

696 Uppsatser om Writing - Sida 10 av 47

Den flerspråkiga bibliotekskatalogen: Hantering av icke-latinsk skrift på bibliotek

The main purpose of this thesis has been to investigate librarians opinions about the need for and possibility to use non-roman script in library catalogues. We have also investigated the routines of handling materials in non-roman scripts in two Swedish libraries. The investigation was made in the light of the recent shift in character set in the Swedish National Library Catalogue Libris. This change will enable use of multiple Writing systems in the future.Our findings are that a multicultural society requires special consideration to the needs of citizens who speak other languages than the majority of the population. This becomes difficult when the languages spoken have a different Writing system than the one used by the majority.

Kan talspråk integreras inom kunskapsorganisation? Problematiken med talspråk som bibliografiskt språk

Writing has been the most important tool in knowledge organization KO. In our modern society we can use our speech as a technical tool to seek information. Can we apply speech as a tool to organize information? The aim of this masters thesis is to problemize speech aspects in the field of knowledge organization KO. The investigation has two main parts and I use a hermeneutic approach.

Läs- och skrivlärande : En studie av lärarhandledningar i svenska för årskurs 1

AbstractThe aim of this study is to find out how the central content of the compulsory school curriculum (Lgr11) is handled in three teacher?s manuals for instruction in reading and Writing for grade 1, and how these consider interaction and variation in learning how to read and write. Through a qualitative analysis with a hermeneutic approach, the three teacher?s manuals in Swedish for grade 1 were subjected to a close reading. The result shows that parts of the central content of the curriculum are considered, but that it is by studying exercises and texts that these become visible.

Annonsering och produktplacering i sociala medier : En studie i hur annons- och produktplaceringsmarknaden fungerar i bloggvärlden

Today it is very common to use different kinds of social media to connect with each other and get the latest updates on things. Some people today also feel that they want to share their lives by Writing a public blog. The blog-market has exploited the last few years and today blogging is about a lot more than just getting attention by Writing about your day. Many young bloggers make money by having advertisements and by doing product placements on their blogs. This study investigates the relationship between companies and bloggers.

Talsyntesen ? Dyslektikerns glasögonoch ett stöd för många läs- och skrivsvaga

According to the National Agency for Education 06-06-2010 are approximately 115 000 students graduating from Secondary School in the year of 2010.Out of these students, we know that thousands of them are hampered by reading and Writing disabilities in various degrees. Have these students been given the best support needed when it comes to Writing and reading?Compensation may be perceived as a goal for the pupil to catch up with the rest of the educational group or as a vehicle to go round the difficulties. In Sweden, diagnosed dyslexics are not allowed to use speech synthesis, a compensatory technical aid, during the 9th degree national tests.This study?s purpose is to discover if the usage of speech synthesis during the national test of Swedish and reading comprehension might work as a motivation booster for the students and consequently increase their test scores.This is a quantitative study including study including 15 pupils with diagnosed reading and Writing disabilities.

Får Fröken Julie bryta på polska? : En sociolingvistisk studie om etnisk mångfald och utländsk brytning på svenska institutionsscener

Abstract:According to the curriculum of the Swedish school the pupils should develop their historical consciousness. The aim of this study was to find out which pupils develop this consciousness by listing to an historical novel, talking about that book and Writing stories. The study went on for four weeks and the subject of the teaching was the Middle Ages. 28 pupils took part and a variety of methods were used: 1: questionnaire about the lives of the pupils, 2: Making observations of their attitude to the teaching and 3: story Writing. The results show that the social background does not influence the development of an historical consciousness.

Informationshantering hos personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyslexi : Hur personer med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och dyslexi hanterar och bearbetar information i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study has been to investigate how individuals with reading- and Writing disabilities and dyslexia handle their information need in the workplace. The method that has been used is a qualitative study made with interviews with individuals who have these problems, to see how they think and feel about the flow of information on their everyday basis. The study?s respondents are working women between the ages of 27 and 47 years old and they have reading- and Writing disabilities and dyslexia. The most interesting results of this study are that the respondents are avoiding jobs where they need to read and write much and where they also do not like changes in their job situation.

Argumentera mera! : Sju svensklärares syn på arbetet med argumenterande text

This essay is a qualitative study that examines seven teachers ? views on argumentative texts. The aim is to examine how teachers work and discuss argumentative texts, and how they work to develop students ? Writing. The main question is: What are the teachers experience, perception and attitude about working with argumentative text? Furthermore: What specific features are important when they mark this type of text? : How do teachers work with formative grading in terms of Writing this type of text? Research shows that Swedish students ? ability to write argumentative texts are inadequate.

