

51 Uppsatser om Utvärderande bibliometri - Sida 2 av 4

En bibliometrisk kartläggning av det astronomiska/astrofysikaliska forskningsområdet ?extrasolar planets?

The purpose of this study was to bibliometrically investigate and describe the research area called ?extrasolar planets?. The research questions were: Which authors were mostly cited within the area when the first authors (and their co-authors) were considered? Which authors were found in most co-occurrences? Did particular author collaborations emerge? To which institutions were most authors affiliated and did the size of the institution have an influence on whether an author was cited? What was the geographic distribution of authors and institutions and were there any patterns of collaboration?Did the image of dominating institutions and countries depend on the viewpoint?How applicable was Lotka?s law on the collected data? The data was collected from citation lists in documents from the database Arxiv.org. The documents were extracted by using the search term ?extrasolar planets?.

D?lig st?mning i kyldisken? Konsumentens uppfattning av Oatlys marknadsf?ring

Inledning: Som svar p? den l?nga traditionen av mejerikonsumtion producerar varum?rket Oatly alternativa produkter framst?llda p? havre (Oatly, u.?). I ett samh?lle som k?nnetecknas med h?rd konkurrens mellan f?retag och ett marknadsf?ringsklimat med medvetna och kr?vande konsumenter ?r det sv?rt att sticka ut och positionera sig (Hamzah et al, 2014). Oatly anser sig vara en drivande akt?r (Oatly, u.?) i debatten kring mejeriprodukters klimatp?verkan och har en m?ls?ttning att f?r?ndra beteenden i syfte att minska konsumtion av dessa produkter.

Bibliometrin och humaniora: En bibliometrisk analys av litteraturvetenskapen

The aim of this Master's thesis is to study whether bibliometrics can serve as a method to analyse the humanities.To investigate this a literature study was conducted that examined previous studies concerning bibliometrics and the humanities. Furthermore a bibliometric analysis of comparative literature was carried out. These research findings were then further examined through the perspective of theories on intellectual and social organization of the scienceThe bibliometrical study includes 38 literature journals (11 855 articles in total) which were downloaded from ISI's Web of Science. The material was analysed by using co-citation analysis and co-word analysis. The results of the study are presented in five co-citation maps.

Dynamisk kunskapsorganisation: teoretisk ansats och implementering

Knowledge organization is perceived as a central, constituting activity defining the notion of libraries. Critique calling for a new theoretical foundation voiced by active researchers within library and information science concerning the current knowledge organization has been utilized as a point of departure. Specifications concerning a new theoretical foundation implied by these critiques are considered within this thesis and theory found in The Order of Things by Michel Foucault proposed as an alternative theory for understanding knowledge organization as a human science where meaning, value and representation, by which the ordering of things is possible, is acknowledged as a result of human activity and history. Thus meaning, value and representation must be perceived as dynamic. An example of implementation of the proposed theory has been achieved by the use of bibliometrics.

En bibliometrisk underso?kning av bibliometrins utveckling : Underso?kning av hur publikationen av bibliometriska, informetriska, scientometriska och webometriska artiklar har utvecklats sedan 1960- talet

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to analyse the publication- and citation patterns of the articles concerning bibliometrics, informetrics, scientometrics, and webometrics which can be found on Web of Science, and give a brief description of how the definition of the four terms has developed. I have looked at how the number of published papers have developed over the years and to what extent they have been quoted by other researchers. I have also briefly adressed what other research fields are referring to articles published in the four areas. The material I looked at includes articles that can be found on Web of Science with one (or more) of the four terms as topic and are categorised under library- and information science starting with the first bibliometrics article which was published in 1969, and ending in 2013. The results show that the publications in all four fields are continuously increasing.

Citeringsmotiv och forskningsevaluering inom kardiologisk forskning. En kvalitativ intervjustudie

The issue of using citation based indicators in the evaluation of science is widely discussed. Only recently did bibliometric indicators become one out of many means for the allocation of financial resources for scientific research at Swedish universities. The purpose of this thesis is to discuss the issue of using citations when evaluating science. The author studied the issue from the perspective of citers? motives.

