

7557 Uppsatser om West air Sweden - Sida 16 av 504

Branding Sweden - a comparative study of the national identity, the nation brand identity and the nation brand image

When discussing nation branding, there are three perspectives that correlate with each other: National Identity, Nation Brand Identity and Nation Brand Image. This thesis explores the nation branding of Sweden, and describe the three perspectives with a focus on Sweden. When comparing how the perspectives are comported with each other, there is the possibility of gaps existing when one perspective does not comport with another. We have compared our empirical material on the different perspectives and looked for possible gaps..

Ungdomars syn på islam : En undersökning vid fem gymnasieskolor i Kalmar och Jönköping

With this essay I have tried to give an image of some Swedish teenagers opinions about Islam. I have also done research on how the Swedish school depicts Islam and how the media in Sweden and other western countries describe Islam and Muslims. I have come to the conclusion that the media do not give a positive image of Muslims and their religion. One the contrary, Muslims are talked about in relation to negative subjects. This is an image that seems to have influenced how young people in Sweden look at Muslims.I have handed out a questionnaire at schools in Kalmar and Jönköping, Sweden.

Investeringskalkylering : En benchmarking av Volvo Construction Equipment

Uppsatsen innefattar en intern benchmarking för Volvo Construction Equipment, Arvika, Hallsberg, Eskilstuna och Braås. En kartläggning utifrån intervjuer ska göras över de investeringskalkyleringsmetoder som används i dagsläget. Syftet är att arbeta fram en mall för investeringar inom Operations Sweden, där samtliga involverade använder samma beräkningsmetoder och parametrar i sina bedömningar.Volvo Construction Equipment tillverkar anläggningsmaskiner. De fyra fabrikerna bildar tillsammans gemenskapen Operations Sweden. Inom Operations Sweden tas beslut om ett investeringsprojekt ska genomföras eller ej.

Bibliotekarier och sjuksköterskor i samarbete med patientinformation : En intervjuundersökning vid sjukhusbiblioteket på Mölndals sjukhus

A qualitative study about collaboration between librarians and nurses in the supplying of consumer health information (CHI) at The Hospital Library of The Mölndal Hospital in Mölndalnear Gothenburg, Sweden.The staff were interviewed about how their work is affected by the collaboration between thetwo occupational groups. The purpose of the study is to find out if there exists a strugglebetween the groups about the influence on and the control over the handling of this kind ofinformation. Despite some problems with the permission to do as many interviews as needed,the study shows some positive effects with the collaboration. The study gives a short backgroundto the development of CHI services in USA, the UK, Denmark and Sweden. Fourfurther CHI service centres in Sweden are shortly presented and one member of each staffwas interviewed by telephone..

Nord Stream - Vägen till säkerhet?

Big dangerous Russia, environmental thief or house warmer? The Nord Stream pipelines are a highly debated theme in Europe and the EU. A number of different countries will be subject to the pipelines direct or indirect. This paper aims to figure out what kind of threats and possibilities Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Germany consider to be the consequences with the pipelines.The study takes as a standpoint the area of security studies and the widened of the same. The three standpoints within the security study that will be used are military security, environmental security and energy security.

Forensisk arkeologi : Har forensisk arkeologi en framtid i Sverige?

ABSTRACTDelic, Admira. 2007. Forensisk arkeologi: Har forensisk arkeologi en framtid i Sverige?(Forensic archaeology: Is there a future for forensic archaeology in Sweden? C-uppsats i arkeologi. Högskolan i Kalmar ht 2007)This paper is about what forensic archaeology means, how the work is done, what methods are used in a forensic investigation.

Grafisk profil för House of Sweden (Washington D.C.)

Detta examensarbete innefattar både en fördjupning och en praktisk del inom ämnet grafisk profilering och visuellt identitetsskapande. Den praktiska delen av examensarbetet har utförts parallellt med reklambyrån Cabesa Communication Sweden AB, Stockholm. Fördjupningsdelen behandlar områden som branding, företagsidentitet och grafisk profil. För att skapa ett starkt varumärke på en marknad krävs välplanerade, strategiska och originella reklamkampanjer samt en stark och enhetlig visuell identitet. Med hjälp av fördjupningen så har en kunskapsgrund lagts inom ämnet grafisk profilering och det praktiska arbetet har förenklats mycket.Den praktiska delen innehåller framtagning av en grafisk profil med tillhörande manual till House of Sweden, Sveriges nya ambassad, Event Center och lägenhetsbyggnad i Washington D.C., USA.

