

244 Uppsatser om Violated autonomy - Sida 8 av 17

Goda grannar - mellankommunalt samarbete ur den lilla kommunens perspektiv

This thesis deals with co-operation between municipalities viewed from the perspectiveof the small municipality. It poses two questions: How and why doessmall municipalities co-operate? and Which is the place of the small municipalityin a larger organization?. To examine this three Scanian municipalities have beenstudied and one Norwegian municipality is used to provide a perspective on theSwedish discussion.Four theoretical topics guide the thesis. Firstly the core values of municipalities;democracy, autonomy and efficiency.

Rådet, kommissionen och den svenska sysselsättningpolitiken.

The aim of this paper is to see if Sweden has implemented the recommendations and taken notice of the guidelines for employment that the Commission and Council set up every year and from this see the role of the Commission and Council for the national employment politics. The years that I focused on in the paper are year 2000- 2004. The method that is used is a case study research that is exploratory and explanatory. The theoretical starting points are theories about delegation, cooperation and a variation of control and autonomy. This is recognized in the Principal- Agent theory and the Principal- Supervisor-Agent model.

Inre arbetsmotivation och engagemang i organisationen: en studie om skillnader mellan inhyrda och tillsvidareanställda läkare

The purpose of the study was to examine if intrinsic motivation and work commitment to the organization differs between permanent doctors and hired doctors. The total of 63 doctors who participated in the study made an internet-based survey with 21 questions taken from the Basic Need Satisfaction at Work Scale and 3 questions from the section ?work commitment? in QPS Nordic. The main results of the study showed that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of intrinsic motivation on all the three needs autonomy, competence and relatedness. Furthermore the result showed a tendency that permanent doctors perceived a higher level of work commitment to the organization then hired doctors..

Regionalisering idag, Väst vs Öst. Transsylvanien i EU: s regionalpolitik.

There is a clear difference between types of regions and forms of regionalization. This theoretical division can point out other division lines on different areas and levels, like the one of discourses. In this article is urged that regional political discourses may be divided in West and East European ones. To argue for West and East differences in regional discourse the article shows division lines both in the history of regionalization but also in ideologies. The regional policy of the EU is one example for today's regionalization as a West discourse and the Transylvanian in Rumania as an example for the East discourse.

Framgång i det kreativa företaget

From a management point of view, enabling organizational creativity is often referred to as reducing immediate control, increasing autonomy and enhancing the access to slack resources. At the same time, the business environment of today is fiercer than it was only a decade ago, and this renders a quest for more efficient approaches to competitively run a business. This paper aims to examine creative industries and more specifically try to identify a set of elements that are common for successful companies. As this industry has not been subject to any considerable array of studies, this thesis seeks to establish a structure for how to take both organizational models and leadership theories into account when developing an understanding for the process, organization and leadership of the creative business. By studying six separate creative companies, our findings suggest that conventional theories on organizational creativity do not adequately account for all factors that contribute to these companies' creative success.

Social ekonomi: Staten och det civila samhällets betydelse utifrån ett rättighetsperspektiv

The increasing significance of social economy as a concept is linked to general global processes such as the crisis of the welfare state, neoliberal globalization, anti-bureaucracy tendencies and decentralization, but also to a growing political interest in human rights and social development. In Sweden the idea of the social economy generates wide support within civil society as well as within the government and across party political boundaries. Furthermore, what is problematic in this context is the fact that the discussions on the subject tend to be relatively uncritical and often it seems as if though the expansion itself is the main objective. The emphasis on cooperation and the third sector in terms of welfare production implies a set of risks in relation to state responsibility, democracy and the autonomy of civil society. This paper aims to explore those risks and how they can be dealt with within the Swedish context..

En studie om en kapitalförvaltares skapande och bibehållande av kunder genom mervärde

The aim of this paper is to see if Sweden has implemented the recommendations and taken notice of the guidelines for employment that the Commission and Council set up every year and from this see the role of the Commission and Council for the national employment politics. The years that I focused on in the paper are year 2000- 2004. The method that is used is a case study research that is exploratory and explanatory. The theoretical starting points are theories about delegation, cooperation and a variation of control and autonomy. This is recognized in the Principal- Agent theory and the Principal- Supervisor-Agent model.

Att vara eller inte vara? Nationalstatens Roll i en Globaliserad Värld

Globalization is one of the most popular catchphrases in the international relations debate today. Globalization is a complex concept with as many definitions as authors. National borders or jurisdictions do not control the phenomenon, instead, it is moving without restraints from region to region. Is this a threat to the sovereignty of nation-state and an end of the system of Westphalia? Does the globalization undermine the nation-state by increased factor-mobility, less tax revenue and participations multilateral co-operations, as the globalists think? Or is it strengthens its importance by offering better allocation of resources through free and healthy competition, as the skeptics believe.The aim of this thesis is to analyze theories of globalization by applying them on Sweden and the Netherlands.

