

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 42 av 81

En studie i informationsgrafik : Designstrategier och principer för det animerade formatet

In the media richness of everyday life, the encounter with information graphics ishappening on a daily basis, whether we are aware or not. With the development andeasy access of technologies, new ways to create and display information graphics hasemerged. Among them, the animated information graphics, which in the few pastyears appears to have increased in popularity on video sharing websites such asVimeo and Youtube. In the genre of animated information graphics, there seems to bean inherent diversity regarding the design characteristics. In this study we exploredliterature and research on information graphics and related subjects.

Att läsa mellan raderna : En studie i grafiska elements roll som identitetsbärare på magasinomslag.

Hard competition amongst the editorial world of magazines today has led to increased differentiation of the content as well as the visual communication. In this study, the graphic elements of the magazine cover was analyzed to establish how the magazines character is being conveyed by the cover design. In a case study the covers of the Swedish publications of fashion magazine BON and ELLE was semantically analyzed.The conclusion was made that the logotype plays the biggest part in conveying the magazine?s character. Secondly, the front cover headlines shape and size matter a great deal for the overall impression.

Karaktärsskapandets potential och begränsningar

This project report describes a supplement for character creation in a tabletop role-playing game ?Dragons and Demons." The purpose of this project is to improve the character creation for the players? trough the narrative elements such as character?s background story. The applied qualitative methods such as a test panel and a questionnaire were conducted for the evaluation of theories used during character creation and to get feedback on the supplement?s creative value for the players. The aim of the questionnaire was to see how the method for the character creation differs from the regular way of making a character for a tabletop role-playing game and if this idea improves user experience during the tabletop role-playing game.The results of the evaluation are based on answers from novice and experienced players, and conclude that the additional background story creates an insight into the character's past, which makes it easier for novice players to get quick started with character creation.

BSR Prestandaverktyg / BSR Performance tool : Prestandamätning via diagnosuttag över CAN / Performance measure via diagnostic socket over CAN

 This abstract describes the bachelor degree thesis in computer technology at Växjö University. The company BSR in Växjö has requested an application that can measure a cars performance, with attributes like acceleration times and engine power estimation. The communication between car and computer is via the USB port on the computer and the OBD-II socket on the car with the network protocol CAN, controller area network. Cars from VAG have been the primary focus group and the application has been tested on a Volkswagen Passat CC from 2009. The system is developed in the programming language C# in the environment Visual Studio with the framework .NET.

Gränslandet mellan hem och förskola : en arena för gästfrihetens kommunikation

The purpose of this master thesis is to examine some pre-school teacher's and parent's perceptions about communication within the pre-school context and how this can be described in terms of conceptual dichotomy.The empirical investigation consists of a qualitative study, where data have been collected by interviewing two focus groups and one single parent.The main theoretical tools which the study uses as its premiss is Derridas' theory of hospitality and Habermas' theory of deliberative dialogues. The study also considers the conception of the intermediate domain as an arena for communication between parents and pre-school teachers, and further more the conception of stereotyping in social and cultural contexts.In order to explore these processes I have used the qualitative method of interpretation; Hermeneutic, also with a narrative approach to the analysis.The results and the analysis of the data show that the interviewed parent and pre-school teachers have a poor sense of knowing how much influence to give to each other. The parents were not satisfied with the level of open communication and how the pre-school teachers share information of the activities..

Kandidat examenskatalog 2008 Valands konsthögskola

This project had the aim to produce an exhibition catalogue for the ValandSchool of fine Arts (BA level). The purpose was to give the student a professionalfrontage and to visualize there exhibition concept through the catalogue.What elements, typography and shapes should be used for this purpose?How important is the physical format that the catalogue has?Through a massive sketch phase I came to see the difficulties in creating anexhibition catalogue. What type of images, shapes and expressions that couldrepresent the concept behind this specific art exhibition was hard to find.What shape should the catalogue have?The work became more than just making an exhibition catalogue, the cataloguehad to communicate the specific concept in a clear way.

Filmers visualisering av stereotyper : Islam ur ett västerländskt perspektiv

This essay examines on what kind of Muslim stereotypes exist in entertainment movies which are being produced in the West and particularly the United States. First, the focus will be on explaining the concept of stereotypes and Islamophobia and what role the media has in the movies' production of its contents. The incident at the World Trade Center will also be discussed briefly. By using semiotic and narrative analyses the essay investigates if a stereotyped image is being used about Muslims and how Muslim main characters that have the role of being protagonists, are visualized in entertainment movies. The material that is included in the empirical analysis consists of three selected movies.

Du kan smärtlindra lätt med en smärtskattning som är rätt - En litteraturstudie om smärtskattning hos äldre

Sjuksköterskan har ett stort ansvar när det gäller patienters smärtlindring då det är sjuksköterskan som bedömer smärtan efter att patienten fått skatta den på exempelvis en smärtskattningsskala. I vården idag sker missuppfattningar om äldre patienters förmåga att känna smärta och sjuksköterskan har en tendens att bedöma smärtan mildare än vad den är. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att finna och beskriva smärtskattningsskalor som är lämpade för äldre patienter samt att jämföra smärtskattningsskalorna med varandra. Resultatet visar att patienter med viss grad av kognitiv nedsatthet har förmåga att bruka en smärtskattningsskala och att den skala som har bäst reliabilitet, genomförbarhet och som föredras mest är Iowa Pain Thermometer (IPT). Den minst föredragna skalan hos äldre och den som har sämst validitet, reliabilitet och genomförbarhet är Visual Analoge Scale (VAS)..