Anlockning och gnag av snytbaggar (Hylobius sp.) : effekt av plantstorlek och behandling med metyljasmonat

Two field experiments were conducted in central Sweden in order to: 1) Determine a relationship between the number of approaching pine weevils (Hylobius sp.) and the number of attacks by pine weevils, in relation to the size of seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris). 2) Determine if application of methyljasmonate (MJ) on seedlings of Scots pine will result in higher resistance towards attacks by pine weevils and/or have any effect on the number of approaching pine weevils. The field experiments were designed with two separate parts in close vicinity on the same clear cuttings: a) pitfall traps placed in patches of scarified soil that caught approaching pine weevils at 2.5 cm from the bait, which consisted of different sized seedlings of Scots pine some of which were subjected to application of MJ and b) the same type of seedlings planted out in patches of scarified soil. The first field experiment was conducted on a 1-year old clear cutting outside Uppsala in east central Sweden and the trapping part of the experiment consisted of 8 blocks with 6 treatments: 1) control, 2) small over-wintered seedling, 3) medium sized seedling, 4) medium sized seedling treated with 0.5 ml 100 mmol MJ 4 days prior to start of experiment, 5) large seedling, 6) vial with 9.5 ml of ?-pinene. The trapping experiment lasted for 6 weeks in the early summer.

Nytt ventilationssystem till djurstallar :

There is two dairy farms in Sweden with ability to be opened on both long sides, one outside Hjo and the other one, Brandstadholm, north of Sjöbo. When there is no measures and results or not enough literature about natural ventilation and especially on this kind of air inlet, makes my tests very interesting not only on Alnarp, but among other companies. I would like to find out if there is any air movements direct on the cows, how high/low temperature, air humidity, light intensity and noise standard inside the barn. Does Brandstadholm fulfil the rules and regulations when it comes to climate inside the barn? Could this system become the new dairy barn instead of the conventional barns in Sweden? I am going to focus on the animals environment, after all they are the one who is going to spend the most of the time in the barn. I used five electrical loggers distributed inside the barn to measure the temperature and one of the loggers measured the air humidity, every 15th minute. One logger were placed on the outside which measured both temperature and air humidity.

Begravningen och Luther ? en studie av Luthers spår i Svenska kyrkans begravningsritualer

This study is a reception analysis regarding the theology of Martin Luther, specifically in the areas of eschatology and anthropology, in to the funeral practices of the Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan).The main theme in the anthropology of Martin Luther is that of the freedom of all men and women. The price that we have to ?pay? for this freedom is that we need to act as humble servants to all other persons.The eschatological view of Martin Luther tells us that the only condition we need to fulfill in order to be admitted into God?s kingdom is faith alone.The Church of Sweden and their views on anthropology and eschatology are inspired by the writings of Martin Luther as it proclaims itself to be of evangelical Lutheran denomination, but it has incorporated other views as well over time.The conclusions of the study is that the principals guiding funeral practices, including eulogies held by priests during the funeral services, are in fact influenced by the anthropological and eschatological views of Martin Luther, and the study concludes that the theology of Martin Luther is a very good stand point for the Church of Sweden to stay relevant in today?s society..

T-spår infästningssysten för takmonterade tillbehör

The project has been performed in collaboration with Thule Sweden AB, a global leader in developing safe, simple and elegant solutions for the transportation of various types of equipment. The company has developed a new T-track which is telescopically, they stand mount system to connect the roof box to the roof rack does not fit into this. Therefore, the company considered that it was necessary to have a new product that meets the requirements of the new roof rack. They wanted a new, smarter solution would be developed. The bulk of this essay has been to find a new concept to connect the roof box to the roof racks. The result is a saxkonstruktion that slides down the roof rack T-profile and protected out of a puck-like housing. The product is small, simple and elegant solution.

En Fallstudie av Implementeringen av EU:s Minoritetsskydd

The intention of this thesis in political science is to understand how the European Union fights and prevents discrimination against the Roma minorities in Sweden and Romania, and how the implementation works in reality. The study consists of defining what it means to be objectively discriminated, what ethnicity really means and how the implementation process consist of a comparison and statement has been made by the national governments and comparing how two socioeconomically different member states handle EU directives and implement them in Sweden and Romania. The main findings of this study was that EU policies lack the capital and explicitness that is needed for great results to be accomplished and that the governments in both countries have different issues with implementing the protection of the human rights and Roma culture, and that EU needs to be more practical and develop in a faster pace. .

Säkerheten på en byggarbetsplats : Förhåller sig Skanska och dess underentreprenörer olika till arbetsmiljösäkerhet?

Approximately ten people die every year at building sites in Sweden. Every year TheWork Environment Authority (Arbetsmiljöverket) receives 3200 accident reportsfrom the construction sector. The Swedish building contractor Skanska has the vision:?Zero accidents?. Only at Skanska Sweden, where this diploma work is preformed,350-520 accidents and mishaps are reported every year for the last 5 years.

Fotboll för alla? En diskursanalys av det engelska och det svenska fotbollsförbundets offentliga publikationer.

Women?s football has, throughout history, been subject to the resistance of man?s world. The English football association forbid women?s teams to play on the association?s grounds. This ban lasted for 50 years and wasn?t dissolved until 1971.

Majsensilage i Sverige

Maize for silage has been used as fodder in different parts of the world for a long time and has recently become more common also in Sweden. Our cold climate has been a problem as maize is very sensitive to low temperatures and frost. With new varieties and better techniques for cultivation it is now possible to grow maize in the southern and middle parts of Sweden. As for the north of Sweden the length of the cultivation season is a limiting factor as there are too few days with temperatures of over +10 ºC. Maize is well suited for silage making but oxygen-free conditions are required.

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