : Begränsat till elever med läs och skrivsvårigheter

En kvalitativ studie kring några lärares tankar kring individuell utveckling och elevers delaktighet i sin egen utveckling begränsat till elever med läs och skrivsvårigheter i årskurs tre. för att genomföra den här studien har jag valt att intervjua fyra lärare med behörighet att undervisa elever i årskurs tre i ämnet svenska, dessa lärare valdes genom bekvämlighetsurval. Lärarna uttrycker att de arbetar relativt lika vad gäller IUP och elevers delaktighet men även att lärarna framhller vikten av att stödja eleverna och hjälpa dem på olika sätt för att de ska nå mlen för läsning och skrivning. Resultatet diskuteras utifrån Vygotskijs begrepp proximala utvecklingszonen som är ett centralt begrepp i studien..

Pojkars och flickors brinnande intressen : En analys av 10 elevtexter ur ett genusperspektiv

The main purpose of this study is to analyze texts written by pupils during the national test in the subject Swedish for grade 9 in order to identify and illustrate how they have met the instructions for the Writing task including genre. The texts have been analyzed using Palmér & Östlund-Stjärnegårdh?s (2005) model for student text analysis. This model has been supplemented by studying word and sentence length, as well as indexes for level of readability (LIX) and word variation (OVIX) in order to illustrate possible differences in a gender perspective. The results of this study are in line with previous research, as the girls? texts are longer and more descriptive, while the boys? texts are shorter and show a wider range of word variation.

Kapitalbindning och lönsamhet på 1980- och 2000-talet

This article is about Abrahams Children foundation and its teaching method called IE- method. It?s about how a teacher can use the IE- method in the religion lesson. There were some questions in this article that had to be answered and the questions are:- How is the form of the religion classes when a teacher uses the IE- method?- What happens in the class when you study the interaction and the communication?- Does the student?s participation increase when they work with the IE- method?- What are the advantage and the disadvantage with the IE- method?- Can the teacher use the IE- method in other classes?To get to the ?correct? answer I used many methods like, observation in the class, qualitative interview with the teacher (Lisa Andersson) and with four students (Kim, Erik, Amanda, Patrik) and I also used questionnaire.

Det cykliska : The cyclic

In this essay I analyze the way my collection of poetry relates to the concept cyclic. What is cyclic and what different interpretations are there concerning the concept? Which other related concepts are there regarding things that seem to reoccur regularly? How does the cyclical, the circular, relate to the linear in regard, for example, to the perception of time? Life often creates the sense that different phenomena and experiences repeat themselves. Different processes are conducted according to regular or irregular cyclical phases, situations seem familiar and events can be relived.         Starting from my Writing project Sinnligt kviller, a collection of poems, I discuss these questions in themselves and the impact they have had on my collection. I describe the phenomenon cyclic as a result of the emotions and moods this term creates in a more or less decisive way.         The intention with this paper is to show how Sinnligt kviller offers different perspectives of and reflections upon the various feelings provoked by the cyclic in our lives, feelings that are given my own voice in the literary text under study..

Barns tidiga skrivande - En studie om förhållningssätt till barns tidiga skriftspråksförsök i förskolan

According to the Läroplan för förskolan, Lpfö 98, are pre-schools suppose to introduce the written language and embrace childrens curiosity about the ability to communicate with the written language. The purpose with this research is therefor to study the attitudes of pre-school teachers towards three- to five years olds Writing and also to shred some light over which role teachers and other adults have when children learn to write. The earlier research contains different theories about how children in pre-schools conquer the written language and the teachers role in this process. Teachers attitudes towards and thoughts about childrens early Writing could be made visible through interviews with teachers who all currently work at pre-schools. The results indicate that pre-school teachers have different attitudes towards childrens early attempts to write.

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