

18229 Uppsatser om Work economic analysis - Sida 36 av 1216

Transportbranschen : Miljöanpassning utan negativa företagsekonomiska konsekvenser, är det möjligt?

This paper is about how transport companies in the future will be able to adapt their activity to an environmentally sustainable development without the effect of negative company economic consequences. Today, the environmental threat is a global problem and knowledge about that effluent of carbon dioxide have a negative impact on the climate is generally known. A transport system that works well is important for Sweden, but the sector has a negative impact on the environment. Regulation and legislation for increased environmental requirements often meets resistance and fear that the work will be hampered by increased costs for environmental work that can lead to an international decrease in competitiveness. The transport companies have outside pressure from the society to do something about the environmental issue, however the companies? customers are not ready to pay a higher price for environmental work.

Analysis of eucalyptus plantations on the Iberian Peninsula

This thesis analyses the prerequisites, profitability and competitiveness of eucalyptus plantation on the Iberian Peninsula and in Brazil. The thesis has a macro perspective and analyses a typical hectare of eucalyptus in each studied region. A survey methodology was used as a strategy to cover a broad perspective using expert respondents. The regions studied on the Iberian Peninsula were the ones found suitable for eucalyptus plantations from an economic point of view. The studied regions were Huelva in the South West of Spain, Galicia in the North West of Spain and Portugal.

Arbetslag och tidspress - En studie av lärarutbildares arbetssituation

This essay investigates the work situation for teacher educators at a university with focus on the subject areas education, research and administration. The research questions contain the work situation the teacher educators have, how they apprehend it, and how they find their position within the work organisation. Six interviews have been executed at the teacher education at a university. Some of the results from the investigation indicate that the teacher educators find education to be very a very demanding work and that the split of work during the academic year is uneven. The work with administration before and after the education, for example work with syllabuses and descriptions for courses, are activities demanding much time.

Sökande efter mening och identitet - upplevelser i samband med pensionering : En explorativ studie med pensionärers egna berättelser som grund.

This is a qualitative study aiming to examine peoples? experiences when retiring. In that purpose a criteria based sample has been used, participants have been asked in that they fulfilled the criteria?s to be a retiree within the age of 65 to 71 years of age. The reason of the age criteria was that the experiences should not be so far away in time.

Vem vill bli socionom? - en studie om social snedrekrytering på Socialhögskolan i Lund

This essay aimed to give a basis for the departement of social work in Lund in its task to recruit students from underrepresented parts of the population to the departement and to the university by presenting which social groups are underrepresentated. The research also aimed to give an explanation of how the backgrounds of the student´s have influenced them and lead them to undertake studies of social work. The main questions were: - What background do the students at the departement of social work have as seen from the variables; sex, age, national background, class, parents' educational level, society of childhood and direction of upper secondary school? - How can the background of the students at the departement of social work be explaned by the theories of Pierre Bourdieu? The research was performed with a quantative method based on a questionnaire. The data received by the questionnaire were compared with data of the general students population and of the population of Sweden at large.

Integrationsdiskurser i tidningar : en analys av fyra rikstäckande tidningar

This essay is about integration's discourses in newspapers. It compares four different newspapers with each other and it compares them also in a time perspective. The four different newspapers that the essay compares are Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet, Dagens Nyheter and Expressen. These are Swedish newspapers and they are distributed all over the country. The time perspective is a two months period, one month in the year 1994 and one month in the year 2002.

Jordbrukets roll i utveckling - med speciellt fokus på Kambodja

Studien tittar på betydelsen av jordbruk för utveckling. Därefter fortsätter studien att titta på hur jordbrukets roll i Kambodja ser ut och finns det andra sätt som bättre lämpar sig för att Kambodja ska nå utveckling. Vi har lagt speciellt fokus på risodlingens roll som inkomst aktivitet. För att hitta svaren på frågorna tittar vi på två olika aspekter, economic development samt livelihood approaches. Economic development ser jordbrukets roll som en central del i utveckling av industri medan livelihood ser att det finns mer komplexa mönster i verkligheten att beakta för att utveckla ett land.

Solenergi på Nordvästra Kungsholmen

The energy that the earth receives from the sun hourly has potential to cover a year?s energy demand in the world. Further, this type of energy is environmentally friendly, natural and free of cost. This report covers solar energy in an urban environment and consists of a case study of installations of photovoltaic cells in a part of the city of Stockholm. It is mainly the economic aspects that are covered but there is also a discussion about the practical consequences and the sustainability as a result of integration of solar energy in an urban environment. The aim of the study is to present results from economic calculations for utilization of solar energy in chosen buildings in Kungsholmen in Stockholm.

