

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 52 av 111

Livsmedelstillsatser i Fazer Food Services inköpsprodukter : kartläggning och analys

This thesis was performed as assignment from Fazer Food Services. The aim was to survey which food additives that were present in the products in the quotation list of one of their suppliers to the Education and Nursing segment. The aim also was to perform a theoretical analysis of these food additives and to make recommendations which food additives are acceptable and which should be excluded from the products in the future. The recommendations are not published in this report, for more information Fazer Food Services can be contacted. Food additives which have already been approved are regarded as safe according to the safety evaluation methods available at the time of approval.

Temperatursprickor i ung betong : Utvärdering av projektering och utförande av åtgärder, samt utveckling av dimensioneringsmetod för kylsystem

The report contains three parts. The first part is a summary and overall presentation of thermalcracks and preventing measures against such cracks. This is a theoretical part where theinterested designer can get acquainted with various alternatives, be guided to more detailedliterature, and receive some practical information regarding the design of the respectivemeasures.The second part deals with calculation of the risk for thermal cracks and design of water coolingas a limiting measure. Two complementary methods are reviewed for efficient calculation:?the handbook method CraX1(by Lulea University of Technology) is used for quickverification?finite differential analysis in the calculationtool ConTeSt Pro for more precise projectingHere is also presented a development of existing standards through design of the cooling systemby means of the Bernoulli equation.

Inventering och riskklassning av förorenade områden i Öna och Östnor :

This work consists of a survey and risk classification of eleven metal industries including foundries, finishers and engineering industries in two industrial areas in Mora. The study follows a method called MIFO (Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites) composed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. In the method assessments of the degree of hazard posed by the pollutants, the level of pollution, the conditions of dispersal, sensitivity and the degree to which the area is worthy to protect are made for each contaminated site (object). The assessment classify the objects into four risk classes in which risk class 1 denotes a very large risk, 2 large risk, 3 moderate risk and risk class 4 little risk. The work of surveying using MIFO is divided into two phases.

Effects of peat and wood shavings as bedding on the faecal microflora of horses

The main purpose of this study was to determine the impact of bedding material on the faecal microflora of horses. Another objective was to investigate the hygienic and physical qualities of the bedding materials used and how these may change in the course of the trial period. The bedding materials used were sphagnum peat and wood shavings. Six horses had each material as bedding for a three week period in a change?over experiment.

Hållbar Ö ? en analys av möjligheterna att försörja ett modellösamhälle i Stilla Havet med solel

The goal of this paper is to provide a model for a sustainable electricity system to an island, in the Pacific Ocean near the equator.The method which has been used is to model supply and demand of electricity in the computer program Stella, through the creation of a dynamic system that balances them against each other. The result from the model will then be used to calculate the electricity price per kWh for the island.The result of the work is that electricity from solar energy is comparable with electricity produced from oil, if the oil pays for all its external costs, and the potential for pumped hydro storage plants is located. It also requires that consumers of electricity can be their own producers to avoid the expenditure of tax and reducing the cost of distribution. But since oil is a finite resource and has had a rising cost in recent years, while solar energy has had a declining cost, perhaps this will be a more competitive solution in the future.

Utvärdering av ett silotorksystem för spannmål utrustat med omrörare :

The aim of this study was to evaluate the stir drying method, for drying of grain during Swedish conditions. The evaluation was done during the harvest year 2004, on four farms with stir driers. The driers were evaluated for their energy consumption, design, stirring effectiveness and how much time the farmer has to spend on every tonne of grain. A comparison was also done with conventional Swedish high temperature driers. Totaly six batches of grain from stir driers were examined, mostly winter wheat, but also barley and wheat.

Kallbad som turistattraktion : En studie om destinationsutveckling av Stockholms stad

Stockholm is considered as a tourist destination which has a lot of offers to attract tourists and if it utilizes it water better it can give a wonderful and unique experiences and cold baths may become an image to it.The aim of this study is to shed light on the open-air swimming-baths and shores of Stockholm. Also how to use this advantage as it?s a city based on many islands, the purest water in Europe and this makes Stockholm as a destination a very attractive place for tourism. For a better understanding of our study, we have studied the quality and quantity to see how people began to exploit open-air swimming-baths throughout history everywhere in Europe and specifically of Stockholm city sea shore. We did a study on the history traditions of open-air swimming-baths and how it can be a tourist attraction through books and interviews, scientific articles and our personal observation, so that we can analyze how to develop sustainable tourism in the future and how Stockholm city can make development of opportunities for the future.

Effektmätning i pump

The interest for power and energy measurement has greatly raised with todays increasing electricity prices and enviromental awareness. In the search for energy efficient solutions, the measurements are more complex due to increasing of non linear components. Harmonics and non sinusoidal voltages put high demands on sampling and filtering. Meanwhile, the price must be controlled so the customer still will find it interesting to invest in smaller plants. ITT W&WW asks for a robust, heat resistant power meter with compact dimensions to allow mounting inside the casing of a pump.

