

363 Uppsatser om Vehicle lighting - Sida 18 av 25

Fysikalisk modellering av klimat i entreprenadmaskin

This masters thesis concerns a modeling project performed at Volvo Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The main purpose of the project has been to develop a physical model of the climate in construction vehicles that later on can be used in the development of an electronic climate controller. The focus of the work has been on one type of wheel loader and one type of excavator. The temperature inside the compartment has been set equal to the notion climate. With physical theories about air flow and heat transfer in respect, relations between the components in the climate unit and the compartment has been calculated.

ScenÖsterlen. Kulturprojekt för barn och ungdomar - betydelsefullt i en mindre kommun?

AbstractThe future of ethanol is depending on good solutions for the production. ENA energy power plant produces electrical power and district heating by heating biofuel. By building an integrated bioenergy plant surplus steam could be used to produce ethanol as fuel to vehicle.This would mean that ethanol is produced renewable energy and the energy for the process derives from the surplus of power.  ENA energy, MDH (the University of Mälardalen) and the energy authority has initiated a research project were different bioenergy combinations integrate with existing power plant.  As a part of the project which size an integrated factory should be to gain the best efficiency for the plant was investigated. Consideration will be taken to the cost of the production in order to be competitive to the price of imported ethanol.  Etanolens framtid vilar på bra lösningar för framställning.  I ENA energi kraftverk i Enköping produceras el och fjärrvärme genom eldning av biobränsle.  Genom att bygga ett integrerat bioenergikraftverk där skulle man kunna använda överskottsånga till att framställa etanol som fordonsbränsle.

Biogas på Wapnö : Analys av framtida energisystem

Considering that the price and demand for energy gradually has risen over the past decade and a wider discussion about the human impact on the environment has become increasingly more important and given a clearer role in modern society. This has contributed to increased incentives to reduce the use of fossil fuels and increase the use of renewable energy.The agriculture currently accounts for 20 % of Sweden's total greenhouse gas emissions. A way for an agricultural company like Wapnö AB to reduce their emissions could be to utilize existing renewable energy sources within their own premises.The report's aim is to create an energy audit of Wapnö?s existing energy system and how it changes with a future biogas plant in operation. The energy audit is used to illustrate how the company?s climate footprint could change.

Varför uppförs så få bostadsrätter med passivhusstandard i Sverige? : En fallstudie mellan ett passivhus- och en konventionell fastighet

Abstract Background: In 1997 the Kyoto Protocol was signed, it?s an international agreement which is aimed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sweden's goal is to reduce energy using in buildings with 20 percent by 2020 and 50 percent by 2050. This is a comparison with levels from 1995 (Glad, 2006). For Sweden to be able to reach its goals, they need to construct more low-energy buildings (Åhman, Wahlström & Lundblad, 2010).

Osäkerhet vid fotogrammetrisk kartering med UAS och naturliga stödpunkter

En karta är en färskvara som är i ständigt behov av ajourhållning. Ajourhållning görs normalt med traditionella metoder: fotogrammetriska och/eller geodetiska. Men i och med att utvecklingen går framåt har intresset för en ny metod, UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), ökat. UAS är en relativt ny fotogrammetrisk metod där obemannade flygfarkoster används. Detta examensarbete har utvärderat vilken osäkerhet vanligt förekommande detaljer i en karta kan få i framställda "produkter" som genererats med hjälp av UAS-bilder som georefererats med naturliga stödpunkter.

Appar eller ej inom Fleet Management-området

A recent trend in the technological evolution has been to increase the mobility of the end-user. A contributing factor is the fast rate of improvement in the smartphone area. This, in turn, has changed the expectations end-users have on the availability of services, which has allowed mobile applications, apps, to find their place in everyday life.This study has been conducted at Scania?s Fleet Management department that offers a web-based service where haulage contractors can administer, monitor and follow up on their vehicle fleets. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Scania?s existing web service should be extended into the mobile area, and if so, what organizational and technical challenges app development imposes.

Detektering av in- och utandning vil bilkörning med hjälp av Matlab

Volvo Human Monitoring (VHM) is an ongoing project at Volvo Cars where they measure, amongst other parameters, inhalation and exhalation through a device called Respiratory Inductance Plethysmograph (RIP), on drivers. RIP measures changes in the cross-sectional area of the chest and abdomen. When the driver is in motion, such as when she is turning the vehicle, the cross-sectional area changes and noise in the RIP signal may arise.The noise results in a large number of manual adjustments in the analysis of the RIP signal, which is very time consuming and the validity of the device for measuring inhalation and exhalation is questioned.The purpose of this study was to improve the efficiency of the analysis of the RIP signal. The goal was to create a new data processing tool in Matlab that automatically detects inhalation and exhalation from a RIP signal with higher validity compared to the previous data processing tool.In this study, nine tests were performed on drivers while they were driving in different scenarios such as highway, country road and in city traffic. Inhalation and exhalation was measured using a RIP, a pneumotachograph with a tightly sealed facemask and a thermocouple placed between the nose and mouth, which was used as reference to the RIP.The result of this study was a data processing tool that automatically detects inhalation and exhalation with higher validity compared to the previous data processing tool.

Kan inte alla samma språk? : Möjligheten till ett gemensamt GGIS på mekaniserade förband?