Självciteringar Har andelen självciteringar ökat efter införandet av utvärderande bibliometri? En kvantitativ undersökning av självciteringsfrekvensen i tre vetenskapliga tidskrifter 1960 - 1963, 1980 - 1983 och 2000 - 2003

I mitt examensarbete har jag haft för avsikt att undersöka metoder för att modellera lågpolygonkaraktärer för datorspel. Som min metod valde jag att delvis studera karaktärsmodeller från ett antal olika spel från etablerade spelföretag. Med olika programvaror har jag kunnat plocka ut modeller från spelen för att kunna granska dem under förstorningsglas.Med hjälp av samma program gjorde jag också en kort statistisk sammanställning över hur många polygoner som används för olika karaktärer i olika spel. Detta var i avseendet att få en uppfattning om vad som räknas som lågpolygonmodeller. Vad jag kom fram till här var att det inte finns en klar och tydlig definition av vad som räknas som lågpolygonmodell.

Utvärdering av klusteranalytiska metoder i kombination med bibliografisk koppling: en bibliometrisk kartläggning av aktuella forskningsteman inom informationsvetenskap

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the combination of bibliographic coupling and three hierarchical cluster analytic techniques: average, complete and single linkage. Bibliographic coupling is applied as a measure of similarity between recently published articles and the cluster techniques are used for the partition of a set of articles into subsets of articles with similar research focus. The field of information science is applied as the test arena and the selection of data, i.e., the article population to be partitioned, is based on a number of central journals. Methods of evaluation include both quantitative approaches as well as a qualitative one. For comparing the resulting partitions, adjusted Rand index is utilized and for the establishment of cluster coherence and isolation, measures of average normalized coupling strength is applied.

Genusvetenskapens utveckling inom B&I : en bibliometrisk studie av studentuppsatser med genusperspektiv

The main purpose of this two year master´s thesis is to study patterns, structures and relations within gender studies when combined with Library and Information Science(LIS). Further aims are to determine the character of student work considering, occurrence, gender and main theme, to study the progress of the intellectual base of gender studies within LIS and to evaluate the use of bibliometrics as a tool for researching the development of a discipline. To achieve these aims, a bibliometric study using both publication analysis and citation analysis, is carried out. The studied material contains student work, specifically focused on gender, from the Swedish School of Library and Information Science (SSLIS) from 1985?2012.

Publicering inom skogsvetenskap : Bibliometrisk analys av ämnesområdet skogsvetenskap

Målet med denna uppsats var att göra en bibliometrisk undersökning av forskningsområdet skogsvetenskap, närmare bestämt publiceringen inom denna. Jag valde att göra en bibliometrisk undersökning inte bara på grund av att jag tycker att det är intressant och jag ville lära mig mer om hur man går tillväga rent praktiskt utan också för att jag tror att det är en viktig kompetens för framtida biblioteksarbete. Ett sådant kunnande kanske främst är viktig om man vill jobba i ett universitets/forskningsbibliotek men även på folkbibliotek görs ibland mindre bibliometriska undersökningar. Även på företag med egna bibliotek eller informationscenter kan kunnande om bibliometriska metoder vara en viktig kompetens. Undersökningen gjordes genom analyser av material hämtat från Web of Science. Datan jag laddade ner var artiklar publicerade mellan åren 2007 och 2010 och som fanns i Web of Sciencekategorin forestry.

