

130 Uppsatser om Victim - Sida 4 av 9

Fristaden Sverige : Rättsväsendets svek mot misshandlade kvinnor

To this day, battery of women is a global problem. The aim of this paper is to examine this problem in the country that is considered to be one of the most equal countries in the world, namely Sweden. How big a problem is it, what is the social outlook of the Victim and how does the Swedish justice system respond to this issue? These are some of the questions that will help to form an answer to the question if Sweden is a sanctuary for femalebatterers.Due to the resistance of implementing the entire penalty scale and the use of judicial methods, such as restraining orders and its effect on the women, the conclusion drawn from the answers is yes - Sweden is that sanctuary. The Swedish justice system is not tough enough when it comes to the abuse of women.

Tjackhoran - finns hon? : en studie av föreställningar om den amfetaminmissbrukande kvinnan

The object of this study is the female user of amphetamines and the characteristica which she is often described by. Many of these descriptions regard the female amphetamine user's sexuality which also have come to form the assumption that these women make a living from having sexual relations with men in exchange of drugs.In order to be able to draw any kind of conclusions regarding this, we found it necessary to investigate how the stereotypical female user of amphetamines makes a living and also whether it is possible for a female drug user to decide for her self how to support her habit.The disposition is a qualitative study of literature and the perspectives that we focused on in this study are gender roles, relationships and sexuality, criminality and finally the drug using woman as a Victim. The theories used deal with social constructivism, respectability and shame.The main discussion of our study has been how women amphetamine users are moulded to become Victims through interaction with other people but also with the society as a whole..

Var är brudarna? : En innehållsanalytisk studie om kvinnliga idrottsutövare i Sportbladet

The goal with our research has been to describe how often and in what way female athletes are represented in the sport section in Sweden?s biggest evening newspaper Aftonbladet. The material we?ve used are the newspapers that we collected during two weeks in 2008, the 3rd of November to the 9th of November and the 11th of November to the 17th of November. We?ve conduced two qualitative researches ? a text analysis and an image analysis ? and one quantitative analysis on our material.

IC-påverkan av elektromagnetisk puls

Detta examensarbete undersöker effekter av en elektromagnetisk puls på IC-kretsar.För att kunna utvärdera inverkan har ett testobjekt, innehållande komponenter som skall testas, konstruerats. Detta testobjekt består av batteri, en enkel komponent och last. Ett pulsaggregat och en antenn användes för att generera de elektromagnetiska pulser som testobjektet utsattes för. Resultaten visar att inverkan på de testade komponenterna är möjlig. Inverkan visade sig vara beroende av bl.a.

Empati för brottsoffer och gärningsman i ett uppmärksammat rån på Stockholms tunnelbana

Under 2012 uppmärksammades ett ovanligt rån i media. En berusad man föll ned på ett tunnelbanespår och slog sig medvetslös. Därefter rånades han på sina värdesaker och lämnades åt sitt öde medan gärningsmannen lämnade platsen. Syftet med den här undersökningen var att mäta empati gentemot gärningsmannen och brottsoffret i denna händelse. I en kvantitativ enkätundersökning, med kvalitativa inslag, deltog 138 studenter varav 70 män.

Evigt offer eller alltid gärningsman? : Framställning av invandraren i den nätbaserade dagspressen

The purpose of this study is to examine how immigrants are portrayed in the Swedish daily newspapers online reporting. The essay investigates in what context immigrants, as individuals, are made visible and how they and their origins are reproduced. The study focuses on the roles Victim and aggressor, and is also investigating potential differences between morning and evening newspapers.Present theories are discursive discrimination, critical discourse analysis, cultural racism, stereotypes and structural discrimination. Adopted methods are qualitative and quantitative content analysis, based on the Global Media Monitoring Project-tool.The results show that immigrants are not individually stereotyped or depicted negatively, but that their immigrant origins often have a central part of the story, that they are mentioned mainly in connection with negative news and that negatively charged words occur frequently. .

Muslimska kvinnans slöja : Undersökning av hur muslimska kvinnans slöja gestaltas i läromedel

The aim of this thesis was to study how social workers in social services in several municipalities perceive that they interpret the concept of domestic violence and how they believe they would act when it comes to different types of domestic violence. The thesis has focused on three types of violence; physical, psychological and economical. Seven social workers were interviewed with a thematised interview guide and six vignettes. The theoretical perspectives applied in the analysis were the process of normalization and the continuum of violence. The results showed that the social workers did not interpret domestic violence unanimous, and they had different ideas of how they would act in the vignettes.