Försvarsmakten har under de senaste åren gått igenom radikala förändringar, som fortfarande inte är klara. Samtidigt som fokus ligger på personalförsörjning samt annat så går den teknologiska utvecklingen framåt. Jag vill med denna uppsats belysa vad ett gemensamt geografiskt informationssystem skulle kunna innebära för chefer på en lägre nivå inom mekaniserade bataljoner. Med denna uppsatts vill jag skapa förståelse utav gemensamma geografiska informationssystem och vilka möjligheter de skulle kunna bidra med. I uppsatsen tar jag reda på om systemen skulle kunna underlätta för chefer i sitt ledarskap på slagfälten, likväl vilka effekter det stridstekniskt skulle kunna bidra med.

Gröna lösningar - en fallstudie av aktuell teknik för energieffektivitet för Skanska Sverige ab 

ur society is today in a phase of development in environmental and sustainable thinking. Alarming reports show changes in climate caused by our load and exhaust of resources. The energy usage contributes to a big part of it, by its emission of carbon dioxide. The built environment uses around 40 % of the total energy consumption in Sweden and requests to strongly reduce it are presented from both EU and national level.This thesis brings up the subject of green building with a focus on how we can create more energy efficient buildings in projects of new construction. Since the construction industry today often fails to pass on the knowledge between different projects, as a return of experiences, the construction company Skanska suggested the topic for this thesis.

Animal welfare in Ethiopia : transport to and handling of cattle at markets in Addis Abeba and Ambo

Stressful routines for animal handling can reduce immune function and productivity of animals. If stakeholders are handling animals aversively, animals will show increased expressions of fear for humans and higher stress levels which lead to the compromise of animals? welfare. In Ethiopia, there are no legislations to protect animals from suffering or discomfort. The main objective of this study was therefore to analyse welfare of cattle on animal markets in Ethiopia and map out supply chains of animals to these markets.

Religionsämnets utveckling inom den svenska skolan : En studie av läroplanerna i religion 1919-2011

AbstractIn this essay I examine the exegetical problems concerning the interpretation of the metaphor ???????????????? in 2 Corinthians 2:14.The regular idea of the metaphor is that the apostle Paul is using the picture of a Roman triumph to describe the apostle?s and his co-worker?s service for God. This includes that God is leading them into many sufferings finished off with a martyr death as the triumph was very painful for its prisoners and mostly ended with an execution. But since A.D 300 such an interpretation has been questioned. Scholars react primarily to the cruelty of it and ask if that really was Paul?s meaning.

Felisolering av hytt- och chassikomponenter på tunga fordon

This master of science thesis is focusing on how the fault handling on hardware connected toa control unit on a Scania vehicle is working. To the hardware counts buttons levers, sensorsand CAN. The work has been concentrated upon how the fault handling is working and if it ispossible to find any new fault modes.The control unit that has been studied is called the Coordinator and is the core in Scanias threenetworks of control units. The Coordinators work is to transmit messages between the threenetworks and to process signals from buttons, levers and sensors. The values is then usedinternally or is sent to other control units on the CAN networks.

Trycksättning och dimensionering av brandhiss för berganläggning

This thesis deals with the design of a combinated rescue-, personal-, and firefighting elevator for a nuclear waste storage facility to be constructed by the client SKB, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB. SKB:s mission is to dispose of all nuclear waste from all swedish nuclear power plants. The storage facility will be built in the rock 450 m under the surface and will consist of several kilometers of tunnel where capsules containing the nuclear waste will be placed. It will also hold a central area which contains spaces necessary for the operation and construction of the facility, such as elevator hall, storage hall etc. The facility will have two ways of access: a vehicle ramp and an elevator shaft.

Pig behaviour during crowding : a study in organic and conventional herds

Rearing in organic pig production differs from conventional rearing; pigs have outdoor access and larger space allowances. Regardless of production system all pigs are transported before slaughter and during transport pigs are crowded together in a new environment and in a space smaller than they are used to. As pigs in organic herds are reared at even larger space allowances than conventional pigs, such crowding could possibly have a stronger impact on pig behaviour and well-being. Six pig producing herds, three conventional and three organic, were visited and pigs from each herd were enclosed during 12 minutes in a test area corresponding to the crowding on a transport vehicle. During the crowding, pigs? behaviour was observed, before and after enclosure in the test area skin lesion scores were recorded, and also measures of heart girth (for weight estimation) was done.

TOMO Hugglink

Tomo Hugglink (TOMO Skog) is an innovation for harvest and transport of biofuels. The system consists of a truck, a chipping unit and crane mounted on a link and a wood chip trailer. The system works in such a way that the chipping unit is disconnected and placed on the site and wood chips are loaded directly into the wood chip trailer.The aim of this study was:- To examine the performance of the TOMO Hugglink system under different conditions such as the size, placement and quality of the pile.- To calculate the cost per raw ton for two vehicle combinations at different transport distances and to examine the effect of a reduction in set-up time and an increase in load weight.- To identify possible improvements with the TOMO Hugglink system.A time study was conducted within the thesis work to make it possible to determine production and time consumption. In the subsequent economic analysis the cost per tone at different transport distances was calculated for two different lorry concepts. Furthermore the effect of a reduction in set-up time and an increase in load weight was calculated.Under current conditions the utilization of the chipper is low and only 29 % of the total system time is occupied by chipping.

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