

265 Uppsatser om Valuation of trademarks - Sida 8 av 18

Verkligt värde : Hur verkligt är det egentligen?

Masters thesis in Business Economics IV, VT 2012Linneuniversity in Kalmar Authors: Johanna Susaeg and David JohanssonTutor: Petter BoyeExaminer: Karin JonnergårdTitle: Fair value - How real is it? Background and research discussion: The concept of fair value is today connected with great uncertainty, which may be a result of the various guidelines developed during recent years. Hence, auditors have an important role in situations where they have to make projections concerning fair value and also do inspections of the management´s own assumptions.     The critique that has been shown regarding fair value is that it can be difficult to estimate, especially when there is no active market to proceed from. This problem has been confirmed through that the management often uses the estimations subjectivity to deliberately show higher or lower values in the accounts. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to study and describe auditors, appraisers and real estate companys interest and procedure in valuation of real estates.  We also going to describe theirs view on fair value of real estates plus analyze and explain the actor?s roles in the valueprocess and how their particular interests can affect the final valuation in different situations. Methodology: The study is characterized by a qualitative method containing a pilot interview and several personal interviews with auditors, estimators, and real estate companies.

Livscykelbaserad miljövärdering av en ny kontorsbyggnad : En jämförande studie mellan två analysmetoder

This Master?s Thesis aims to illustrate in what ways the two Swedish environmental assessment tools, the Environmental Load Profile and EcoEffect differ and if performed valuations gives different results and environmental goals.The built urban environment causes about half the environmental loading in Sweden. The society?s ambition towards sustainable development has resulted in demands reducing the environmental load. One way to accomplish this change is with the assistance of tools for environmental assessment of the built environment.

Lokal konservering av bok med mögelskador Förstärkning med Klucel® G

The aim of this paper is to make a plan for local treatment with Klucel® G of a book with moulddamage. The biggest problem concerned handling the book without loosing fragments and tohandle pages that were stuck together. In some places as many as six pages where stuck togetherand it was not possible to separate them without loosing material or breaking them. The otherproblem concerned the use of waterbased adhesives that might cause tidelines and paperdistortions as seen in another volume. The use of Klucel® G dissolved in ethylalcohol functionedvery well as strengtheners and also as an adhesive for lamination.

HIV/AIDS-politik i Sydafrika : En innehållsanalys av de tre nationella strategiska planerna för HIV/AIDS

AbstractA master thesis in business administration 30 hp, Jönköping International Business School, Spring semester 2012.Authors: Sarah Henningsson & Jim BörefeltSupervisor: Urban ÖsterlundTitle: Commercial real estate investment ? Factors from an investor perspectiveBackground and problem: In this study, we focused on the real estate investor and the factors and issues that may arise and affect real estate investment decisions. It has been put in relation to the other parties in the process of assessing and affecting real estate investment decision. The parties that we studied are real estate investors, banks, brokers and appraisers.Purpose: This study aims to describe and explain the factors that affect commercial real estate investments for investors, credit assessment conducted by the bank and valuation made by the broker and appraiser.Delimitations: We have chosen to limit the study to commercial real estates including residential, retail and office properties, industrial properties and combinations thereof. Agriculture buildings and forestry plots are not examined.

Konsten att värdera ett företags materiella anläggningstillgångar. ? Vilket är det korrekta värdet egentligen?

Värderingsproblematik för materiella anläggningstillgångar har identifierats av författare och företag vilka har belyst avsaknaden av bättre värderingsmöjligheter då vi idag främst använder oss av värdering till anskaffningsvärde som. Problematiken grundar sig i att redovisningen inte helt avspeglar värdet för företags materiella anläggningstillgångar vilket gör att jämförbarheten och trovärdigheten kan ifrågasättas. Syftet med studien är att undersöka olika tillämpningar av värderingsmodeller som finns samt belysa varför företag väljer en viss värderingsmodell. Metodiskt kommer den genomföras som en fallstudie. Detta då uppsatsen bygger på ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt för styrkandet av studiens verklighetsförankring.

Problematik vid analys av fastighetsbolag efter införandet av IFRS

The study describes the problems with analysis of real estate companies after the introduction of IFRS. With the introduction of IFRS (2005) and specially IAS 40 the real estate companies get the ability to appreciate its real estates to real value. With the difference in the accounting, grows the question if it has become some differences for analysts with analysis and valuation of real estate companies. We also look into how well this new standard effect the real estate companies from the view of the accounting quality and its characteristics..

Aktieåterköp och undervärdering: : En empirisk studie av signalling-teorin

This paper tests the information signalling hypothesis on a sample of firms making open market stock repurchases. Using an earnings-based valuation model, we find that a majority of repurchasing firms are undervalued relative to their economic value. This result is consistent with previous academic studies, which claim that undervaluation is the prevalent factor explaining the observed abnormal return following the announcement of a repurchase program. We do not, however, find any evidence that the repurchase is consciously made by management to provide the market with new information. .

