

265 Uppsatser om Valuation of trademarks - Sida 7 av 18

Varumärkesvärdering : Införandet av ISO 10668:2010

Det finns många olika metoder att tillämpa vidvarumärkesvärderingarvilket lett till att värderingarna har varit avskiftande kvalitet och utformning. Detta harbidragit tillbland annatinförandet avISO 10668:2010Brand valuation - Requirements formonetary brand valuation.Syfte:Vårt syfte med studien är att beskriva hur varumärkesspecialistertillämpar varumärkesvärdering i praktiken och vilka skillnader detär i och med införandet av ISO 10668:2010. Vidare vill vianalysera om ISO 10668:2010 har bidragit till högre upplevdtillförlighet och bättre vägledning vid varumärkesvärderingar.Metod:Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod med abduktiv ansats därintervjuer med varumärkesspecialisterhar genomförts. Akademisklitteratur, elektroniska källor samt vetenskapliga artiklar har varitgrundläggande för studiens genomförande.Analys och slutsats:Varumärkesspecialisterna är eniga om att tillämpning avvarumärkesvärderinghar ändrats viss grad i positiv riktning sedaninförandet av ISO 10668:2010. Om standarden följs bidrar den tillen mer tillförlitlig värdering eftersom den beaktar aspekter sombidrar till en mer rättvis bild av varumärket.

De svenska fastighetsbolagens redovisningsval för förvaltningsfastigheter och dess effekter på redovisningens kvalitativa egenskaper : En studie av noterade respektive onoterade svenska fastighetsbolag efter implementeringen av internationellt regelverk

AbstractTitle: The Swedish real estate companies choices of valuation within investment properties and its further effects on the qualitative characteristics of accounting.-A study of the Swedish real estate companies listed and non - listed on the stock market, after the application of the international rule board.Background and Problem: From January 2005, all companies, listed on a stock market within the European Union, are required to prepare their consolidated accounts using common set of International Accounting Standards, IAS/IFRS. In Sweden, this opportunity has also been given to non-listed companies, to voluntary implement these rules in their consolidated accounts. One difference between Swedish accounting rules and contemporary International rules, deals with the accounting treatment of investment properties, which foremost affects the real estate market?s accounts. In contrast to the Swedish Financial Accounting Standards Council?s recommendation RR 24, the new standard, IAS 40, permits a choice between different accounting alternatives.

Aktievärdering : aktievärderingsmodeller och dess tillämpning vid privatplacering

Background The stocksaving has during the last century increased and become more popular in Sweden and during the last 20 years the number of Swedes who save in stocks has more than doubled. While the interest in stocksaving has increased so has the interest in private saving. Today there is a group of people who live of the income which is generated from the stockmarket, they are called ?Daytraders? and they do ?Daytrading?.  They constantly observe the stockmarket and act as soon as new information that can affect the stockrate is revealed.

Hur står sig Modigliani och Millers teori om kapitalstruktur under hög- kontra lågkonjunkturer? : en studie av 30 börsnoterade bolag på den svenska marknaden

Problem formulation: This paper will examine how the capital structure of firms affects their market valuation by applying the Modigliani-Miller theory on Swedish listed companies in a boom and a recession. The study will examine whether it is possible to draw any conclusions as to whether companies with high debt to equity ratios are valued lower in a recession, in comparison to companies with low debt to equity ratios.Purpose: To empirically test the Modigliani-Miller theory of capital structure in a boom and a recession in order to see if the companies? market value is affected differently depending on whether they have a high or a low debt to equity ratios.Methodology: The essay has a deductive and a quantitative methodological approach. Data analysis was done through a correlation analysis, a regression analysis and a hypothesis testing.Theory: The Modigliani-Miller theory of capital structure with taxes states that companies with a high debt to equity ratios has a higher value. One of the risks with a high level of debt could be that during a financial downturn companies have more difficulty realizing capital and are thus more likely to go bankrupt.Conclusions: The study shows results that are contrary to the Modigliani-Miller's theory; all the correlation analyses between debt to equity ratios and market value are negative.