Miljöpåverkan av bomullsväv för flamskyddade arbetsbyxor

Textilindustrin står inför stora utmaningar när det kommer till forskning, utveckling ochproduktion på ett miljöanpassat och socialt ansvarsfullt sätt. Ökat miljömedvetetande hoskonsumenten har lett till ökat intresse och möjlighet för företaget att arbeta mot ett hållbartföretagande.Examensarbetet är skrivet som en del av kandidatexamen i textilingenjörsprogrammet föruppdragsföretaget BlåKläder AB och utfördes för att även kunna fungera som ett underlag förandra företag i avsikt med att påbörja/utveckla sitt arbete med socialt ansvarstagande.I arbetet presenteras miljöpåverkan av en arbetsbyxa i bomull från råväv till distribuering.Fyra miljöbelastande kategorier har tagits med i undersökningen, där mängden av kemikalie,vatten- och energiåtgång samt koldioxidutsläpp räknades ut per arbetsbyxa av minimumorder. Sammanställning av resultat visar att det används 2,5 kg kemikalier, 10,3 liter vatten,756 Wh energi och det släpps ut 0,4 kg kodoxid vid tillverkning av en arbetsbyxa.Rapporten behandlar och beskriver produktion av en rå bomullsväv medflamskyddsbehandling. Processflödet för hela behandlingsförloppet analyseras i arbetet därbåde kemikalier, energi- och vattenåtgång tas upp vid varje delprocess. Koldioxidutsläppanalyseras som en särskild del av rapporten och omfattar de direkta utsläppen av tung lastbiloch fraktfärja.

Akustisk trädgårdskonst : att ge sonisk karaktär åt en plats

Ljud och trädgård är kanske inte det första par man tänker sig som gifta men de tus historia kan spåras längre tillbaka i tiden än man kan föreställa sig. När jag bestämde mig för att skriva min kandidatuppsats om akustisk trädgårdskonst trodde jag att ljudinstallationer i trädgårdar och parker var ett nytt fenomen. En helt ny värld öppnade sig framför mina ögon då jag insåg att så inte var fallet. Konstgjorda ljudkällor, såsom gyllene fåglar och vattenorglar, har kommit och gått genom tiderna medan naturliga ljud, såsom vind och fågelsång, bestått. När det kommer till vår egen tid är trädgårdsljud, även om moderna material och tankesätt används, en konstform som starkt präglas och inspireras av sin historia. Du kan skapa olika sorters ljudmiljöer i din trädgård beroende på vad du väljer att använda för material.

Bioelectromagnetics for improved crop productivity : an introductory review with pilot study of pre-sowing treatment of tomato

Various electromagnetic (EM) treatments has been investigated for their potential in improving crop productivity over the past century. There is today an increasing amount of scientists advocating EM treatments as an organically compatible method for improving plant growth and yield. However, failure to produce repeatable effects and defining causal mechanisms has made it a study of much controversy and debate. The subject requires indepth interdisciplinary knowledge, making it inaccessible for the majority of biologists, horticulturists and growers. In this combined literature review and pilot study, these issues are addressed by providing a comprehensive introductory review of the topic plant bioelectromagnetics and its potential horticultural usability.

Analys av fiskerättsförhållandena i Stockholms skärgård i relation till känsliga områden samt fysisk störning

This work is a GIS study of fishing rights distribution between different categories of ownersand properties in the Stockholm Archipelago. The purpose was to create basic data used toestablish fishing laws and restrictions within the Stockholm County.Stockholm?s archipelago consists of a unique environment and is the natural life andreproduction environment for ? of Sweden?s reproducing fish species. The increasingpressure from fishing, tourism and weekend population increases the need for an efficientfishing administration to prevent impoverishment and to ensure the biological diversity inSwedish fishing waters. There is an increasing need to review fishing administrationmethodologies, as well as studying the categories of ownership and properties located insensitive areas and areas influenced by physical disturbances in order to establish effectivelaws and restrictions.The Swedish fishing rights for an area are currently not connected to the ownership of theproperty to which it belongs.

Uppstart av Totalt Produktivt Underhåll på Tour & Andersson AB

In order to continue to be competitive in the current industrial climate, producers must increase efficiency at their plants. Several Swedish companies choose to utilise the principles of Lean production. Tour & Andersson AB (TA) has elected to create their own model using Toyota?s productions system which has been named TAPS (Tour & Andersson Production System). Following two years of working with TAPS the company has decided to introduce Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). Most of the work carried out in the maintenance department today is in form of repairs to already faulty equipment.

Riskstatusbedömning : Ett djupgående analysverktyg för sevesoanläggningar

Safety and risk management currently have a starting point based on the negative outcome of safety, thus the lack of safety. The starting point for the thesis is to find a way to measure the positive outcome of safety through ergonomic aspects regarding chemical plants that are covered of the Seveso II Directive.Through a literature study of safety and ergonomics fourteen key aspects of safety were found. Safety Performance Indicators (SPI's) are used to assess the fourteen identified proactive indicators of safety. An analysis in three steps - called risk status assessment - is design to give an SPI its value. A pilot study of the risk status assessment was performed at the ethanol producer Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping, Sweden..

Arboga möter miljöutmaningar och klimatförändringar

Municipalities in Sweden are responsible for physical planning by developing a general plan. This plan contains intended land and water use for the area. This study aims to investigate the level of integra­tion of environmental issues in the general plan of Arboga municipality and also how well adapted the municipality is for climate change. Further on, the study intends to examine the focus of the gen­eral plan and at what rate the national environmental strategies are implemented in the local physi­cal planning of Arboga municipality. Methods used for this study are interviews and reviewing of the general plan itself and other key documents.

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