

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 17 av 183

En utvärdering av Windows 8 Store applikationer som plattform för VOD-tjänster

Som en effekt av att Video On Demand (VOD) är på stark tillväxt vill June, som en leverantör av mjukvara för TV-branschen, förvärva kunskaper och utvärdera Windows 8 applikationer som plattform för en VOD-tjänst. June har sedan tidigare en webblösning för VOD och vill nu även jämföra och utvärdera bland annat kunskapskrav, tidsåtgång samt fördelar och nackdelar med en Windows 8 applikation ställt mot denna webblösning.Målen med examensarbetet kan delas in i tre delar; en där komplexitet och arbetsinsats vid Windows 8 applikationsutveckling utvärderas, en där verktygen som krävs för att utveckla en VOD-applikation utvärderas och sist att implementera en Windows 8 applikation för VOD.En Windows 8 applikation utvecklades och valda lösningsmetoder dokumenterades. Dokumentation och kunskap som förvärvats under utvecklingsfasen stod sedan som grund för de analyserande och utvärderande målen. Resultatet är en Windows 8 applikation som uppfyller de mål som satts upp för programmeringsdelen samt en analys och utvärdering som svarar mot målen för analysdelen. Ämnen som är centrala genom rapporten är Microsoft, WinRT, VOD, Smooth Streaming, PlayReady, Windows 8 applikationsutveckling samt data caching och utveckling av användargränsnitt i Windows 8..

Biologisk mångfald och skogsproduktion : -en målkonflikt i skogen?

The purpose of this work, has been to examine how different actors in the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry looks at Sweden?s forest policy statement, which claims that environmental goals and production goals should be equal in Swedish forestry. By assembling focusgroups with participants from the Swedish eco movement and the Swedish forest industry, we look at if these participants consider the Swedish forest policy goals equal or not. Conflicts do occur between the two forest policy goals, but also between those and others of Sweden?s environmental goals.

Miljö i fokus - En studie av de bakomliggande drivkrafterna för den ökade miljömedvetenheten inom svensk kemiindustri

BACKGROUND & During the last century, the Swedish chemical industry has developedPROBLEM: considerably in regard to respecting the environment. Following various discharges and pollutions during the first half of the 20th century, environmental concepts such as CSR, Responsible Care and REACH have developed in order to improve the situation. Today, environmental issues play a central role in the society, but what are the reasons behind this increased environmental commitment? PURPOSE & The purpose of this thesis paper is to study the driving forces behindDELIMITATIONS: the increased environmental awareness in companies. Is this mainly due to stricter legislations, or do factors like pressure from the general public, the industry or customers play a more vital role? Furthermore, do economic incentives exist, that make it interesting for companies to invest in environmental awareness? Since the chemical industry spans over a wide spectrum in regard to environmental issues, this paper will focus on a specific area of the industry.

Gränssnittsanalys av Video On Demand tjänster : En gränssnittsanalys av fyra stycken VOD-tjänster på fyra stycken plattformar

This paper works as an assignment from the Video On Demand Company Headweb, who wanted aninterface analysis of their own and their competitors VOD services. The purpose is to help Headwebwith their own interface by studying theirs and others interfaces and make an analysis on how theyfunction, how they look and how good the usability is with every service, with hope to findsomething that could make the VOD service of Headweb better.I have also studied how the interfaces of the VOD services look on different platforms, to see howthey are designed as a whole. This has been an expert analysis where I have studied the differentVOD-services by myself, without any external users.To find advantages and disadvantages with the services and their platforms, I have used differenttheories, models and design patterns to frame areas such as filmsearch, categorization, registrationand navigation. I have compared the VOD services with each other and drew conclusions for eacharea to see how the interfaces differ between the services, but also between platforms.My analysis has shown that all VOD services in this project have a very unique interface, eventhough they all have the same goal, to allow the user to control their viewing of film. They usevarious functions and structure and use their own page names and categorizations.

Swedish Meats : motiven bakom försäljningen av kooperationen

In 2007 Swedish Meats, the dominant Swedish meat-producers cooperative sold its slaughtering and processing industry. The goal of a producer cooperative structure is to create value for members through vertical integration, and to strengthen members? market position. When Swedish Meats sold the slaughtering and processing components, it ceased in some respects to serve the function of a cooperative. This is a lost opportunity for both members and non-members, because Swedish Meats as a functioning cooperative could have exploited its dominant market position to positively effect producer?s prices.

Att vinna musikmatchen: Hur skivbolag förblir framgångsrika i en strömmad värld

Music streaming services are changing the music industry from the inside. After being struck by the piracy wave in the early 2000's, the industry was characterized by declining sales, layoffs, and a seemingly futile battle on what had become a culture of copyright infringement. After the successful launch of the music streaming service Spotify, the Swedish recording industry took a turn for the better. Music streaming services are creating both new opportunities and challenges to the music industry. This paper aims to study some of the opportunities and challenges concerning the creation of new music.

