

130 Uppsatser om Victim - Sida 3 av 9

Om det förbjudna och skambelagda på svenska arbetsplatser : Nej, lite gruff men inget vi kan kalla mobbning

The purpose of this essay is to increase the understanding of actions we can take when we encounter bullying, and, how we can uncover the fact that bullying is occurring in the workplace. I want to improve the understanding of what constitutes bullying from the management's perspective both in respect to a Victim and a perpetrator. My research has a primary & a secondary goal..

Inte bara invandrare? : Diskursiva villkor för våldsutsatta tjejer i etniska minoritetsgrupper

A mapping process is ongoing in Sweden concerning a phenomenon known as ?honour related violence?. The explanations of ?honour related violence? often focus on culture and ethnicity, thus establishing differences between the majority society and offenders and Victims. Given that some scholars critique mapping for focusing on predetermined objects, my aim is to study discursive conditions for abused girls, who are constructed as being from within ethnic minorities, in relation to their contact with the Swedish welfare system.

Akutmedicinska vårdkedjans bedömning och prioritering av drabbad : En pilotstudie

The study aimed to investigate the acute medical chain consisting of SOS operator, ambulance nurse, emergency nurse and emergency physician with regard to the assessment and prioritization of the Victim.The design of this journal study is retrospective with descriptive approach. Data were collected from all ambulance missions carried out in Uppsala county 2009-01-01 between the hours 00:00 to 12:00. Sample period was chosen because the prerequisite for high frequency on the ambulance mission was supposed to be good. In order to be able to systematize the compilation of data a protocol were prepared and used. Applicable data were collected from three databases SOS Alarms, ambulance operations, and the University Hospital in Uppsala.

Vanmakt och motmakt i personliga assistenters relationer till brukare

The aim of this study was to examine the aspect of power in the relationship between the personal assistant and the disabled person he or she works with (the user). The study was based on interviews with five personal assistants who worked for private companies that provided personal assistance. Seven themes were identified and discussed. These were: the users amount of control over the assistance given, the workplace environment, the working conditions, the organization of personal assistance by private companies, the assistants recourses and usage of power and the users participation in chores. To analyze these themes I used Foucault's theory of power and the perspective of Human Resource.

Offer eller förövare? En kvalitativ studie om föreställningar inom socialtjänsten om män som utsätts för våld i nära relation

The aim of this study was to examine the perceptions within social services regarding men who are Victims of domestic violence based on how gender, sexuality, masculinity and Victimhood was constructed in the social workers' statements. Eight qualitative interviews were conducted with nine social workers who work within the social services and meet people who are Victims of domestic violence. A social constructionist scientific approach has permeated the study and theories of gender, heteronormativity, masculinity and the ideal Victim has served as the study?s theoretical views. The results of the study showed that some of the social workers ascribed men specific characteristics such as strength and fearlessness.

VÅLDTAGEN: ett förpliktigande epitet. En kritisk diskursanalys

Our purpose has been to review and analyse the representation of rape, as well as discussions concerning rehabilitation, present in texts targeted at professionals and/or female Victims of rape. We wish to investigate whether female Victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity of individual positioning with regard to the crimes they have been exposed to. We consider it to be of relevance that female Victims of rape themselves are given the opportunity to act, react and feel individually in the context in which they find themselves, without judgement or certain expectations on how to act being dealt to them from their surroundings. Our research questions have been as follows; what views of the phenomenon that is rape are presented in the texts? Do the texts apply any specific theoretical analysis aimed at the possible explanations of the phenomenon that is rape? In what ways do the texts present the significance of rape for the female rape Victim? How are the Victims feelings of disgrace, guilt and disgust with regard to rape explained, are these reactions linked to the understanding of female sexuality? How are methods of the rehabilitation of female rape Victims presented in the texts? Do the texts render possible any other/varying subject positions as a female rape Victim? To answer these research questions we have applied a critical discourse analysis on our selection of texts and thereafter made a connection to relevant theory.

Hur arbetar socialarbetare med prostitution? En fallstudie om socialt arbete i arbete med prostitution och om socialarbetares syn på sexköpslagen.

HOW DO SOCIAL WORKERS WORK WITH PROSTITUTION? A case study on social work in the work with prostitution and perspectives on the sex purchase law from social workers. PERNILLA ELOFSSON MARIA AHLQVIST Elofsson, P. & Ahlqvist, M. How do social workers work with prostitution? A case study on social work in the work with prostitution and perspectives on the sex purchase law from social workers.