Det talas om förändring : en studie av den svenska museivärlden

The Swedish museum world is a complex and disputed field. Changes are high on the agenda, but they are neither easy nor self-evident. This master thesis looks at how Swedish museum professionals discuss changes and how they envision museum work for the future. It is also an analysis of the current state of the field. We have made a critical discourse analysis of three recent projects; Svåra saker, Museum 2000, makten.nu and the debate articles from the journal Svenska Museer from 2000 to 2001.

Indirekta och direkta inflationsprognoser: En studie baserad på svensk kvartalsvis inflationsdata

Uppsatsen undersöker vilken av den indirekta och den direkta metoden som bör användas vid prognostisering av den svenska inflationen baserat på kvartalsdata för perioden 1993:1-2005:4. Ytterligare en aspekt med uppsatsen är att ge ökad förståelse för hur inflationen i Sverige i allmänhet ska prognoostiseras. Prognoserna skapas med de respektive metoderna och jämförs därefter med faktisk inflation för att utvärdera vilken metod som ger minst prognosfel. De slutsatser som dras från undersökningen är att det inte är en av metod som strikt föredras vid prognostisering av den svenska inflationen. De metod som är bäst av den indirekta och den direkta beror på prognoshorisonten.

Har fondförvaltare timing och selektivitet? -En empirisk studie av fondförvaltares egenskaper

Abstract Syftet med uppsatsen är att empirisk testa om fondförvaltare uppvisar timing och selektivitetsförmåga, det vill säga om de har förmåga att förutse aktiemarknadens rörelse och att hitta vinnaraktier. Våra undersökningsdata sträcker sig under en tvåårsperiod och omfattar 40 globalfonders dagsavkastningar. Vi har utifrån två olika modeller undersökt om det går att påvisa förmågorna timing och selektivitet. Undersökningen genomförs via ett antal OLS?regressioner där timing och selektivitet kan påvisas.

Lönsam energieffektivisering : En beskrivning av energieffektiva åtgärder i flerbostadshus och dess lönsamhet

Environmental impact and management of energy is a highly topical issue in today's society. Climate impact must be reduced. The Government has set a target to reduce energy consumption in buildings by 20 % by 2020 and 50 % by 2050 compared to the energy use in 1995.With this in mind, we chose to examine how property owners can work on improving energy efficiency in existing apartment buildings. We also wanted to investigate profitability of different increasing energy efficiency measures and the calculation methods and the risk assessment performed by such investments. To tie in with government objectives, we also saw the possibilities of achieving these goals.20 companies were interviewed, of which 14 were property owners and 6 were consulting firms that works with energy efficiency.

Cupsystemet : En kvalitativ fallstudie av en mobil webbtjänst

The thesis describes the following main question: Will the administrative labour during football tournaments be made easier with the help from a mobile web service or will it convey to unnecessary extra work? To be able to give a good and qualified answer to this question, the thesis will in the beginning describe how the technique for such a system might look like and also describe the existing administrative moments during a football tournament, this is too give the reader a deeper understanding for further reading. The thesis then goes on to describe a concrete system which is tested on three football tournaments. On the basis of the tests, interviews and through analysis of these the thesis will be able to answer our questions. The result which we present in the thesis have unfolded through testing of the system on three chosen football tournaments.

Diakoni och Välfärd - en kvantitativ studie av ekonomiskt stöd inom Svenska kyrkan

The aim of this thesis was to study financial support within the Church of Sweden and the view of the church?s diaconal work. This was done with a quantitative method where a survey sent to a number of churches containing questions about financial support within the church and how they, the respondents, looked at the church?s role as a welfare agent. Of the almost 200 congregations only 23 congregations responded.

Restvärmeåteranvändning från absorptionsvärmepumpar : en kartläggning av möjligheter och begränsningar vid Vattenfall Värme Uppsala Block 5

Vattenfall district Heating power plant in Uppsala produces district cooling with absorption heat pumps which leads to a large amount of waste heat that has to be cooled with evaporative cooling towers. The Environmental Court has ordered Vattenfall to survey the possibilities to recover the heat, which is the focus of this thesis.The study begins with an overview of the system, and conditions and limitations for waste heat recovery is examined. In the next step alternatives to recycle the heat is evaluated, either by direct recovering or by upgrading.First, the technical possibility of each alternative is discussed, and then the operation time and the amount of recovered heat is calculated. Those alternatives which are possible are brought further to an economic analysis.The cost of investment for each alternative constitutes the basis for a present value analysis. The results are put together in a table where the total amount of recovered heat is compared with the present value for the different alternatives.

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