Due Diligence - En resurskrävande process : En checklista som mindre privata aktiebolag kan följa innan de ska utföra en Due Diligence

Abstract                ?Due diligence - A resource demanding process?Date:                     June 8th 2012Level:                    Master thesis in business economics, 15 ECTSInstitution:           School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                Erdinc Kirik                                  Pär Matsson                               11th January 1987                      31th May 1985Title:                      Due diligence - A resource demanding processTutor:                     Staffan BoströmKeywords:             Due diligence, the acquisition process, acquisitions, business valuationResearchquestions:              What are the main factors that Bank X, Nordea and Almi is focused on an examination of a due diligence for an acquisition, focusing on private limited companies?Does the approach between the various banks and Almi differ?Purpose:                The purpose of this paper is to create a checklist for private limited companies to use in the context of application for fundingMethod:                 The study was based on a qualitative study, based on primary data in terms of interviews in the subject of due diligence. Secondary data used in the study consisted of relevant literature and scientific articles.Conclusion:            The study showed that the respondents in general focuses on the same areas within Due diligence. The most important point which the respondents agreed on was profitability and repayment capacity. In overall, all elements in a Due diligence process that has an impact on profitability is important to examine.

Perceptionsanalys av tre webbplatser som använder Flash : skillnader i syn på färg och form bland kvinnliga och manliga Internetanvändare i olika åldersgrupper

Denna uppsats undersöker hur kvinnor och män i olika åldersgrupper förhåller sig till Flashapplikationer utifrån deras uppfattning om färg och form. Deltagarna som består av skolungdomar, nyexaminerade studenter och pensionärer har genom en enkät och en semistrukturerad intervjuform fått redogöra för sina intryck av Santa Marias, Eccos och Indiskas webbplatser. Undersökningsdeltagarna identifierar Flashelementen genom deras rörelser. Deltagarna vill välja om de ska se animationer och andra applikationer skapade i Flash för att inte tappa koncentrationen från övrigt innehåll. Studenterna i undersökningen har en mer kritisk hållning till färgval, formgivning och användandet av Flash än övriga.

Konkurrensbegränsning genom selektiva distributionsavtal inom den schweiziska klockindustrin

Sammanfattning Selektiva distributionsavtal används inom många branscher som ett sätt att reglera handeln med produkter och som ett verktyg för att selektera återförsäljarna. Det senaste året har dessa avtal kommit att nyttjas även inom klockbranschen. Det är en speciell bransch där varumärkena får allt större betydelse och det bidrar till en starkare position för de företag som äger och levererar produkter av de specifika varumärkena. Syftet med detta arbete är att utreda huruvida de selektiva distributionsavtalen medför en begränsning av konkurrensen och om så sker, vilka faktorer det är som skapar begränsningarna. Vidare har en diskussion förts om de villkor som nyttjas verkligen är förenliga med lagstiftningen.

Varuutstyrslar, produktens form som kännetecken.

In the expansion rate of the national as well as the international market, the importance of trademark has been given a central matter. The definition of what can be considered a trademark has been widened. Today?s trademark law defines a trademark as something that can be graphically reproduced. Trademarks can there for contain names, words, numbers, letters or the shape of the goods itself or the packaging.

?Är man inte trovärdig när man pratar om sex och samlevnad så blir man kapad vid knäna" En kvalitativ studie om lärares förutsättningar och tillvägagångssätt i sex och samlevnadsundervisningen

Abstract: Introduction: Even though that it is mandatory by law since 1955 in Sweden, teachers stilldon?t get any education courses in sex education. There has been almost no research on whateffects the sex education has had on the general population in Sweden. Aim: The aim for thisstudy has been to look at middle school teacher?s ways of conducting and there conditions insex education.