Trovärdighetsbedömningen av muntliga utsagor i brottmålsprocessen

In some criminal cases, the only existing evidence is the verbal statement of a witness or the plaintiff. The typical example is an alleged rape where Victim and perpetrator have had some kind of relation, and their records of the incident differ. In these cases, the assessment of the value of the evidence drawn from the plaintiff's story is of crucial importance. On the one hand, a false positive judgment means that a person is wrongly convicted, on the other hand, a failure to correctly identify a truthful claim of rape means that a Victim of a severe crime is left without judicial remedy. That the prosecutor must prove that the crime is committed by the defendant without reasonable doubt, means that there is much more chance of a failure to convict guilty felons, than of the opposite.In the essay, the rules of criminal procedure directed at the evaluation of the verbal statement are identified and critically evaluated from the perspective of how they may or may not facilitate the judgment of a verbal statement presented before the court, either in person, or through other media such as video.

Var går gränsen? : Om sexuella trakasserier i arbetslivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the legal protection against sexual harassment at work functions, and where to draw the line. The study is limited to focus on the sexual harassment directed at women from men, because it usually occurs that way even though only a few report the incidents. The results are discussed from a gender perspective on how the distribution of power is between men and women as a way to explain sexual harassment.Sexual harassment is currently protected by the discrimination law and the EU principle of equal treatment for men and women. For a behavior to be considered as sexual harassment it has to be unwanted by the receiving party and the person practicing the harassments must be aware that the behavior is perceived as offensive. The behavior shall be of a sexual nature and contribute to a disadvantage for the Victim in the form of a violation of that persons integrity.It is the Victim that determines whether the behavior is perceived as sexual harassment or not, what one person believes is a friendly behavior may be perceived as offensive by another.

Brottsoffer. En jämförande studie mellan svensk och engelsk rätt

Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda hur Sveriges respektive Englands reglering angående brottsoffer relaterar till varandra. För att kunna göra det börjar jag med att utreda vem som är att betrakta som målsägande i Sverige och Victim i England. Efter det går jag igenom regleringen som finns för brottsoffer i respektive land. Jag har delat upp regleringen som berör brottsoffer i sex områden; skydd för brottsoffer, skydd för brottsoffers säkerhet, stödfunktioner, rätt till information och hänsyn och ersättning..

Vad är ett brottsoffer? -En kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet brottsoffer

Syftet med uppsatsen är att göra en kritisk diskursanalys av begreppet brottsoffer i internationella, nationella och vetenskapliga dokument. Utgångspunkten i analysen är Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella modell. Analysen leder till en redovisning av brottsofferdiskursen och dess konsekvenser för samhället. De huvudsakliga slutsatserna är att brottsofferdiskursen är en del av en större diskursordning och underordnas en diskurs i vardera typen av text, internationell, nationell och vetenskaplig typ av text. Synen på brottsoffer och brottsofferdiskursen är avgörande för hur brottsoffer bemöts och vilket stöd de får.

"Efter nu aktuell händelse så upplever hon stor skuld och skam"- Konstruktionen av den kvinnliga rattfylleristen i frivårdens personutredningar

Every year, approximately 17 500 drunk drivers are sued in Sweden. Of these, only 10 percent are women. The women are therefore considered a minority. In this study, I have taken interest in how the female drunk driver is constructed implemented by the probation service. By using critical discourse analysis I have found that the woman in these investigations is contributed the role of a deviant in two senses.

En hjälpande hand : Medlarens metoder och förhållningssätt i arbetet med gärningspersoner och brottsoffer

The purpose of this study was to examine the mediators' views on their work; mediation by reason of the breach. The starting point was to find out the mediator's approach and attitude in relation to the perpetrator and Victim, and the prevailing regulatory framework. After review of the literature, we came to the realization that knowledge of this area was very limited and thus presents an unexplored topic. It emerged from the results that the mediators emphasize the importance of maintaining impartiality and neutrality in the process of mediation and that it is important to create a good relationship with both parties. The methods used by the mediators is not so different much about, but the mediators apply Crime Prevention Council handbook.

Att beskrivas som misstänkt gärningsman i media : En undersökning om nyhetsbevakningen av en misstänkt styckmördare i fyra svenska tidningar

The subject of this thesis is how a suspected criminal has been described in written swedish media. The topic of the articles is the investigation of a man suspected for murder and for dismembering the Victim during the winter of 2011. The purpose of this thesis is to try to answer the question of what the newspapers actually write to describe a suspect before he or she has been trialed in court. For the analyse of the articles, published in four of Swedens largest newspapers, critical discourse analysis has been used. The results have been compared with other analyses made on other cases and have been discussed with Pierre Bourdieu?s theory of action.

E- mobbning : Mobbing between young people with the use of mobile phones

This graduation paper treats e-mobbing via the different communication medias of the mobile phone. The purpose of the research has been to describe student?s experience of e-mobbing via the mobile phone?s different integrated functions as phone calls, sms, mms and e-mail.In this poll investigation asked 100 students of 15-20 years of age.The interviews made have shown that girls are more exposed to e-mobbing, e.g. indirect mobbing. In my research it is possible to see that girls are more exposed than boys to threats of violence via sms, the spreading of rumours and the danger of being called different things.It is also possible to see in the result of the interviews that the mobber wants to experience power, something which is not unusual in all types of mobbing.

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