

851 Uppsatser om Word of mouse - Sida 22 av 57

Det är en mångfald i fråga om mångfald : Personalvetare och PAO-studenter samtalar

This is a study of the discussions and sense making that HR-professionals and HR-students present concerning the phenomenon of diversity, through the theory of social representation.Our purpose is to study the reasoning around the phenomenon of diversity and what meaning HR-students and HR-professionals create around it. This study also attempts to examine how HR-professionals and HR-students reasoning and interaction differ from each other. In this study we have used the qualitative method of social representation through focus groups.The common themes found in the data material were the meaning of the phenomenon diversity, how the work with human resources can be connected to the phenomenon of diversity and diversity as an issue in society. The main result in this study was that we found a wide range of meaning put into the word diversity by the participants and that the individuals in the focus groups actively strived for consensus..

Klicka vidare! ? En studie om marknadsföring på Internet

Internets framfart har skapat ändrade förhållande på marknaden för kommunikation och marknadsföring. Företag marknadsför sig alltmer på Internet och e-handeln har samtidigt ökat kraftigt. Debatten kring nya sätt att marknadsföra sig på Internet och hur konsumenterna reagerar på information är i full gång. I en undersökning gjord av Posten visar det sig att 7 av 10 svenskar gör sina distanshandelsköp på Internet och att de har en sofistikerad informationssökningsprocess. Påståendet görs att konsumenter litar mer på vänner, bekanta och andra konsumenter på ?nätet? .

Facket och invandrarna : en postkolonial diskursanalys

Racial discrimination can occur in many ways ? intentional and non intentional ? and in many places ? perhaps most observed in the labor market. The Swedish labor union, LO, is an important party in this market, and discusses the issue frequently in a number of different documents. These documents are being analyzed as discourse in this study, with attention paid to the rhetoric regarding ?immigrants?, i.e.

: Uchinaa-yamatoguchi, wakaibiimi? En studie i den yngre generationens kunskap kring den egna dialekten på Okinawa, Japan.

This essay investigates the relation between ?usage? and ?hearing? of dialectal words and expressions in the Ryukyu islands, Japan, in this case words and expressions from a mix of Ryukyuan and standard Japanese, so called uchinaa-yamatoguchi. A survey was conducted and in the questionnaires the respondents were asked to fill in the degree of usage and hearing of each word and expression, consisting of three alternatives each; use often, use seldom and never used - hear often, hear seldom and never heard.My findings show a stable pattern in the relation between usage and hearing, where the usage is relatively low compared to hearing in almost every case. Among the most frequently used ones, one could find words and expressions connected to food, festivals, type of person, adjectives, adverb and animals etc..

Dyslexi : Några lärares upplevelser av att undervisa elever med dyslexi

AbstractThe ability to read and write is a very important skill in today?s information based society. Most of us learn how to read and write, but not everyone is blessed to do this without struggle. Dyslexia is a very common learning disability and therefore I found it interesting to study how teachers teach students with dyslexia.By studying the literature and by interviewing teachers, I found that dyslexia is a very complex disability. The teachers have to adapt their way of teaching in a way that a student with dyslexia can participate.


Based on an analysis of the Swedish laws in the field of healthcare, the purpose of this essay in jurisprudence is to examine whether Sweden has a need to implement the new EU-resolution on abortion. The study is based upon legal sources such as official government reports (SOU) as well as words of an Act. The subject also deals with ethical standards and more community-oriented material, and texts from both these areas are also included. The Swedish laws in health care are extensive, but still put the patient first. Care givers are able to delegate their responsibility if it means good health care which is also a key word in the Swedish health care.

En filantrop måste ha långa armar ? Ett undersökande arbete om att illustrera svåra ord

A philanthropist needs long arms- An investigation on how to illustrate difficult wordsThe feeling of not understanding all the words that I read made me initiate the project of investigating the capacity of drawn images to increase the understanding of difficult words. I?ve been working with my own personal understanding and skills in illustration.My aim was to reflect on the function, composition and manner of my illustrations. I wanted the images to be clear enough to explain and function as a help for memorizing the words but also open enough to give them a new dimension. One of my conclutions is that my way of changing the original shape of a body in my drawings, by giving it new functions such as longer arms, helps me to explain the words clearer and deeper.

Ambassadörskap i upplevelseindustrin: befolkningen som marknadsförare av en destination

Turismen är en stor industri i Sverige och globalt där den destination som är framgångsrik har mycket att tjäna. Förutom de intäkter som går till företagen inom upplevelseindustrin, som hotell eller restauranger så finns det dessutom fördelar som kommer hela samhället till nytta, via skatteintäkter och ökad sysselsättning. För att skapa förutsättningar för en hållbar destination pratar man om organiserad destinationsutveckling, där utveckling och marknadsföring sker gemensamt på destinationen. Organisk destinationsutveckling är då utvecklingen sker naturligt på destinationen, utan avsiktlig påverkan. Man talar också om organiserad och organisk image.