Betavärdet som riskestimat

As stocks have become a more common way for people to save their money, the range of financial information has had a substantial increase. To understand the assumptions that stock valuation and analysis are built upon, it is important for the reader to have an understanding for the models that are used by banks and institutions when recommendations are published.The cash flow model, which is the most commonly used stock valuation tool, is based on CAPM. This model describes the relationship between an assets return and its risk in relation to an index. The risk parameter is called the beta value and has grown to be the dominating risk factor within financial economics literature.The use of beta values has been widely discussed in the world of academics and some researchers claim that the degree of explanation brought about by the beta is so low that it should be discarded, others are faithful to the beta and believe that it still serves a purpose. As a result of this criticism other ways to calculate the beta have surfaced, models that take other factors of risk into consideration.

En app för smartare måltidsplanering

This thesis is based on design theory about how to build an application for the mobile platform, a scientific analysis and an application for grocery shopping and meal planning. The thesis also contains a valuation of the research and of the application. The valuation of the application was done by a usability test and an analysis of the results of the test.The application of the thesis has an easy navigation system, which is time saving and simple to use. Finding recipes with the associated ingredients is a quick fix. The search function can be used for searching freely after recipes as well as for separate ingredients. That makes it possible for the user to create own recipes from available ingredients.

Varulagervärdering : Hur går stora handelsföretag tillväga när de ska värdera sitt varulager?

In commercial firms, the inventory is often the largest and most important entry and to have acorrectly valued inventory is an important prerequisite in the statement of accounts. However,the inventory is considered to be one of the entries that are most difficult to value among thecompanies assets and this is why we have investigated how large commercial firms valuetheir inventories. We have used relevant theory and conducted a number of interviews withpeople who are knowledgeable when it comes to valuation of inventories. Our conclusion isthat commercial firms work in different ways and that there is no general method which isused by all commercial companies..

Idrottens medialisering - ur elitidrottares perspektiv : En studie om hur elitidrottare ser på medias utveckling och dess effekter på idrotten i allmänhet, samt på deras idrottsliga prestationer.

Changes in media technology and markets create new demands and challenges for society. The relationship between sport and the media is an example. Sport as a form of entertainment provides pleasure and excitement for the audience and high ratings for networks and media companies. This study examines elite athletes? views of media coverage and the extent to which such coverage affects their athletic performance.

Kommersiella fastighetsinvesteringsbeslut : Påverkande faktorer ur ett investerarperspektiv

AbstractA master thesis in business administration 30 hp, Jönköping International Business School, Spring semester 2012.Authors: Sarah Henningsson & Jim BörefeltSupervisor: Urban ÖsterlundTitle: Commercial real estate investment ? Factors from an investor perspectiveBackground and problem: In this study, we focused on the real estate investor and the factors and issues that may arise and affect real estate investment decisions. It has been put in relation to the other parties in the process of assessing and affecting real estate investment decision. The parties that we studied are real estate investors, banks, brokers and appraisers.Purpose: This study aims to describe and explain the factors that affect commercial real estate investments for investors, credit assessment conducted by the bank and valuation made by the broker and appraiser.Delimitations: We have chosen to limit the study to commercial real estates including residential, retail and office properties, industrial properties and combinations thereof. Agriculture buildings and forestry plots are not examined.

Nyutveckling av Nålträdarsystem

This thesis work is performed on VSM Group Ltd in Huskvarna that produces sewing machines under the trademarks Pfaff and Husqvarna Viking. On these sewing machines is an application that helps the user to thread the needle. The aim with the work has been to study today's applications on VSM and their competitors' sewing machines in order to since developing a new Needle-threader that divides itself from all the ones used today. The objective with the work has been an entire new concept with an operational prototype.As a base the competitor analysis was used where today's applications was studied in order to identify positive and negative aspects of these. This led to a number off ?concept families? where different variants off the same ideas were collected and evaluated.

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