Produktionseffektivisering : - Få processens samtliga aktörer att sträva mot samma mål genom ökat samarbete och delaktighet i produktionens olika skeenden.

The productiontime in the construction industry contains of many different participants which will take part in different events. When there is so many people working with the same project it is easy tosee one self just as a part of the game. The consequence of this is that they don?t see themselves as important participants whos knowledge, opinions and experience can be useful in the whole production process. This might lead to that they feel neglected and the consequence of that will be lackof motivation.

eSport: Den professionella sidan och vägen dit

Computer games is a growing market with over millions of players that are playing and/or enjoying the play of games on a daily basis. The nerdy gamers that once were, are now becoming professional athletes in the virtual world called eSport. We have identified a lack of studies in this area which implies that there is little data of what it is. In this paper we have focused on the phenomena that is eSport and more closely on the game series Starcraft made by Blizzard Entertainment. Our focus lies in the game series Starcraft and eSport organisations mainly outside South Korea.

Förskollärares involvering i barns fria lek

Abstract   In this thesis, my aim was to investigate how preschool teachers view their involvement in children's free play. In order to answer this, I chose to do semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers in three different preschools. My interviews has revealed similarities and support for as how history of research looks at the involvement of educationists. Both research and my results stresses the importance of being active in children's free play and to be a supportive teacher, particulary in conflict situations. For those children who have difficulty entering into the free game its the educationists task to co-play and help the children find the game.

JAS för jobb : JAS-projektet som industripolitiskt medel

The purpose of this paper is to examine how the target to convert the Swedish military aviation industry towards working within the civilian sector was planned and implemented parallel to the target of building a world-class military aircraft. A number of Government bills have been studied, bills directly connected to the JAS-project as well as bills dealing with civilian project ?s for the military aviation industry. The first group includes bills dealing with the JAS-project ?s role in the overarcing defence policy, as well as the Government ?s bill specifying the guidelines for the JAS-project.

Kamratkulturer i förskolan : En observationsstudie av några leksituationer

AbstractIn this essay, I have performed a study on peer cultures and how these peer cultures are expressed in a group of pre-school children. My questions are as following:What positions/power positions can be seen in children?s play, and how will these be expressed?How do the children gain access to play?How do children act when they want to exclude other children?In order to understand this I have chosen to do observations as a method. In order to investigate these questions I chose to spend six whole mornings with a group of pre-school children, closely observing their behavior. The focus was on children, three years of age or older.

Anpassat växtmaterial för skärgårdsmiljö - Tjörn

In 2007 Swedish Meats, the dominant Swedish meat-producers cooperative sold its slaughtering and processing industry. The goal of a producer cooperative structure is to create value for members through vertical integration, and to strengthen members? market position. When Swedish Meats sold the slaughtering and processing components, it ceased in some respects to serve the function of a cooperative. This is a lost opportunity for both members and non-members, because Swedish Meats as a functioning cooperative could have exploited its dominant market position to positively effect producer?s prices.

Att ständigt vara beredd på det okända: En studie om hur charterresebranschen i Sverige förbereder sig för, och hanterar krissituationer

In the world of today, crises and crisis situations are inevitable parts of an organization?s everyday life and it is important for the organization to be prepared for these crises. The organization and its employees have to be in a constant state of alert and they should also have an organized plan for what they will do when (not if) the crisis occurs. The charter tour industry has during a long period of time been active in the global market. They serve thousands of travellers every day and it is the responsibility of the companies within the industry to make sure that their customers are safe and that crises can be prevented, or at least be handled.

Skogens produktionsvärden och dess betydelse för Sveriges ekonomi

The forest is characterized by many different values such as those related to forest productivity which are of a big importance for Swedish economy. History has proved that forest resources had helped the country in the transition from the agricultural to the industrial society. Today Swedish forest industry is among the strongest in Europe and significantly contributing to the Swedish export. The industry provides many direct and indirect job opportunities and is one of the biggest employers in the industry sector. It is also worth to notice that the forest can also generate an additional income for the owners, even if the forestry isn?t their primary income source.


The goal with this project, was to explore the producing of a musicvideo with a synergistic focus in a practical way. Beside the practical work with the recording and editing of music and video, I wanted to explore the sound engineers role in such a project? To my help I had the video producer Hannes Knutsson from the small film- collective Lefvande Bilder and the singer, guitarist and songwriter Conny Flink. The result of my work is a musicvideo published on the internet website YouTube and the report of the making of it along with my work around the question above is published in this report. The name of the recorded and filmed song, written and performed by Conny Flink is ?My Way?. .

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