Psykiatrisjuksköterskors upplevelser av patienters delaktighet

Introduction: Psychiatric nurses in the psychiatric care can meet complex situations if the basic knowledge is not enough. Therefore it demands research for secure, improve and develop care processes that will be benefit for both patients and nursing staff. Aim: The purpose of this study was to highlight psychiatric nurses? experiences of patients' involvement in their own care. Method: Qualitative method was chosen for this study.

Ledarskap inom äldreomsorgen : En kvalitativ studie om chefernas syn på motivation till sina medarbetare och hur dessa ledarkunskaper förvärvas

The purpose of this essay was to explore how the first-line managers in eldercare motivate their employees. In addition, we intend to study how the first-line managers acquire their leadership skills. To find answers to this purpose, we asked ourselves the questions; how acquires first line managers knowledge of how to motivate their employees? What is the first-line manager?s perception of motivation against their employees? The method we used was qualitative interviews with eight first-line managers in elderly care in Stockholm area. The results were analyzed by using two theories, Maslow?s hierarchy of needs and Hertzberg's two factor theories.

Faktorer som förklarar innovativt beteende hos medarbetare

I en föränderlig värld är det viktigt att snabbt möta skiftande krav ochatt medarbetare är initiativrika, menar både företagare och forskare.Medarbetare som gör mer än plikten kräver och tar egna initiativ,uppvisar Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB). Syftet med studien varatt undersöka om organisationsfaktorerna autonomi, öppet klimat ochrolltvetydighet kan förklara variationer i IWB, med hänsyn taget tillen individuell faktor. Samtliga variabler mättes genom ettfrågeformulär online i ett stickprov om 119 personer.Korrelationsberäkningar visar att samtliga organisationsfaktorer harsignifikanta samband med IWB. En regressionsanalys visar att det ärindividfaktorn som har störst prediktionskraft, följt av öppet klimat,autonomi och bakgrundsvariabeln personalansvar. Studien visar attbåde personlighet och villkor i arbetet har betydelse för IWB..

"It´s better to die than to lose one´s autonomy" : en kunskapsöversikt över äldres autonomi i äldreomsorgen

Syftet med denna selektiva kunskapsöversikt var att belysa de faktorer som kan bidra till att äldre människor känner autonomi och möjlighet att själva påverka sina liv trots att de är i beroendeställning till andra för att klara sin allmänna dagliga levnad. Utifrån den valda forskningslitteraturen fokuserade vi oss på tre teman; formella och informella omsorgsgivares betydelse för autonomi, valmöjlighet/delaktighet samt livskvalitet. Kunskapsöversikten tolkades sedan hermenutiskt. Resultatet påvisade att både informella och  formella omsorgsgivare har en stor betydelse för äldres upplevelse av autonomi, där integritet och självbestämmande var ledorden. Äldre människor upplever inte delaktighet i omsorgssituationer eller handläggningsprocessen.

Faktorer som förklarar innovativt beteende hos medarbetare

I en föränderlig värld är det viktigt att snabbt möta skiftande krav ochatt medarbetare är initiativrika, menar både företagare och forskare.Medarbetare som gör mer än plikten kräver och tar egna initiativ,uppvisar Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB). Syftet med studien varatt undersöka om organisationsfaktorerna autonomi, öppet klimat ochrolltvetydighet kan förklara variationer i IWB, med hänsyn taget tillen individuell faktor. Samtliga variabler mättes genom ettfrågeformulär online i ett stickprov om 119 personer.Korrelationsberäkningar visar att samtliga organisationsfaktorer harsignifikanta samband med IWB. En regressionsanalys visar att det ärindividfaktorn som har störst prediktionskraft, följt av öppet klimat,autonomi och bakgrundsvariabeln personalansvar. Studien visar attbåde personlighet och villkor i arbetet har betydelse för IWB..

Friskvård i ett diskursperspektiv

The term ?health maintenance? was introduced in the 1960?s. A common conception nowadays is that health maintenance is always beneficial. Gestaldo (1997) meant that health education on one hand could give the individual a feeling of autonomy, but on the other hand also put the individual in an inferior position where the teacher represented ?the truth?.

Konsolidering av demokratin i en postkommunistisk stad - fallet St Petersburg

The aim of this essay is to examine whether democracy in St Petersburg isconsolidated or not. Since studies of democratic transition have been rarelyconducted on post-communist cities, this study seems fruitful. Using the Linz andStepan theory, where democracy is considered consolidated when it has become?the only game in town? and Orttung's three criteria legitimacy, politicalpolarisation and policy effectiveness; this essay analyzes people's attitudes,political behaviour, the rule of law and civil society in St Petersburg. Theory isused to interpret the material mainly consisting of two interviews and newspaperarticles.

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