

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 18 av 183

Hur arbetar idrottsledare och ledare inom närlingslivet för att nå resultat? : Et studie som tittar på begreppen coaching, ledarskap och målsättning

Background: The world of sports possesses a lot of knowledge when it comes to leadarship and coaching. Coaching as a term is relatively new to the business industry and something that is up and coming among alot of companies. Leadership and coaching are two terms that can be combined with each other both in sports and in the business industry.Objectives: This study aims to compare leadership in sports and in the business industry. The purpose is to see if they can learn from each other and how they define the term leadership.Method: Interviews were chosen as a method in this study. Six individual interviews were performed and there were three leaders from the business industry and three leaders from the world of sport participating in the study.

Uppförsäljning - en väg till ökade snittköp

The Swedish consumer electronic industry has recently experienced an increasingly intensive price war. The price war has forced some operators in the business to declare bankruptcy, as the only way to compete has been by driving down prices. A challenge that retail chains in the consumer electronics industry is facing is to increase their margins. If store personnel can success with upselling, the companies will increase their profits. The purpose of this paper is to examine if the sales people in the consumer electronic industry can influence the customer to buy a more expensive product and what the effects the upselling has on the customers' attitudes.

Ingenting är sant, allt är tillåtet : En kvalitativ studie om historiska datorspel som Assassin?s Creeds påverkan för det oavsiktliga lärandet och dess pedagogiska möjligheter

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the unintentional learning that happens during the use of computer games. With the use of interviews with students in the ages 13-15 who all have played the game series Assassin?s Creed, and then compared them with students who does not play the game, we have been able to identify that some learning is taking place, but that the student?s attitude towards the subject, and their maturity, also is vital for the learning. Even tough, the students who didn?t really enjoy history as a subject showed better knowledge after playing the game, than the students who hadn?t played at all, which indicates that computer games can be a good source for learning.

Interaktivitet och deltagande : - en kvalitativ studie kring skapandet av machinima med World of Warcraft -

AbstractTitle: Interactivity and participation - a qualitative study about the making of machinima withWorld of Warcraft (Interaktivitet och och deltagande ? en kvalitativ studie kring skapandet avmachinima med World of Warcraft)Number of pages: 68 total, 50 without appendixAuthor: Peter BrandbergTutor: Else NygrenPeriod: Autumn 2006Course: Media and Communication Studies CUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityPurpose/Aim: The aim of this study is to take a closer look at the phenomenon machinima by analysing a number of specific movies from the site worldcraftmovies.com. This analyse is focusing on how the content of these movies relate to the wider game culture of the MMORPG World of Warcraft, what specific elements in the movies is referring to and if there is differences or similarities between different genres (or categories).Material/Method: The method used in analysing the movies is a combined method inspired by hermeneutic, semiotics and discourse analysis.Main results: Instead of answers this study raises many questions about the diverse content of the movies. A general division can be seen between movies focusing on the games rules and movies that are trying to present a fictive world. But the study also shows how there are many movies moving between these two points.

Skattefrågor, opinionsmätningar och militärskämt : Hur Aftonbladet och Svenska Dagbladet gestaltade den amerikanska valrörelsen 2012

During a political election the public?s interest in politics and political journalism increases significantly. During the American presidential election in 2012 a big amount of articles on that topic were published in two of Sweden?s largest newspaper, Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet. Political journalism tends to frame politics as sports, game and scandals rather than focusing on the political issues.

Visuellt berättande i spelmiljöer

Abstrakt I den här uppsatsen undersöks hur ett narrativ kan drivas inom digitala spel enbart med hjälp av spelmiljön. Syftet är att få förståelse för vad miljöberättande behärskar som en självständig form av berättande och vad författarna kan göra för att uppnå detta mål. För att undersöka problemområdet genomfördes en spelproduktion där metoder framtagna under undersökningens gång applicerades. Produktionen testades av utomstående studenter i medieteknik och resultaten sammanställdes med reflektioner kring vad som uppnåtts och de metoder som applicerats. Undersökningen beskriver arbetsprocessen och metoder och visar hur dessa kan driva ett narrativ med en spelmiljö.

Faktorer som påverkar barns läsutveckling

AbstractThe purpose of the study was to examine if manual signs used as support to spoken and written language can be a god mnemonic for learning of word-pictures. I performed my study as an experiment in which I made a Memory game with word-pictures. I played the game with the children twice. The first time, we played without manual signs and the second time I used sign as a support. I observed the children and noted the words they learned to read with and without the support of manual signs.

