244 Uppsatser om Violated autonomy - Sida 7 av 17
Integritet i omvårdnaden
Trots att integritet har ett fundamentalt värde i vårt samhälle finns det ingen klar definition av vad begreppet verkligen innebär. Syftet med denna studie var att belysa innebörden av begreppet integritet såsom det visar sig i mötet mellan vårdpersonal och patient. Studien är gjord som en systematisk litteraturstudie och bygger på 10 kvalitativa empiriska studier som behandlar fenomenet integritet. Resultatet visar att integritet är ett begrepp som inrymmer flera dimensioner såsom autonomi, att bli sedd som individ, att bli tagen på allvar, det privata rummet, fysisk integritet, information, kulturell identitet, social identitet samt förlöjligande. Trots att både patienter och vårdgivare till stor del delar uppfattning om hur integritet kan bevaras eller hotas utsätts många patienter för kränkande handlingar i omvårdnadssituationer..
Lärare - status - profession. En retorisk analys av artiklar knutna till lärares situation på 1960- och 2010-talet
The aim with this study is to investigate how the role of the teacher has changed and how society has influenced the teachers' situation in the 1960s and 2010s, with a focus on teaching in secondary school. Starting in the late 1980s when the concept of profession was introduced to the Swedish teachers, many claim that a deprofessionalization for teachers started at this time. Others say that already in the 1960s, the teachers status in the society started to decrease.The method I have used is a rethorical analysis of articles in Swedish Teacher Union Journals. I have also availed myself of one article in the newspaper and articles in online magazines. The rethorical analysis aims to investigate whether the articles give an enthusiastic or dystopian approach to the teaching role, in a similar way as Thomas Karlsohn have used the concepts..
Ayatollah Khomeini : De rättslärdas styre
A large part of the Iranian population resented the west, in particular USA and Great Britain, during the Islamic revolution in Iran 1979. The people were also resenting the adverse effects of the trumped up frame made in Iran. The last shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi was detested by many in Iran for its west-oriented regime. The resentment among many Iranians is a consequence of the violations of e.g. the lack of political and civil rights, there were no existing legal security in the society, there were no economic distribution and the regime of Mohammad Reza Shah violated the human rights.The resolution from an Iranian perspective for riot is not new, during the last centuries the abomination against the despotic kings have been existing varyingly and big riots have been raised. The Islamic revolution in 1979 was new because the revolution added adverse effects of west, the population detested west and expressed it by protesting through demonstration. The significance of the revolution in 1979 was also attributable to Islam.
Kulturarv för evigheten? Studie av kyrkans utveckling och framtid med exemplet Skallsjö kyrka
The aim of this study is to describe and analyze the history and the current situation of the Church of Sweden. The renovation of Skalljö church in Lerum municipality has been used as an example to enlighten the common changes in the church buildings. The long history of the Church of Sweden as the state church has resulted in the fact that it carries a remarkable part of the Swedish cultural heritage. The reason why the Heritage Conservation Act (1988:950) was altered in January 2000 was due to the change of relations between the State and the Church of Sweden. According to the Act, all church sites owned or managed by the Church of Sweden shall be maintained in such a way that their cultural historic value is not diminished and their appearance and character are not violated.Sweden is today considered to be a secularised country where religion is an individuals? private matter.
Sierra Leone och Botswana : Hur kan ett land nå demokrati och ekonomisk tillväxt?
AbstractSierra Leone is a very poor country in Africa. Botswana is another country, that has a similar history and the same deposit; diamonds. Botswana has reached economic growth and democracy and Sierra Leone has not.The purpose with this study is to explain why Botswana is more democratic and has reached a better result economic than Sierra Leone.The questions in this study are:What explains the democratic and the economic results in Sierra Leone and Botswana?* Dahl?s institutions that furthers a polyarchy?* Gunnarsson?s and Rojas? institutional explanations?* Diamond?s and Morlino?s ?rule of law??* Other explanations or a combination of the above-mentioned explanations?The method that has been used in this study is a comparative case study with a qualitative contents analysis. The result is that it?s hard to say that one explanation is the right one.
Utomkontraktuellt ansvar i avtalsförhandlingar
The starting point must be that as long as no binding agreement between negotiators has been concluded, the negotiators has no obligations towards each other. Swedish Law does, however, recognize that obligations may arise in a pre-contractual phase. Different circumstances may add liability in a pre-contractual phase. This essay is a study about what the presumptions are for the liability in a pre-contractual phase. This essay also deals with what circumstances a party can add when he will claim damages in a pre-contractual phase.
Företrädesrätt av lagregler : Ska interna lagregler alltid ha företräde framför ett skatteavtal?
In Sweden prostitution is by many considered to be a social problem that primarily affects women. To counteract prostitution is a political priority and as a result the purchase of sexual services is prohibited by law. Since the law that prohibits the purchase of sexual services entered into force it has been continuously debated and widely disputed. The aim of this thesis is to compare the image of prostitution found in the travaux préparatoires of the law with four sex workers? view of the phenomenon.