Litteraturbank för de tidiga skolåren

Eftersom man aldrig kan förutspå vilka frågor och funderingar en bok kan väcka hos en elevgrupp ska man aldrig använda sig av en bok för högläsning som man själv tidigare inte har läst. Jag har i mitt utvecklingsarbete läst in mig på barnlitteratur, gjort en sammanställning av dessa verk och utvecklat en litteraturbank för de tidiga skolåren med hjälp av Microsoft Visual studio 2010. Efter att jag har läst ett skönlitterärt verk har jag utformat en rad diskussionsfrågor som man kan föra löpande med högläsningen och en konkret uppgift att arbeta vidare med efter att man har läst boken. Sedan har verken med dess diskussionsfrågor och konkreta uppgift kopplats till Läroplanen för grundskolan, förskoleklassen och fritidshemmet, Lgr 11. Slutligen har jag gjort dessa verk sökbara efter givna kriterier, så att man snabbt och enkelt ska kunna hitta en lämplig bok att arbeta med i klassrummet..

"Kristus som Antikrist - den tanken torde, och borde, tänkas ut i sina konsekvenser." : En hermeneutisk tolkning av von Triers Antichrist

With a hermeneutical method using narratology this thesis is interpreting the auteure Lars von Trier´s discussed movie Antichrist. On one hand within the limits of the hermeneutic Paul Riceours analysis of structure is used to reconstruct the narrative of the film out of the different part of discourses that I have construed in my first reading to find out a deeper comprehension of the relation between the characters and their relations to the different discourses. On the other hand the discourses which extracts out of His and Hers actions and statements are related to the clues that I´ve found out from interviews with von Trier regarding Antichrist where he, among other things, touches upon philosophical work of Friedrich Nietzsche and his own disregard about protestantism and religion. All in all this first phase of interpretation is termed the different horizons which I finally interprete and coalesce with my subjects comprehension on a metadiegetic and meta-metadiegetic level. By this a ?fusion of horizons? in the sense of Hans-Georg Gadamer can take place, which directly leads into the big scene of Relevations.

Att berätta med ord och bilder: Relationen mellan återberättande och och bildsekvensering hos barn

Storytelling is a complex action that requires many linguistic and other cognitive abilities, like memory and attention. Resent research has shown a correlation between oral story retelling and picture arrangement among children with neurodevelopmental disorders. The present study analyzes if this correlation exists among a convenience sample of children from the general population. 77 children between 3:11 and 9:0 years old accomplished Bus Story Test and a picture arrangement task from WISC III. Significant correlations was found between picture arrangement and Bus Story Test?s subscores sentence length, subordinate clauses and information.

Ökad medvetenhet under jakt i skog och mark

This reportcommunicates the processes and results of my degree work in industrial design at candidate level at Umeå Institute of Design.During my degree work I had a cooperation with Svenska Jägareförbundet (Swedish Hunters Assosiation).The aim for my project has been to explore how I could make hunting a safer hobby and undertaking. Every year people get seriously injured and in average 2 people a year dies  due to hunting accidents. My goal is to identify problems within the hunters communication and approach. Through a creative design process I will find a valid  nd realistic solution to these problems. My project will be presented as a conceptual solution  hat will be based on currently existing technology.

Varumärken - Ur barns perspektiv

Dagens teknologiska utveckling har bidragit till vårt mediaintensiva samhälle som iallt större utsträckning har övergått till ett konsumtionssamhälle. Trots Sverigesrestriktioner gällande marknadsföring riktat till barn, står barn för stora delar avlandets konsumtion, vilket inte minst förstärkts genom internets utveckling. Dagensbarn är rikare än någon annan generation genom tiderna, vilket är något företag i daguppmärksammat vid utformandet av marknadsföring och produkter. Varumärken harfått en större betydelse på den konkurrenssatta marknaden, inte minst bland barn.Uppsatsens syfte är att identifiera och fördjupa diskussionen kring barnskonsumtionsmönster i yngre åldrar. Uppsatsen belyser den varumärkesmedvetenhetsom råder i åldrarna 6-10, samt identifierar likheter respektive skillnader gällandebarns relation till klädmärken.Studiens huvudsakliga teorier är varumärkesvärde, visual literacy och grupptryck,vilka sammankopplas med den insamlade empirin för att svara på hur barns relationtill klädmärken ser ut.

"Man får det intrycket av dig" : En samtalsanalytisk studie i journalisters användande av det indefinita pronomenet man i partiledarintervjuer.

This essay examines the communication value of music in television advertising. It studies different forms of music and whether these forms contribute positively or negatively to how television advertising is perceived and remembered. The forms are jingle, familiar song and unfamiliar song. 100 high school students participated in the study through a questionnaire.                      The study shows that music is an important tool that complements television advertisings visual aspects. Music creates feelings, emphasizes aspects of the image and clarifies the advertised message.

De som gillar musik gillar oss. Visuell identitet för bokningsbolaget Halleluja

The objective of this project was to develop the visual identityof Halleluja, a brand new booking agency representing approximatelytwenty minor artists within a wide range of contemporarymusic styles.The outcome has been applied to business cards and awebsite yet to be produced. To attract the audience and differentiateitself from other booking companies, Halleluja featuresa minimalist design that speaks of dedication, breadth ofgenres and exclusive taste. Although my sketches have beenapproved by Lars Olsson and Erik Sundfeldt, the co-foundersof Halleluja, I have had the privilege of working quite freely andstarting from scratch, since there was no earlier work done onthe company.Some of the issues I have faced during my process wasabout finding the right tone of voice in type and colour, ordealing with the semantics of the corporate name (meaning»praise the Lord«). I?ve also been struggling to come to termswith my own self-censorship and my slighly suspicious view onbranding..

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