

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 16 av 183

Turismindustrin - ett verktyg för att hjälpa människor välja Klimatsmartare Mat.

About 30 % of our greenhouse gas admission comes from the food we are eating, and food plays a crucial role in the choice of destinations. The tourism industry has a great opportunity to affect our food habits. Used in the right way, the industry can teach us to eat more environmental friendly..

Öppen tävling Filmfestivalens strategiska fördelar i en digitaliserad filmbransch

This paper investigates strategic opportunities for film festivals in a digital film business, with emphasis on Göteborg international film festival and the Swedish film industry. Using a theoretical framework of strategy analysis, the film value chain is examined with special regards to disruptive technology, and the film festival's unique resources are linked to industry structure. It is shown that relationships between actors and across sectors are crucial features of the film industry, and hence a network perspective is added to the theoretical framework. Barriers to entry are shown to be relatively low in all sectors except the cinema market, and it is proposed that film festival's could expand into digital distribution, taking advantage of brand strength, customer loyalty and knowledge of industry. The study adds to the mounting research on film festival practice and its significance for marketing and distribution in the film industry, and highlights the emergence of strategic openings in destabilized networks..

Interorganisatorisk styrning av leverantörsrelationer inom lågprismodebranschen: -En fallstudie av lågprismodeföretaget BikBok

This thesis concerns the control of outsourced interorganizational buyer-supplier relationships in the low-price fashion industry. A qualitative case study has been performed on two supplier relationships of a low-price fashion company. By identifying specificities of the industry and relating them to control problems and their implications on control solutions, the thesis has established a relation between industry specific characteristics and the way companies in the industry control their supplier relationships. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework created by Dekker (2004). Amongst other factors, the difficulty to define, quantify and measure the design variables of a fashion good, the high heterogeneity between individual products and the difficulty to predict the trend based demand, create high coordination requirements as well as appropriation concerns solved through extensive formal control.

Intubationer hos patienter med obesitas : - olika hjälpmedels användbarhet för att upprätthålla fri luftväg genom tracheal intubation, en litteraturstudie.

Syftet var att beskriva och jämföra olika hjälpmedels användbarhet för att skapa och upprätthålla fri luftväg genom tracheal intubation hos patienter med obesitas i samband med anestesi. Metoden var en litteraturstudie där artiklar systematiskt sökts fram och kvalitetsgranskats. De var publicerade mellan 2005-2012 i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl, Medline, Scopus samt sökmotorn Google Scholar och har även sökts fram genom manuella sökningar i de funna studiernas referenslista. Resultatet baseras på 21 kvantitativa studier och visar att video- och optiklaryngoskop är det dominerande hjälpmedlet idag för att kunna genomföra tracheal intubation på patienter med obesitas. Utöver video- och optiklaryngoskop finns även larynxmasker, flexibelt fiberendoskop och vanliga laryngoskop.

"Hur dricker du?" : En studie av kommunikationsstrategiers utfall hos målgruppen med avseende på olika konsumtionsbakgrund

In this paper the authors aim to examine the effects on consumers using different strategies in a campaign within social marketing. A model by Evans et al (1996) has been used in order to see the different steps in which advertising catches the viewers? attention and eventually leads to action or purchasing. However, in the case of this thesis, the intention of the chosen campaign is to change the consumers? attitudes and behavior towards alcohol.

När vi två blir en : relations- och nätverksbyggande i musikbranschen

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the importance of networking and relationships in the music industry. We also want to see whether these factors have any impact on the Swedish music exports.These musings have led to the formulation of the following question; -          How can the musiclabels in the music industry make use of networks and relationships to strengthen the Swedish music exports to the U.S. and make it more efficient? The essay is written with a qualitative method with an abductive perspective. That?s because our research question has demanded that we get a deeper view of the subject to be able to answer it.The empirical data is collected through telephone or email interviews.

Fysisk aktivitet bland äldre : En intervjustudie om äldre upplevelser och effekter av fysisk aktivitet

Background: The world of sports possesses a lot of knowledge when it comes to leadarship and coaching. Coaching as a term is relatively new to the business industry and something that is up and coming among alot of companies. Leadership and coaching are two terms that can be combined with each other both in sports and in the business industry.Objectives: This study aims to compare leadership in sports and in the business industry. The purpose is to see if they can learn from each other and how they define the term leadership.Method: Interviews were chosen as a method in this study. Six individual interviews were performed and there were three leaders from the business industry and three leaders from the world of sport participating in the study.