Är läraryrket en bortglömd profession? : En kvalitativ studie av styrreformernas påverkan på läraryrket
The study takes place in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. It focuses on how the past reforms since the 90s have changed the teachers? occupation as a profession.The study is partially based on analysis of prior research and documents related to the thesis. The cornerstone of it is based on four immerse interviews carried out in three different schools. Two of which were private schools and the third is a municipal school.
Bemötande av äldre missbrukande vårdtagare inom hemtjänsten
The purpose with our essay was to describe and understand the treatment of the homehelp staff towards the elderly addicted caretakers within the care system. Both in a practical aspect as well as in an attitudinal aspect. In order to get the answers to our overall purpose of our essay, we had as a starting point the following questions:* What help is given to the elderly addicted caretakers?* Are the elderly addicted caretakers a stigmatized caretaker group?* What approach does the home help staff conduct towards the elderly addicted caretakers?* Is there a preparedness among the home help staff when it comes to as to whether or not a care taker has an addiction issue or not?When analysing the material we used a qualitative analytical method in order to understand the care givers treatment towards the addicted caretakers. We combined the interviews with the so called vinjett technique; furthermore we used various sociological theories as well as earlier scientific discoveries.The result of the essay was that elderly addicted caretakers are an exposed group.
Rätten att välja fel - Självbestämmande för personer med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar
The purpose of this paper was to look at the perception of self-determination for adults with intellectual disabilities from their perspective. We wanted to examine the experience of the space available for self-determination in some key areas of life, and how their own thoughts and ideas have been addressed by others. Through interviews with six people with intellectual disabilities, we have found that a single definition of self-determination is elusive. The key seems to be that you get the opportunity to do what you want, to have your voice heard and to receive and take responsibility. The space for self-determination is perceived by respondents as both large and small.
Får jag använda lärplattan? : En studie i förskolans verksamhet
The purpose of this study is to highlight some aspects of the increased usage of tablets in preschool environments by answering the questions: what does the tablet become in the preschool environment, how much freedom does the children have over its usage.To answer these questions a series of observations were made at two different preschools. The observations were then complemented by interviews with teachers at the same preschools.This qualitative study focuses on some of the didactic questions regarding the tablets, based on a theoretical framework that is within the design-oriented perspective; which addresses the children's? autonomy, the institutional framework and affordance.Our conclusion is that the tablet?s introduction in the preschool has helped the teachers in numerous parts of their documentation, but we can also see that the children's opportunities to make choices regarding the tablet are more limited than with any other resource on the preschool. In our results we also see that when the children get access to the tablet they receive a learning experience, which among other things, strengthens their language skills and their social interaction with each other..
Kvinnlig representation och dess substantiella effekter En studie om svenska kommuners flyktingmottagande utifrån ett könsperspektiv
Municipalities with a higher amount of female representatives has been shown to be more gender equal. Earlier reasearch has also shown that female politicians are more likely than male politicans to represent immigrants and refugees interests. However, the effect of female representation has not been tested on other subordinated groups than women. Swedish municipalities have full autonomy regarding refugee reception and local politicians are responsible for the decision on the amount of refugees that the municipality accept. The variations of female and male politicians in the local assemblies are expected to have different outcomes on the refugee reception, according to females social backgrounds and experiences.
Eutanasi / Dödshjälp : en litteraturstudie ur patientens synvinkel
Background: Euthanasia means help to die. Some terminally ill patients wish for euthanasia. Purpose: Illuminating terminally ill patients' desire for voluntary euthanasia. Method: A general literature study. Seven articles were reviewed and analyzed.
Familjens förlängda arm : - En kvalitativ studie om hur unga mäns situation inom hederskontexten kan se ut.
The aim of this study has been to highlight the situation for young men within the context of honour. The aim has also been to highlight the restrictions of young men within the context of honour, and how they rebel against those demands. The study was based on a qualitative research method and carried out in Sweden. The results have been analyzed using the hermeneutic perspective. The results showed that the situation for young men within the context of honour is often manifested by controlling their sisters and the expectation that the young men support their families in the future by marring a woman who has been approved by the collective.
Distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn : En deskriptiv kvalitativ intervjustudie
Bakgrund: Distriktssköterskor på BVC möter ibland våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn i sitt arbete. Följder av våld i nära relationer kan vara försämrad psykosocial hälsa både hos kvinnor och barn. Att tidigt upptäcka och hjälpa en sådan kvinna och hennes barn är ett viktigt uppdrag som distriktssköterskan har på BVC. Syftet med studien var att undersöka distriktssköterskornas upplevelser av möten med våldutsatta kvinnor och deras barn på BVC samt ta reda på vad som saknas kunskaps- och metodmässigt i deras arbete när det gäller att hjälpa denna patientkategori.Metod: Sju distriktssköterskor på BVC intervjuades och kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera data. Resultat: Intervjuinnehållet delades i fyra huvudkategorier och sexton underkategorier.