Lost in translation : Bibliometrisk domänanalys av translation studies

The aim of this thesis is to analyze the academic discipline translation studies; the analysis centers upon bibliometric aspects, and is carried out chiefly by means of quantitative methods, enabled by the databases Web of Science and Scopus as well as by the corpus-linguistic software Wordsmith; however, this quantitative focus is complemented by auxiliary qualitative means of investigation, i.e. a discourse-analytically oriented study of a corpus of domain-endemic reviews.A number of core journals are analyzed in order to show what and whom are cited in translation studies, and, furthermore, what adjacent domains hold sway over it; attention is also given to influential authors, regions and languages operating within the domain. It is shown that the domain under scrutiny is quite differentiated, even fragmentary; the term pluricentric is used to describe this tendency towards sprawling. No superior authors (in terms of publication frequency) emerge, which arouses the suspicion that the domain may be conditioned by a hierarchical divide between journals and monographs. Furthermore, it is clear that translation studies is a eurocentric domain: European languages dominate.

Publiceringsmönster inom humaniora och bibliometriska indikatorer för resursfördelning : Historisk-filosofiska fakulteten, Uppsala universitet

The scope of this master thesis is the scientific publishing at Uppsala University's Faculty of Arts. The aim of the thesis is to investigate publication patterns and publishing strategies. To investigate how the publication patterns of the faculty is structured and what priorities and considerations the researchers have regarding scientific publishing. Furthermore, the aim is to compare these publishing strategies and publication patterns to incentives and selection principles of the bibliometric indicators in the performance based research funding systems on the national and local scale.The thesis is based on the theories of disciplinary differences developed by Richard Whitley and Tony Becher and Paul R. Trowler. These theories suggest a framework based on organizational and sociological perspectives, that offers ways to explain differences in publication patterns between different scientific fields.The study is based on two empirical studies of the faculty.

"Den märkligaste böjelsen - att inte ha någon" Paradoxer och villkor i sikurser om asexualitet i svensk dags/kvällspress

I arbetet undersöker jag de diskurser som asexualitet - utifrån en kontext som menas påtala och kritisera heteronormativa antaganden - inträder i. Genom en ständigt närvarande disciplinering görs asexualitet till ett föremål för tal, och därmed föremål för diskurser. Utifrån villkor och antaganden om var och hur ?rätt? tal formuleras görs asexualitet till ett motsägelsefullt element att ordna in i framförandet av identitet. Asexualitet förhandlas i materialet gentemot exempelvis medicinska, psykologiska och sociala effekter. Genom fortlöpande diskursiva erkännanden och misskännanden konstrueras ?de asexuella? som autentiska individer med en konstant och stabil livshistoria.

Bibliometrisk kartläggning av det idrottspsykologiska fältet

Objectives: The aim in this thesis has been to generate information relevant for strategic positioning and future evaluations within the scientific field of sport and exercise psychology. This has been done by request, and in collaboration with The Group of Sport and Exercise Psychology at the Institution of Psychology at the University of Umeå.Research questions:  (1) How does the cognitive structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to research topics in current sport-psychological research, i.e. the research front? (2) How does the social structure within the field of sport and exercise psychology take shape with respect to formal scientific collaboration?Data: 879 articles published between 2008-2011 were used in this study. The population of articles were collected from a set of 5 core journals: International Journal of Sport Psychology, Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, The Sport Psychologist, Psychology of Sport and Exercise.

Attityder till arbetslösa -en studie av bakomliggande faktorer

Syfte och frågeställningar: Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka bakomliggande faktorer det finns för attityder till arbetslösa och hur dessa har förändrats under perioden 1986-2002. Utgångspunkten är att undersöka vilken inverkan politiska sympatier, erfarenhet/kontakt med arbetslöshet och reell arbetslöshet har på attityderna till arbetslösa. Den huvudsakliga frågeställningen är vilka samband man kan se mellan dessa tre variabler och attityder till arbetslöshet. Metod och material: Studien bygger på statistiska analyser av studierna Åsikter om den offentliga sektorn 1986 samt Åsikter om den offentliga sektorn och skatterna 1992, 1997 och 2002. Logistisk regression har varit den statistiska metoden som använts för analysen. Huvudresultat: Resultaten visar att erfarenhet och kontakt med arbetslöshet till viss del har samband med attityder till arbetslösa. Den viktigaste faktorn bakom attityderna är dock politiska sympatier.

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