The Communicating Home - Definition, Evaluation and Business Opportunities for TeliaSonera in a 3-5 years perspective

The communicating home concept has been defined byidentifying the dominating communication technologiesto/from and in the homes, the most important customerbehavior and user needs, the dominating products and thedominating actors of the industry.The evaluation of the communicating home industry has beenperformed with a five forces framework analysis and theoriesregarding value migration and value structures of industries. Ithas been concluded that actors of communication technologies,goods and access services will compete fiercely. The barriersof entry will however be high. When it comes to contentservices the situation is completely different. These actors will,to the largest extent, meet lower competition and low barriersof entry.

Illusion av val i spel

Vad är val? Är de val vi har våra egna? Spelutvecklare idag kämpar med spelares fria vilja då detta kan orsaka problem. Till exempel när spelare gör val som spelutvecklare inte har räknat med, vilket som följd kan skapa frustration hos båda parter. Problemet med spelares oförutsägbarhet i sina val är något som spelutvecklare ständigt har försökt lösa. Idag finns det flera tekniker som syftar till att diskret manipulera möjligheten till val inom spel och samtidigt låta spelare vara ovetande om detta.

Implementering av realtidsvideolänk med MPEG- och wavelet-teknik

At Saab Aerosystems, situated in Linköping Sweden, there is a presentation and manoeuvre simulator simulating the fighter jet JAS-39 Gripen. This flight simulator is called PMSIM. In this thesis we study how to transfer sensor images generated by PMSIM to other simulators or desktop computers. The transmission is band-limited so some kind of image coding must be used. Because of this the greater part of this thesis is concerned with image coding.

Mötesanläggningarnas framgångsfaktorer : En fallstudie av Stockholmsmässan och Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre

The aim of this essay is to examine how important marketing and networking is for the meeting industry in Stockholm. The meeting industry is one of the most profitable areas of the tourism industry today and a major contributor to economic growth in Sweden. The meeting industry has grown rapidly in Sweden and Stockholm has during the last five years been one of the ten most popular congress cities in the world. This has resulted in that the city has become a strong competitor to other European cities.Stockholm International fairs are for example the largest trade fair organizer in Scandinavia and Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre is the new arena of opportunity.However the marketing and a broad network is necessary for meeting facilities if their aim is to be successful. Marketing contributes to the meeting facilities establishment and makes it well known for the potential market, while the collaborations and relationships is important for facilitating their work.

Applikationsutveckling i språket Objective-C för iOS

Applications for mobile devices, also known as apps, are today the backbone of a huge market where the company Apple is one of the key players. Apple develops, among other things, handheld electronic devices, which are powered by the operating system iOS. Through iOS, millions of customers get access to Apple?s App Store.During a period of two months, an app in the form of a game has been developed for iOS in the programming language Objective-C. The user of the app is presented intuitive menus and interactive graphical objects that seemingly obey physical laws.

Strategisk analys av den svenska byggbranschen- En studie av JM, NCC, PEAB OCH SKANSKA

Background: The construction industry is Sweden?s single most important industry branch with a significant influence on Sweden?s wealth. The political restrictions that once controlled the industry are today almost gone. This combined with an unbalanced supply and demand situation on the Swedish constructions market, caused by urbanisation, has led to increased pressure on the Swedish construction companies who now are forced to find new methods in their struggle to contain or increase their competitive advantage. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to survey: which strategic variables are of great importance in today?s Swedish construction industry with focus on the four main actors, JM, NCC, PEAB and Skanska.

Intern marknadsföring inom hotellbranschen: en fallstudie av två hotell

The purpose of this thesis was to illustrate the use of internal marketing in the hotel industry. It was decided to conduct a case study on two hotels in the same region, Quality Hotell Statt and Pite Havsbad. The case study is based on personal interviews with the managers of each hotel, who have the ultimate responsibility of the internal marketing work. The research questions were based on why the hotel industry work with internal marketing and how the hotel industry work with internal marketing. The study showed that the hotel industry work with internal marketing on daily basis to get low employee turnover rates, increased employee job satisfaction and high quality services.

Serious games med rökdykningssimulering

Utbildning och träning av rökdykning inom räddningtjänsten är idag både dyrt ochtidskrävande. Vid praktisk träning måste räddningstjänsten bege sig ut till befintligaövningsområden och ta med sig en stor mängd utrustning: luftpaket, skyddskläder, radio etc. Detta gör det till ett omfattande och kostsamt moment. Detta öppnar tankebanor för alternativ och komplement till befintlig utbildning och träning.Serious games finns idag i många former och är ett utbildnings och rekryteringsredskap som bygger på datorstödd inlärning. Med detta menas att ett Serious game är ett spel som har som huvudsyfte att lära ut och om möjlighet vara underhållande under tiden.

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