1513 Uppsatser om Unit managers - Sida 44 av 101
Uppsala kommun och offentlig säljverksamhet : En studie av Uppsala Konsert och Kongress
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera företaget ÅF:s employer branding-arbete, närmare bestämt samverkan mellan ledningen, HR-avdelningen och marknadsavdelningen.Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ fallstudiekaraktär ochämnar utveckla teori genom en kombination av en deduktiv och induktiv undersökningsansats. Insamlad data är baserad på intervjuer medrepresentanter på ÅF.Sammanfattningsvis har vi kommit fram till att ÅF:s samverkan inom employer branding-arbetet i stort överensstämmer med den teoretiska modell som presenteras. Det finns en huvudsakligen god samordning av ledningens, HR- och marknadsavdelningens samt employer brandmanagers aktiviteter som syftar till att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket. Dock finner vi en diskrepans mellan ÅF:s och litteraturens definition av begreppet samt en allt för stor fokus på de externa aktiviteterna som en följd av employer brand managers starka band till marknadsavdelningen..
Medarbetares behov av kommunikation : Ett medarbetarperspektiv på kommunikation vid en organisationsförändring
Changes are occurring in most organizations today and due to the fact that changes often are harder to implement than they seem, it often takes much longer time to implement them than the management have planned. During an organizational change theorist claim that communication between managers and employees is one of the most important things to consider. Therefore, in this essay, our aim is to closer investigate which needs of information and communication co-workers have during a planned organizational change. To collect data, we interviewed five co-workers and one manager who works in an organization which has gone through a major change. Our theoretical framework comprises former research of organizational communication, employee?s needs of communication, change communication and theories of uncertainty during organizational change.
Kompaktaggregat till Passivhus i Sverige
Kompaktaggregat är ett integrerat FTX- och FVP-system som används i passivhus. Vi har gjortenergiberäkningar i programmet VIP+ för att se hur kompaktaggregatet skulle kunna fungera ipassivhus i Sverige.De resultat vi har fått fram ur VIP+ visar att passivhus med ett installerat kompaktaggregat klararav att nå passivhuskraven ända upp till Skellefteå. De beräknade värdena understiger kraven förpassivhus, men en viss marginal behövs för att kraven ska nås även efter uppförandet avbyggnaden. Vi har även tolkat tekniska uppgifter på ett sätt som enligt oss har en positiv effektför passivhus på kallare orter. Därför tror vi inte att värdena för de tre nordligaste platserna ärhelt tillförlitliga.
Marknadsföring av Urban Roots 2010
This study aims at using discourse analysis to analyze SFI students attitudes to religion and religiosity in an SFI-context. The questions are: How is the discourse constructed and maintained by religion and religiosity of SFI students in an SFI context? How do SFI participants experience that their religion has affected their time at SFI?Using a case study approach, interviews were conducted with a group of SFI students. The results show that the religious discourse in SFI is influenced by the SFI-context and affected based on the current education discourse that exists there. Furthermore, the discourse is designed and maintained by the participants private religious beliefs and the religion of the majority of the group, One canhere speak of a strong social unit forming a plausibility structure The power structure that emerges is that the majority has the power to define the significance of religion and place within the SFI context. In the SFI-context the participants view is that religion is something private that should not be expressed in the school environment.
FPGA-design av en STDM-baserad multiplexer för seriell multiprotokollskommunikation
The remotely operated underwater vehicles that the client develops have needs of different kinds of data channels. In order to minimize the need of physical cable between the control unit and a ROV, a multiplex protocol has been developed. The protocol has been designed with the aim of using the bandwidth of the transferring link as efficient as possible.The different kinds of data channels used during this thesis project is; RS232, RS485 and CAN. ROM and FIFO-memories have been used to be able to effectively manage the different data channels. All the reading and sending of these channels have been implemented in FPGA-technology, the coding is made generic so that it will be easier to add more channels to the system in the future.The multiplex protocol is a modified version of the method STDM and it is a proprietary protocol.
Rätt chef på rätt plats : Hur går rekryteringsprocessen till, vilka riktlinjer följs och vad krävs av en chef?
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur rekryteringsprocessen vid anställning av chef går till samt vikten av organisatorisk och personlig matchning av chef och företag. Författarna är även intresserade av betydelsen av psykologiska kontrakt i rekryteringssammanhang. Studien är inriktad mot rekryteringsföretag specialiserade på chefsrekrytering som organisationsmässigt skiljer sig så mycket som möjligt från varandra för att få en bredare syn. Undersökningen har delats in i olika områden som består av rekryteringsprocessen, meriter och personlighet samt organisatorisk passform. Studien är utförd genom intervjuer på sju deltagande rekryteringsföretag belägna i Mälardalen.
En proteomisk utvärdering av olika metoder för att samla uterussekret hos sto :
This study was performed in order to evaluate if the method of collecting uterine secretion by the tampon-method is representative for use in studies of uterine secretions in mares. Uterine secretion collected by tampon in six mares was compared with secretion collected by aspiration, regarded to be a native sample, at the Institution of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, SLU, Uppsala. Proteinanalysis was made at the Department of Farmaceutic Bioscience, toxicological unit, Uppsala University. Cytological smears and ultrasonography was used to assess if the tampon had caused an inflammatoric reaction that could influence the protein content of the samples.