Utformning och utprovning av ett fonologiskt baserat stavningstest

The literature on spelling and spelling development suggests there is a strong relationship between spelling and phonology (Bruck & Treiman, 1990; Caravolas, Hulme & Snowling, 2001; Craig, 2006; Gindri, Keske-Soares & Mota, 2007). Spelling, however, is considerably less researched than reading (Caravolas, Humle & Snowling, 2001). Spelling difficulties are known to be more persistent in people with reading and Writing disabilities, even when their reading has become acceptable (Høien & Lundberg, 1999) but more research is needed in this area. Assessment and detailed knowledge of the difficulties is of great importance in order to provide the appropriate help for children with reading and Writing disabilities (Frisk, 2010; Magnusson, Nauclér, & Reuterskiöld, 2008). The purpose of the present study was to develop and try out a phonologically based spelling test for children, with focus on medial phonemes.

Portabelt journalföringssystem i hemsjukvården

The aim of the study was to study how a today journal system is applied in homecare. The aim was also to examine if a portable journal system could make any effectiveness on the nurse's work and secure the quality of care. The study is a part of a project called Grensebroen which connects public health care, economic industry and university to a network beyond the borders. The primary goal of this cooperation was to develop technological means of assistance which could simplify nursing on daily basis. An empirical study on homecare was made in a district were long distance travels were common for the nurses in duty.

Läs-och skrivlärande i grundskolan och särskolan : Två lärare beskriver sitt arbete i svenska

My purpose in this paper is to study teachers' work in reading and Writing in primary school and special school. I want to find out if they use the same methods, strategies and materials to help students learn to read and write. I will find out the answer to my purpose by performing two qualitative observation and two qualitative interviews. Lundberg (2010) is the researcher I relate to during my study. Through observation, I see how teachers work with students in the classroom during a lesson in the Swedish language. During the interviews, I received answers to how teachers work with language, the materials, methods and strategies they use. I found out that teachers use specific strategies when they help their students. They use a work material that is tailored to curriculum in Swedish language and it is based on the phonics method. .

Koma som konst

In my work as speech and language pathologist I often meet people emerging from coma andtheir experiences intrigue me. Coma is an eluding human condition that offers a challenge formodern science and our view on body and mind. In my Master project in Creative Writing Iwanted to try to enter this zone that is so hard for a clinician to reach: the personal experienceof being in a coma. By Writing HUSK MIDAS I have tried to create a realistic fiction based onresearch on coma state and real-life stories of people waking up from coma.In my exploration of the coma state I found that lucid dreaming is common apart fromdreaming, many patients experience sensory inputs like sound and touch which aremisinterpreted and woven into dreams and creating a feeling of confusion and fear.Coma is a frequent theme in literature and film but is often depicted unrealistically andmisleadingly. A few works like Artur Lundkvist?s Journeys in Dream and Imagination andthe film The Descendents by Alexander Payne show a more reality based fiction.

Kommunikation i möten : Två blivande förskollärares reflektioner över samtalets svårigheter med föräldrar och kollegor

This essay deals with the various difficulties that can arise in conversations and meetings with parents and colleagues in the preschool world. The essay is based on two self-perceived stories that culminate in dilemmas that are difficult to assess, where our own actions come into question.The purpose of this essay is to gain a greater understanding and awareness of why we become insecure when our communication with others fails. Our research questions assist us in gaining an understanding that our own and others' behavior in meetings and conversations can be influenced by past experience, ourvalues and our emotions. This means, for example, that we must be aware that our values - ideal images, functions as both our guide and trip wires. We must also bear in mind that our ability to manage our own emotional reactions is  significant when it comes to facing our own and others' feelings.

Om konsten att möta elever i läs- och skrivsvårigheter : En retrospektiv fallstudie

The development of five individual pupils? Writing abilities, as reported by six of their teachers, is analysed. The thoughts and reflexions inspired by the everyday interaction between the teacher and the pupil suffering from some kind of reading and Writing disability are presented. The purpose is to capture what was unique and characteristic in the measures that triggered a positive response in the pupils. Some of the questions answered in this study are: How does the phenomenon of reading and Writing disabilities manifest itself in the classroom, and what are the consequences for the individual pupil of the various pedagogical measures available?One conclusion that may be drawn from this study is that there is no cut-and dried method for working with pupils suffering from reading and Writing disabilities.

Bilden av Machiavelli ? och motbilden. : En analys av Fursten och Republiken

This essay examines wether the prevailing opinion of Machiavelli as a prominent figure in political realism is correct or if the author is misinterpreted and can be said to represent something more. Thus, the puropse of this essay is to revise the description of Machiavelli given in widely used Swedish textbooks. This is done on the basis of a thesis saying that Machiavelli, judged not by his renowned book ?The Prince? (Fursten), but in the light of his extensive work ?Discourses? (Republiken), does not advocate a sovereign power but rather promote a pluralistic society. The method used in this essay is a qualitative textanalysis, which is done on the two books in purpose to examine three central themes in Machiavelli?s Writing; the morality, the view on humanity and the state and citizen.

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