It?s a Guru Thing - Vlog Popularity in the Beauty Community : En kvantitativ samt kvalitativ studie om vad det a?r i sko?nhetsvideor som genererar visningar.

The overall purpose of this essay is to come to a deeper understanding about videos in the Youtube beauty community by using a mixture of qualitative and quantitative methods. By answering the main questions of the essay which are; What quantitatively measurable components are there in the videos that can be seen as contributing factors leading to the fact that some generate more views that others?; Is there a set mold for success containing certain aspects that a video must have to stand out?; What correlations can be found between the two categories of analysis and how do these potential correlations affect the popularity of the video? and What effects do specific components on the level of popularity of the video?, we?ve been able to distinguish differences as well as similarities on both qualitative and quantitative levels. We have also seen that using the two methods together have enabled us to reach more profound results. The main result that we have found on a quantitative level is that there are obvious correlations between a high level of popularity and a good visual quality.

När undervisning gör skillnad : ? en undersökning om elever kan identifiera lärarens ämnesdidaktiska kunskap (PCK).

Vilken kunskap krävs för att en lärare skall kunna undervisa ett innehåll på ett sätt så att eleverna både inspireras och förstår? Denna uppsats studerar elevers upplevelser av ett specifikt fenomen, dvs. lärares ämnesdidaktiska kunskap. Många forskare har försökt att besvara denna komplexa fråga. Shulman (1986, 1987) myntade begreppet Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK).

The Lake

The purpose of ?The Lake? was to create an experience with music and visuals working with no budget.A personal purpose was that I wanted to explore new areas in design, like scenography, and combine them with my previous knowledge and skills. My method was to keep my hands busy at all times and use new materials. I also wanted to work with other creators and learn from their methods. Together with a musician I created the music and the concept for the project.

Den svenska regeringens förvirrade klimatarbete

The aim of this study is to clarify the Swedish government?s purpose of participating in theEuropean Union Emission Trading Scheme. Taking as its departure point state-centricinternational political economy this study presents three plausible hypotheses on what thepurpose might be. Either it is to promote consumers interests, or to promote the Swedishnational climate goal ?Reduced impact on climate?, or to promote the profit of Swedishcompanies.

Attrahera, främja och behålla kvinnorna i IT-branschen : En studie om det kvinnliga nätverket Geek Girl Meetup

The aim of this study is to examine the conditions for participation in women's networks for the members of the Geek Girl Meetup network, to expose the members' perceptions of the IT industry and to highlight the network's impact on women's situation in the IT industry. The empirical material consists of interviews and a survey. The interviews were carried out with the network leaders for a better understanding of the network structure and why it exists. The survey completed by the members illuminates how the members perceive the networks function in the IT industry and what kind of an impact the network has on the members and if it has any at all. The result of the study shows that participation in networks like Geek Girl Meetup can be a model for promoting gender equality and improving conditions for women in the IT industry.

Skulle du spela vidare? : En analys av narrativ och spelmekanik i episodiska spel

Episodic gaming is a relatively new phenomenon, that hasn?t been as extensively explored as other areas in game research. In this paper we research how episodic narratives and gameplay engage players compared to regular continuous storytelling. By exploring this we get a better understanding of how to design games that captivate players to the point of them wanting to play the next episode.  A user study is conducted where ten players play two episodes each of an episodic game. We apply observations and interviews to capture a large amount of empirical data.

Bellevue - en studie av verksamheter och småindustri i stadslandskapet :

How can we plan so that smallscale industry and businesses can become an integrated part of the city? The densifying process in search of new housing areas that is going on in most swedish cities threatens to undermine the diversity and complex make up of central parts of many cities. To sustain industrial activities in central locations is critical to this diversity. This thesis discusses how to reach a sustainable city planning with Bellevue, a small industry and business area in central Gothenburg, as an example..


The construction industry accounted for 19 % of all work-related fatalities in Sweden between 2010 and 2013. The exam report has been done to find out what underlying causes there are to the high number of fatalities and to the occupational statistics of the construction industry. Moreover it has been reviewed what improvements can be done to reduce accidents and fatalities in the construction industry. The report consists of a survey of statistics, laws and regulations affecting the work environment and of literature concerning the subject. It has been conducted an interview and a questionnaire survey at the construction company Asplunds Bygg and an interview with an inspector from the Work Environment Authority.

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