Definitionsproblem i sexualbrottslagen : -bristen i definieringen av begreppet vuxen

AbstractThe ideas of adulthood, adolescence and childhood in Swedish law have a tendency to not be expressed or discussed. This thesis has focused on the preparatory work of the sexual offence-law to see whether it defines adulthood. This has been achieved by analyzing the documents related to this preparatory work. The thesis focused on two central questions: 1) Was the idea of adulthood an integral part of the discussions in the preparatory work 2) If so, then how was it defined and are there any contradictions in the definition. In addition, this work also evaluated the impact of this law and investigated whether the absolute protection intended by the government and the committee of sexual crime seek actually exists.The study shows that the concept of adulthood was not defined specifically in the preparatory work.

Svansbitning hos gris relaterat till individuell tillväxt och ras :

The purpose with this study was to find out if tailbiting pigs have a higher or lower daily weight gain than non-tailbiting pigs in the same pen before tailbitingbehaviour occur. The purpose was also to compare the occurrence of tailbiting between different breeds (Swedish Landrace, Yorkshire and Hampshire). Tailbiting among pigs has been a problem for pigfarmers a long time. Tailbiting means reduced animal welfare for the pig and economical loss for the farmer. The results of this study are based on statistical analyses.

Vittnens behov av stöd

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om vittnen till brott mot person i Örebro län är i behov av stöd innan rättegången. Frågeställningarna som användes var: är vittnen till brott mot person i Örebro län i behov av stöd? Vilken typ av stöd vill dessa vittnen ha? Vilka möjligheter och svårigheter finns för Brottsofferjouren att komma i kontakt med vittnen som är i behov av stöd? Till studien användes en kvalitativ metod bestående av individuella intervjuer och fokusgruppsinspirerade gruppintervjuer med vittnen och vittnesstödjare. Resultatet visade att vittnena är i behov av stöd då det finns en rädsla för repressalier samt en osäkerhet för hur rättsprocessen går till. Stödet som önskas är information om vart stöd finns att få samt vad som händer i rättsprocessen.

Små brottsoffer : En analys om barns bemästringstrategier av våld

The purpose of this paper is to give a view of how violence and Victims has been portrayed in novels. I have chosen 6 books where the main character is a child who has been exposed to physical, mental and/or sexual violence. I have asked questions to the book and I have tried to find patterns in the child's strategy to cope with violence and how the violence is described. I have also written two chapters about earlier studies of this field and theoretical standpoints. The main perspective I present is the salutogenese perspective and how people create meaningfulness in their lives.The children in the books have different ways to handle their situations.

Lika men olika : Ett experiment om empati för brottslingar

Empati har definierats som ett sätt att förstå andras känslor. Forskning visar faktorer som ökar denna förmåga, dock finns kunskapsluckor. Syftet var att undersöka om människor empatiserar olika med individer med ett känt kriminellt förflutet jämfört med de utan. Deltagare var 218 högskolestudenter från Mellansverige. Undersökningen bestod av berättelser där huvudkaraktären antingen var tidigare kriminell som begått vålds- eller skattebrott, eller icke-kriminell och befann sig i en svår eller lindrig situation.

Whiplash : Preskription och adekvat kausalitet vid trafikolyckor

Whiplash is a bodily injury, where the person that is injured is subjected to force towards the neck, mainly in traffic accidents. Even low speed accidents can cause severe damage due to the complicated muscle and nerve structure of the neck. Symptoms range from neck aches and headaches to numb fingers and this makes the Whiplash injury difficult to diagnose. Whiplash is also a treacherous injury due to the fact that the symptoms can not be objectively verified. The principal symptom of the injury is pain, which is to its nature highly subjective.

Trafficking i lagkontext : En undersökning gällande skillnaden mellan svensk och internationell symbolpolitik och lagimplementering.

The aim of this paper is to examine how the Swedish implementation of the new trafficking laws may differ from the original intention from the UN and EU and if they are substandard due to poorly conducted law implementation. Or if it might be a Victim of political symbolism, to win support and votes for the politicians in power from the people, a ?hollow showpiece? only meant to be shown off. Trafficking is a relatively new phenomena and problem to be researched and discussed. This paper investigates the impact of the Palermo protocols international definition of the problem, the convention against organized crime presented by the European Union on the Swedish legal system and its action plan. A qualitative text analysis focusing on the discourse of the intentions behind the internationally presented legal documents and compared against the carrying out of said national objectives.

Skrämd till lydnad : barn i en sekteristisk organisations grepp

The aim of the study is to investigate attitudes about rapists and to determine whether it is felt that they need treatment, imprisonment or a combination of the two. The study examines differences in attitudes between two different educational groups. The first group of students is comprised of those studying on programs that lead to careers working with people, whilst the other contains students who will work in business administration. The investigation also includes views on which punishment alternative the informants believed to be the most appropriate. The same differences are also investigated between gender and age.

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