Kund- och marknadsundersökning för ?Rent Hus? : en studie om behov, attityder, förväntningar, tjänstekvalitet samt köpprocess

Människor utsätts idag för så mycket information och intryck att de tvingas vara selektiva i vad de uppmärksammar och påverkas av i det eviga mediebruset. Därför måste företags marknadsföring utmärka sig gentemot konkurrenterna. På tjänstemarknaden idag finns många alternativ av tjänster att välja mellan som alla påstås tillfredställa samma kundbehov. En bransch där detta gäller är lokalvårdsbranschen där alla aktörer erbjuder liknande tjänster. Av denna anledning är kvalitet en viktig del.

Påverkan : Hur intertextualitet påverkat innehåll och berättarröst i romanen Panik (Den ätbare mannen)

The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss what exile writing is and who can be seen as an exile writer. If the word ?exile? is related to forced dislocation, like Paul Tabori and Sopia A. McClennen describes it, who can be viewed as an exile writer? Is Anders Olsson?s definition of an exile writer acceptable or not? Could the The Escape, a future story about exiled Northern Europeans in Myanmar, be classified as exile literature?Another purpose with this text is to describe how a story about exile can be made realistic and tangible to a reader who has not experienced exile.

Employee Referral Vad driver ansta?llda att rekommendera potentiella medarbetare till en tja?nst? : - Fo?r fo?retag med rekryteringsbehov.

Problem: Fo?r att skapa ett starkt employer brand ska arbetsgivaren inneha positiva associationer hos potentiella medarbetare, vilket bidrar till att mindre resurser kra?vs fo?r att finna den efterfra?gade kompetensen. Da? en rekommendation handlar om att yttra sig fo?rma?nligt blir betydelsen av medarbetares rekommendationer viktig fo?r fo?retagets employer brand. Resultaten av att anva?nda sig av medarbetares rekommendationer i rekryteringsprocessen a?r ka?nt inom forskningen.

Ett utökat urval av litteratur till elever med lässvårigheter : Kan elever med lässvårigheter läsa icke lättläst barnlitteratur?

The aim of this study is to analyse how children?s literature for ages 6 ? 8 is adapted to pupils with reading difficulties. The material used for analysis in this study is six children?s books, examining some of the criteria by which a text is classified as easy-to-read. The result of the analysis shows that there is a possibility for pupils with reading difficulties to read something other than easy-to-read literature if it is carefully selected.

Samtalande rum - ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv på individens erfarenheter av onlinerollspelet Word of Warcraft

Den här uppsatsen är en teoretisk och empirisk studie över unga vuxnas erfarenheter av onlinedatorspelet World of Warcraft. Perspektivet som anläggs på spelet och dess användare är ett socialpsykologiskt perspektiv. Det socialpsykologiska perspektivet utgörs av den symboliska interaktionismen, sociala roller och rum samt Johan Asplunds teori om social responsivitet. I uppsatsen relateras även teorier om det medialiserade samhällets inverkan på individ och sociala rum. Kunskap om fältet har genererats främst genom ostrukturerade intervjuer med användare, samt genom en kulturanalys av verket.

Hur bedrivs miljöarbete? : En undersökning om pedagogers miljöarbete i förskolan och barns tankar om miljöarbete.

By conducting qualitative interviews five pedagogues and eight children in the ages three to five have answered questions regarding environmental work in preschool.The purpose of this report was to examine how environmental work is pursued at two preschools and what children at these preschools think about environmental work. Recycling of garbage and small cultivation projects together with the children is what the pedagogues consider being the most common environmental work at their particular preschools. In the professional role of the pedagogue if can be clearly seen what special interests he or she has.Most of the children associate the forest with some kind of snack and animals. Half of the interviewed children also think about animals when they visit the forest. Half of the interviewed children also have an understanding of where peels from fruits should be tossed, but no one knows the meaning of the word environment.

Att prognostisera avverkningspotentialen i privatskogsbruket

For the actors in the Swedish forest industry, it is important to have the ability to forecast the state in the privateforests. The information that comes out of the forecasts will be the base for the activities strategic direction.The aim in this exam is to survey what information that is present today as basis for forecast calculation, andeven to examine what other possibilities it might have in the future.From a limited geography and out of different time perspective forecast the felling potential in the privateforestry.With the word felling potential means regeneration felling and thinning. The exam will answer the questions:What information is needed to build a relevant forecast model?Is this information available today?Is there information to buy that would improve the forecast model?The result of this exam will be presented in form of a ”case study” showing the opportunities in the market tocreate a forecast calculation of felling potential in the private forestry within the Forest Owners’ AssociationMellanskogs wood-area Dalarna..

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