The results suggest that the tampon and aspirat method do not differ when it comes to proteinconcentration, but the distribution of proteins differ between these different collection methods. This difference could not likely be explained by means of proteins due to an inflammatory reaction from the tampon, since neither the cytological nor the ultrasonographical examination gave any indications of inflammation.
Omsorgskvalitet i äldreomsorgen : Ett begrepp i utveckling
This study is based on interviews with heads of unit, care staff and senior representatives from a total of six people. We have in this study directed our focus on care quality in the elderly as a concept in development. It appears, when the elderly do not have any dependents, it is even more important that staff supports some extra where no relatives are involved.Quality of life is the broader concept of good quality care and where a good quality of care is a necessary condition for a good quality of life. According to the social services care is the target that older people will live a good life and be allowed to live in a safe environment, which we intend to investigate in this study. Opportunity for greater influence should now be given to older people and their families on how interventions should be designed and implemented.
Att vara närstående på en intensivvårdsavdelning : upplevelser av delaktighet och patientens omvårdnad
Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur närstående till intensivvårdspatienter upplevde en intensivvårdsavdelning (IVA) med fokus på delaktighet och omvårdnad. I studien intervjuades fem närstående. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av en förenklad variant av meningskodning och tre kategorier som beskrev de närståendes upplevelser av IVA utvecklades. Kategorierna benämndes: "Första intrycket av IVA", Att leva med osäkerhet" och "Att vara delaktig". De närstående upplevde ett inre kaos när deras anhörig vårdades på IVA och använde sig av olika copingstrategier.
Vasakronan: Det bästa av två världar
Mergers and acquisitions are common phenomenon in today´s society in order to increase shareholder value. Two years ago a fusion of Sweden´s two largest companies in the industry of real estate took place and even though three out of four mergers and acquisitions financially fail this certain case turned out highly successful. The aim of this thesis is to examine how the organizational structure and the management control have been designed and characterized the organizational performance and furthermore what are the success factors of the integration. By studying an acquisition and its potential effects on organizational structure and management control parallel to a model that describes the best practice guidelines for managers to successfully deliver value from their acquisitions, it can be shown that an acquisition has direct effects both on the acquirer and the acquired company and thus the new organizational structure. The main results, thus, is that through active leadership, increased specialization, and more decentralized and thus efficient management control a new organization has emerged consisting of the best features of two separate worlds..
Kompaktaggregat till Passivhus i Sverige
Kompaktaggregat är ett integrerat FTX- och FVP-system som används i passivhus. Vi har gjortenergiberäkningar i programmet VIP+ för att se hur kompaktaggregatet skulle kunna fungera ipassivhus i Sverige.De resultat vi har fått fram ur VIP+ visar att passivhus med ett installerat kompaktaggregat klararav att nå passivhuskraven ända upp till Skellefteå. De beräknade värdena understiger kraven förpassivhus, men en viss marginal behövs för att kraven ska nås även efter uppförandet avbyggnaden. Vi har även tolkat tekniska uppgifter på ett sätt som enligt oss har en positiv effektför passivhus på kallare orter. Därför tror vi inte att värdena för de tre nordligaste platserna ärhelt tillförlitliga.
Programmerbar signalanpassning
The data acquisition system COMET developed by Saab AB contains a unit for signal conditioning and A/D conversion, called KSM. The varieties in signal conditioning constitutes of a number of specific PBAs and maintenance as well as reconfiguration of these are complicated not to mention costly. This thesis has aimed to investigating whether the signal conditioning circuits can be replaced by a general purpose, programmable solution. If so, how can this be done? The development has been carried out by evaluating ideas through the use of a laboratory environment and has resulted in an analog design for laboratory purpose.
Patienters upplevelser av patientdagbok från intensivvårdsavdelning
Aims: The aim of this study was to describe how patients that received a patient diary after their stay at an intensive care unit (ICU) had used the diary and if they found it useful for dealing with their stay in the ICU. The study also aimed to investigate if the patients felt a need for discussing their stay in the ICU and the diary with a registered nurse.Method: The study was performed as an interview study with explorative design. Six informants participated in the study. Recorded personal interviews were held with the informants. The recorded material was transcribed and analysed using qualitative content analysis on a manifest level.Results: This study shows that informants have used their diaries to establish a conception of what they have experienced during their stay in the ICU.
Paradoxens styrka och kraft : En studie av paradoxala inslag i Samuel Backetts verk i väntan på Godot
AbstractThe purpose of this investigation is to find out how the pupils can discover and to feel joy in their creative art activity and also to believe in their own ability. The aim is to figure out if creative art activity is able to raise the pupil?s self-image. By literature, pedagogue interviews, and interviews with pupils at the age of ten years old and by action research is the way that I have searched for an answer for my question. The main result is that fantasy, creativity, courage and lust are important parts to develop in the job of raising the self-image.
Den lilla kommunen : En fallstudie av Torsås kommuns arbetsmarknadspolitik
The essay's purpose is to find out why municipalities engaged in local labor market policies and the study focused on a smaller survey unit. In the paper an analysis is made of the Torsås municipality's labor market policy. The work also intends to structure the political organization and their cooperation with other players. The survey methods used were interviews and a case study. The essay results are based on two interviews.