Företagsvärdering med Fundamental analys : Är Eolus aktie över- eller undervärderad?

Datum: 2010-06-03Kurs: Kandidatuppsats i FöretagsekonomiLärosäte: Mälardalens högskola, VästeråsInstitution: Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutvecklingTitel: Företagsvärdering med Fundamental analysFörfattare: Sebastian Järvinen och Slavisa StupicHandledare: Riitta LehtisaloExaminator: Cecilia LindhFrågeställningar: Vilka värderingsmetoder och modeller är mest lämpliga för en värdering av Eolus Vind AB?Är Eolus aktie över- eller undervärderad?Vilken påverkan har avvikelser gentemot prognos i värderingen av Eolus?Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utföra en företagsvärdering av Eolus för att fastställa om dess aktie är över- eller undervärderad samt behandla osäkerheten kring en värdering.Metod: I studien har en deduktiv metod tillämpats då vi valt att utgå från redan befintlig teori. Vidare har kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder tillämpats för att få en djupare förståelse för hur värderingsmetoderna och modellerna används i praktiken som sedan ligger till grund för värderingen av Eolus.Slutsats: Lämpligaste metoden för en värdering av Eolus är en så kallad DCF analys, där en fundamental analys ligger till grund för de prognostiserade antaganden. Det innebär att bolaget, marknaden och dess bransch studeras för att sedan ligga till grund för de prognoser och antaganden som krävs i en DCF analys. En multipelvärdering är att föredra då den anses göra DCF analysen komplett.

Brand equity and corporate responsibility : a review of brand valuation methods

During the last decades, brand equity has been a priority topic for both practitioners and academics. In accordance with the structural changes in the economic settings caused by the so-called "new economy", corporations being confronted with a shift on perceived business value structure from tangible assets to intangibles. On the other hand firms increasingly are adopting more responsible behaviour towards their societies. In this context, one critical question is to understand how corporate conduct may affect brand equity. The purpose of this study was to find how brand equity (BE) measurement methods embrace corporate responsibility (CR), based on a literature review.

Det effektiva varumärket - Om varumärkets funktioner och degeneration

This essay discusses the legal and economic functions of the trademark and furthermore the degeneration of trademarks. These two concepts are strongly connected as the primary function of the trademark is the ability to separate the proprietor of the trademark?s product from the competitors´ products. The ability to separate is the basic condition for receiving legal protection. Through degeneration the trademark loses this ability to separate the product and becomes a generic term for the category of the product.

Val av värme- och ytbehandling

Atlas Copco Tools develops and manufactures handheld industrial tools. Heat and surface treatments are used to provide the tools with certain properties. There are no routines for the choice of treatment or for how to specify treatment on drawings. Production documents that are sent for production abroad may not be clear enough. Some treatments are known as trademarks and there are no instructions for how to specify these on drawings and in CAD-models.The purpose of this master thesis work is to create recommendations for the procedure of choosing heat and surface treatment.

Derivatinstrument för prisriskfördelning på villafastigheter. - En undersökning av förutsättningarna på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden.

This paper is concerned with surveying the possibilities of implementing a futures market based on the valuation of non-commercial real estate in Sweden. We base our survey on a theoretical speculation of how such a market would operate and what instrument would best suit the marketplace. After reaching our solution we survey key experts to receive their feedback on our suggested solution. Their feedback includes, who are potential operators on this market and their motives, possible effects of such a market on the real estate market and other aspects of society..

Värdepåverkande faktorer för bostadsrätter i småstäder i Sverige : Value-influencing factors for cooperative flats in small towns in Sweden

There are various value-influencing factors that have various effects on the value of a cooperative flat for buyers. What generates value is individual and different from buyer to buyer, but also between buyers and real-estate agents. Consequently, the real-estate agents who perform valuations can make incorrect estimates of a residential value. Therefore, it is important to examine which factors are important for buyers to prevent incorrect valuations. To find out which these factors are and which of them that are the most important for potential buyers, previous research has been done in larger cities in both Sweden and other countries.

Vikten av att skapa ett starkt varumärke

First time labelling occurred was when animal owners marked their cattle in order to distinguish the differences. The need for labelling was added when the trade had expanded during Roman times in order for the customers to know who manufactured their craft. Trademarks are characterized as a way to distinguish one's own product or service from someone else. The marketing purpose is to create an identity. The brand has an important role as an effective competitive tool for businesses.A brand can have many different functions, which will simplify a customer's decision making process in selecting a service or product.

Företagsförvärv : En studie av onoterade små och medelstora företag

Sweden is facing a shift in generation where the people born in the 1940s are starting to retire which results in consequences. Before the year of 2013 more than 180 000 companies will have to change owner. A study indicates that the majority of all Swedes in the age of 18-70 can consider becoming company owners.Only ten percent of the companies for sale will reach the company broker and another 15 percent will be mediated by legal experts and accountants. This means that 75 percent of the companies for sale will not be available for the public market. As a potential buyer this is a problem.

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